#debconf-video Meeting
Meeting started by pollo at 16:02:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (pollo, 16:02:07)
- DC22 Post-Mortem -- pain points (pollo, 16:07:11)
- DC22 -- Status of published videos (pollo, 16:16:02)
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUtdmpYPTTL6_iJ3kpFtROmnacNg1R2S
has 84 videos (olasd,
- final videos have been published on our
archive, on Youtube and on Peertube (pollo,
- DC22 -- Archival of important bits (pollo, 16:17:13)
- DC22 -- Buying new gear? (pollo, 16:19:50)
- ACTION: paddatrapper
to look into an opsis replacement, possibly using Elgato gear
- https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/
- we are looking to buy 2 Focusrite Scarlette and
1 TBD HDMI capture box soonish (pollo,
- AGREED: we can
provide feedback on an eventual kit for Brazil, but we will let them
make a proposal first (pollo,
- DC22 -- Other (pollo, 16:36:50)
- Potential Autumn Sprint (pollo, 16:38:40)
- AGREED: pollo to send
a poll for an eventual October-ish, Thursday to Sunday videoteam
sprint (pollo,
- ACTION: pollo to set
up a wiki page for the event (pollo,
- Any Other Business (pollo, 16:47:39)
- https://share.riseup.net/#Eq14jJZrkP1jQQ38jsKLZg
- Next Meeting (pollo, 16:51:22)
- AGREED: Next Meeting
will be on Thursday August 18th at 16:00 UTC (pollo,
Meeting ended at 16:54:15 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- paddatrapper to look into an opsis replacement, possibly using Elgato gear
- pollo to set up a wiki page for the event
Action items, by person
- paddatrapper
- paddatrapper to look into an opsis replacement, possibly using Elgato gear
- pollo
- pollo to set up a wiki page for the event
People present (lines said)
- pollo (88)
- wouter (55)
- paddatrapper (35)
- olasd (32)
- highvoltage (8)
- tumbleweed (6)
- tumblingweed (4)
- nattie (3)
- MeetBot (2)
- CarlFK[m] (1)
- anupaannjoseph[m] (1)
- sahilister (1)
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