====================== #debconf-video Meeting ====================== Meeting started by paddatrapper at 18:00:03 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2020/debconf-video.2020-09-03-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (paddatrapper, 18:00:20) * DC20 Review (paddatrapper, 18:01:38) * DC20 Review - recordings status (paddatrapper, 18:03:59) * Some talks missing from archive and some being misnamed (paddatrapper, 18:05:03) * YT uploads pending resolution of current state (paddatrapper, 18:06:10) * DC20 Review - Jitsi (paddatrapper, 18:06:31) * extra jibris helped mitigate directors forgetting to stop the stream (paddatrapper, 18:08:01) * AGREED: need to get real-time stream feed into Jitsi (paddatrapper, 18:15:19) * DC20 Review - Voctoweb (paddatrapper, 18:17:56) * AGREED: VoctoWeb worked very well (paddatrapper, 18:18:45) * the VU meters were not accurate (paddatrapper, 18:24:32) * AGREED: starting a recording from a specific point would be helpful (paddatrapper, 18:25:40) * AGREED: default presets and an advanced mode should be fine (paddatrapper, 18:30:54) * DC20 Review - Playback (paddatrapper, 18:31:23) * content were out of their depth on technical requirements for uploaded videos (paddatrapper, 18:35:03) * a mix of automated rejections on ingest and re-encode the successful submissions would help ensure consistency (paddatrapper, 18:38:03) * there was confusion about who should have been reviewing pre-recorded talks (paddatrapper, 18:43:28) * speakers need time to correct their talk if there are issues found in review (paddatrapper, 18:46:52) * DC20 Review - Loop (paddatrapper, 18:48:22) * the loop looked great, but was a lot of manual work (paddatrapper, 18:50:08) * highvoltage is gathering ideas for improvements (paddatrapper, 18:50:33) * OBS has a json config file for a profile, API and scripting host (paddatrapper, 18:53:37) * post-processing loop snippets is possibly a good avenue for volunteers (paddatrapper, 18:58:02) * DC20 Review - Grabber (paddatrapper, 18:58:08) * VNC was difficult to use, but grabber was used a lot (paddatrapper, 18:59:40) * potentially look into controlling the displayed section of the pad remotely to avoid needing VNC (paddatrapper, 19:03:37) * DC20 Review - Streaming (paddatrapper, 19:06:20) * the RTMP streams were very sensitive to network glitches between hosts (paddatrapper, 19:08:15) * the issues could potentially be fixed with monitoring and automated fixing (paddatrapper, 19:08:41) * ACTION: highvoltage to investigate HLS/Video.js tunable settings for switching resolutions (paddatrapper, 19:13:05) * shrinking the HLS segment length may help (paddatrapper, 19:16:29) * DC20 Review - Etherpad (paddatrapper, 19:19:46) * etherpad worked well, though it has accessibility problems (paddatrapper, 19:20:47) * ACTION: paddatrapper to send on the etherpad archive script (paddatrapper, 19:22:26) * look getting the content team to draw up etherpad default content (paddatrapper, 19:25:13) * we needed better moderation tools - salsa group access for example (paddatrapper, 19:27:28) * AGREED: if someone wants to look at alternatives, they're welcome to. Until then we stick with Etherpad (paddatrapper, 19:33:12) * DC20 Review - Audio (paddatrapper, 19:33:23) * compression could be a solution to a lot of audio issues we've had during the conf (jitsi levels, pre-recording levels) (olasd, 19:36:02) * gstreamer has a compression plugin (ladspa-dyson-compress-1403-so-dysoncompress) (olasd, 19:37:22) * AGREED: we should implement (configurable) compression in voctoweb playback (olasd, 19:42:01) * DC20 Review - SReview (highvoltage, 19:42:05) * Long Term Video setup for miniconferences (tumbleweed, 19:56:49) * ACTION: paddatrapper and highvoltage to work on hosting for permanent infra hosting for miniconfs, testing, etc (paddatrapper, 19:59:43) * Upcoming MiniDebConfs (paddatrapper, 20:05:52) * the excitement about minidebconfs is uncontainable and it seems that there might be a lot of them happening towards the end of the year (olasd, 20:06:14) * LINK: http://deb.li/i4Y5M (olasd, 20:20:32) * AGREED: that minidebconfs need to have their own volunteers (paddatrapper, 20:23:34) * AGREED: video team will provide training to minidebconf volunteers, and basic infra (olasd, 20:24:06) * Blog post / some sharing about videostack during this DebConf (paddatrapper, 20:25:43) * ACTION: paddatrapper and highvoltage to flesh out a blog post (paddatrapper, 20:33:04) * Next meeting (paddatrapper, 20:35:23) * ACTION: paddatrapper to poll for a new meeting day and time (paddatrapper, 20:36:43) Meeting ended at 20:37:07 UTC. Action Items ------------ * highvoltage to investigate HLS/Video.js tunable settings for switching resolutions * paddatrapper to send on the etherpad archive script * paddatrapper and highvoltage to work on hosting for permanent infra hosting for miniconfs, testing, etc * paddatrapper and highvoltage to flesh out a blog post * paddatrapper to poll for a new meeting day and time Action Items, by person ----------------------- * highvoltage * highvoltage to investigate HLS/Video.js tunable settings for switching resolutions * paddatrapper and highvoltage to work on hosting for permanent infra hosting for miniconfs, testing, etc * paddatrapper and highvoltage to flesh out a blog post * paddatrapper * paddatrapper to send on the etherpad archive script * paddatrapper and highvoltage to work on hosting for permanent infra hosting for miniconfs, testing, etc * paddatrapper and highvoltage to flesh out a blog post * paddatrapper to poll for a new meeting day and time * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tumbleweed (241) * highvoltage (206) * olasd (149) * paddatrapper (145) * pollo (42) * MeetBot (7) * gwolf (7) * terceiro (7) * phls (5) * nattie (4) * CarlFK (3) * nt1036 (1) * fil (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot