====================== #debconf-video Meeting ====================== Meeting started by paddatrapper at 18:00:22 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2020/debconf-video.2020-07-16-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * rollcall (paddatrapper, 18:00:40) * Actions from last meeting (paddatrapper, 18:01:26) * presenter advice has been merged, but will see a couple more tweaks today (paddatrapper, 18:01:54) * LINK: https://ssa.paddatrapper.com/debconf-video/2020/debconf-video.2020-07-09-18.00.html (paddatrapper, 18:02:35) * olasd has set up RTMP streams with ~5s delay (paddatrapper, 18:03:01) * LINK: https://ssa.paddatrapper.com/debconf-video/2020/debconf-video.2020-07-09-18.00.html (olasd, 18:03:18) * Jitsi has been ansibled (paddatrapper, 18:03:21) * geopip script has been done (paddatrapper, 18:04:53) * AV sync in vocto with pre-recorded talks tested and working (paddatrapper, 18:05:08) * ACTION: tumbleweed to poke VNC on vocto machine (paddatrapper, 18:05:48) * SReview upload stuff in progress, something is there but needs more work (wouter, 18:05:49) * ACTION: wouter to finish up SReview upload and test (paddatrapper, 18:06:17) * ACTION: tumbleweed to add a list of available recordings to voctoweb and have them play on command (paddatrapper, 18:07:52) * ACTION: paddatrapper to investigate easy switching of Jitsi from 720p to 480p for large bofs (paddatrapper, 18:08:01) * Blocked salsa issues (paddatrapper, 18:09:32) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc20-online/-/issues (paddatrapper, 18:09:34) * AGREED: Have a 'easy mode' in voctoweb that hides some of the buttons and gives the user presets to work with (paddatrapper, 18:14:09) * ACTION: wouter to look at normalising pre-recorded talks in SReview (paddatrapper, 18:16:13) * Video stack (paddatrapper, 18:17:42) * AGREED: we will be using Voctoweb and not OBS (paddatrapper, 18:18:39) * ACTION: paddatrapper set up Jibri instances and ansible it (paddatrapper, 18:19:08) * AGREED: we won't rule out OBS fallback and some things that are not yet implemented in our vocto stack (e.g. sponsor loop with the current time) (paddatrapper, 18:22:15) * Streaming setup (paddatrapper, 18:28:47) * ACTION: olasd to update the docs for RTMP streaming option (paddatrapper, 18:36:08) * Advice/training for directors (/talkmeisters) (paddatrapper, 18:36:33) * ACTION: paddatrapper to start working on writing text documentation of our tools and our overall architecture (paddatrapper, 18:38:16) * AGREED: split the docs into a 'room layout' one for architecture and a director/talk meister one (paddatrapper, 18:41:48) * Advice/training for presenters (paddatrapper, 18:42:52) * LINK: https://debconf20.debconf.org/talks/statistics/ (paddatrapper, 18:44:01) * AGREED: we will create a pad with a checklist for people reviewing pre-recorded talks https://storm.debian.net/shared/qrG2PUSaMbSK2YK7JtdruXILp6VodsAcuQpbVFIs-Sh (paddatrapper, 18:52:25) * Any other business (paddatrapper, 18:53:58) * Upcoming meetings (paddatrapper, 18:55:24) * AGREED: Next meeting: 23 July 2020 @ 18:00 UTC (paddatrapper, 18:55:58) * AGREED: Postpone test runs a week to 24-26 July (paddatrapper, 18:58:39) * Any other business (paddatrapper, 18:58:51) * MiniDebConf Regensburg may be happening in September (paddatrapper, 19:00:25) * registration will determine if there is enough interest, opening in a few days (paddatrapper, 19:01:17) * LINK: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebConf/Video/VideoTeamDocs/NewVideoTeamHardware#Kit_list_per_talk_room (paddatrapper, 19:04:42) * ACTION: olasd to look at making a thomann basket for the missing equipment (paddatrapper, 19:12:42) Meeting ended at 19:15:38 UTC. Action Items ------------ * tumbleweed to poke VNC on vocto machine * wouter to finish up SReview upload and test * tumbleweed to add a list of available recordings to voctoweb and have them play on command * paddatrapper to investigate easy switching of Jitsi from 720p to 480p for large bofs * wouter to look at normalising pre-recorded talks in SReview * paddatrapper set up Jibri instances and ansible it * olasd to update the docs for RTMP streaming option * paddatrapper to start working on writing text documentation of our tools and our overall architecture * olasd to look at making a thomann basket for the missing equipment Action Items, by person ----------------------- * olasd * olasd to update the docs for RTMP streaming option * olasd to look at making a thomann basket for the missing equipment * paddatrapper * paddatrapper to investigate easy switching of Jitsi from 720p to 480p for large bofs * paddatrapper set up Jibri instances and ansible it * paddatrapper to start working on writing text documentation of our tools and our overall architecture * tumbleweed * tumbleweed to poke VNC on vocto machine * tumbleweed to add a list of available recordings to voctoweb and have them play on command * wouter * wouter to finish up SReview upload and test * wouter to look at normalising pre-recorded talks in SReview * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tumbleweed (92) * paddatrapper (83) * wouter (65) * olasd (35) * highvoltage (27) * pollo (27) * tobi (18) * CarlFK (4) * MeetBot (3) * nattie (3) * p2-mate (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot