18:01:02 #startmeeting 18:01:02 Meeting started Thu Aug 5 18:01:02 2021 UTC. The chair is pollo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:09 #topic Roll Call 18:01:12 hello! 18:01:14 hi! 18:01:21 o/ 18:01:29 hi 18:01:29 sorry for starting without you 18:01:47 hello 18:02:17 #topic Review system 18:02:37 #info pollo and wouter just ran some tests, going well but more work seems necessary 18:03:10 just found & fixed a bug in the (new) FFmpeg audio normalizer 18:03:36 question for everyone: the upload processing has some new features since last year, where it can decide to skip transcoding if the video looks "good enough" 18:03:45 as well as reject an upload if something is problematic with it 18:03:59 I've enabled the feature that rejects the upload if the video is longer than the time scheduled for it 18:04:10 do we want to reject videos where the audio has a bit rate that is too low or some such? 18:04:20 or where the resolution is crappy? 18:04:53 (we can also just re-encode them if the bit rate or the resolution are too high, that's not a problem; but obviously SReview can't magically invent data that isn't there) 18:05:02 I think it would be nice features, but I think we're cutting it close 18:05:19 we should try to get the upload links published asap 18:05:21 I would issue warnings for all of those - else risk "your video is actuall ok, but the system won;t it be uploaded" 18:05:33 you get a proper error message 18:05:38 (well, some markup is broken, but meh) 18:05:48 iirc the deadline for uploads is august 14th 18:05:57 that still leaves ~a week 18:05:59 oh my 18:06:19 configuring those limits is not difficult, I can do that today 18:06:26 the question is whether we want it 18:06:32 wouter: no, the deadline for people to upload their video is aug 14th 18:06:43 preferably, we want the system to be working before that :) 18:06:46 pollo: yes, that is ~a week from now? 18:07:06 so I mean that if I fix things now, it leaves about a week for people to upload, which I think should be enough? 18:07:12 yes 18:07:43 configuring these limits is not too complicated, and that bit is well battle-tested (I used it for FOSDEM, with 600+ videos and all kinds of weird files thrown at it) 18:08:12 I'd say 320p is too low then 18:08:28 wfm 18:08:38 should we reject 8kHz audio, too? 18:08:56 yup, that's basically bad-phone-bitrate levels 18:09:13 it also excludes bluetooth audio headsets for recording though 18:09:35 (because BT HSP maxes out at that bitrate) 18:09:43 really? 18:09:47 (I'm pro, but...) 18:09:50 yes, really 18:10:02 AASP does not, but is one-way (audio playback only, no recording) 18:10:02 let's not check for audio bitrate then 18:10:32 okay, I'll only check video resolution then 18:10:47 can you tag that as agreed? Need to be a chair for that 18:11:28 #agreed we'll be automatically rejecting uploads that are too long or 320p and less 18:12:04 #topic Q&A webapp 18:12:09 hang on 18:12:13 #undi 18:12:15 #undo 18:12:15 Removing item from minutes: 18:12:29 as for post-event processing, I've sent a message to dsa to ask for a hole in the firewall 18:12:45 I haven't had as much time configuring encoder1 as I'd hoped last weekend 18:13:18 but I will work on that this week as much as possible 18:13:21 (done, now) 18:13:42 #info encoder1 still needs to be configured 18:13:44 #topic Q&A webapp 18:13:53 no changes, but I'll try to devote some time to it this week 18:14:08 fwiw, the grabber works 18:14:14 \o/ 18:14:25 worst case scenario, we can always fallback to using the etherpad 18:14:25 what still needs to happen for the Q&A webapp? 18:14:56 a bunch of UI things, like being able to delete questions, questions disapearing when they have been answered, etc 18:15:05 tumbleweed did a list last meeting 18:15:09 or the one before that 18:15:28 oh, sorry, forgot to check last week's minutes 18:15:44 (I updated the reminder in my phone so I shouldn't forget next week's meeting anymore...) 18:15:53 #topic DC21 infra 18:16:14 paddatrapper: have you had a chance to work on the VM size list? 18:16:24 not yet, hope to get to it tomorrowe 18:16:54 everything seems to work, but jibri: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/-/issues/83 18:17:11 xorg just eats all the RAM available and then crashes... 18:17:23 I've tried a bunch of things, but if someone else could have a look it would be nice 18:17:26 don't know if anyone cares, but I noticed earlier today that the Vagrant tests are failing currently 18:17:42 something with generating certificates that doesn't have pyopenssl or some such 18:17:46 yes, they have been for a while, it's an issue with the CI, not ansible 18:17:57 I can look at it tomorrow 18:17:59 I fixed the CI issue, I thought? 18:18:09 (it being jibri) 18:18:12 #action paddatrapper to have a look at https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/-/issues/83 18:18:14 thanks 18:18:19 it's not urgent, but I did want to mention it 18:18:34 #info the vagrant ansible CI is currently failing 18:19:12 jibri is the last piece missing for us to do an end-to-end test 18:19:35 when that's done I'll try to schedule something 18:19:43 anything else? 18:20:19 #topic DC21 schedule 18:20:35 that seems up and running 18:20:45 terceiro: can we start building a volunteer schedule, or are things still moving around too much? 18:20:56 there were some issues with SReview parsing it (the format had changed slightly since last year), but tumbleweed and I figured that out 18:21:59 #action pollo to set up the volunteer bits on the website 18:22:08 #topic New Video Archive Mirror 18:22:10 no news 18:22:17 #topic Any Other Business 18:22:25 I think we should boot that from the agenda until after debconf? 18:22:30 (archive mirror, that is) 18:22:38 is someone (like a content team or the video team) reviewing videos for basic quality issues? 18:22:55 nattie: ^^ ? 18:22:59 well, there's the automated checks, but nothing beyond that currently 18:23:04 AFAIK 18:23:47 wouter: we can do that in Sreview right? 18:23:58 yes, definitely 18:23:59 iirc that's what we did last time 18:24:26 I'm not sure if that's true, but FOSDEM definitely did 18:24:30 so the feature is there 18:24:45 wouter: please set it up then :) 18:24:54 it already is :) 18:25:18 #action pollo to prod valhalla and urbec to see if they can help us with pre-conf video quality checks 18:25:29 anything else? 18:26:51 #topic Next meeting 18:26:59 Debconf start soon! 18:27:01 next week still fine I think 18:27:28 Next Meeting Thursday August 12th from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC ? 18:27:34 wfm 18:27:58 sounds good 18:28:11 #agreed Next Meeting Thursday August 12th from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC 18:28:14 #endmeeting