================================================================= #debconf-video: DebConf Video Team bi-weekly meeting (2024-05-30) ================================================================= Meeting started by olasd at 13:30:01 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-video/2024/debconf-video.2024-05-30-13.30.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: https://deb.li/ipVeE (olasd, 13:30:09) * 1. Roll Call (olasd, 13:30:20) * 2.1 DC24 - Rooms (olasd, 13:33:35) * 2.2 DC24 - Audio Equipment (olasd, 13:46:11) * ACTION: paddatrapper to look into the DI boxes and report (olasd, 13:52:39) * 2.3 DC24 - Video Equipment (olasd, 13:52:48) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-kr-team/DebConf/issues/-/issues/70 (Giyeonbang[m], 13:59:12) * quote for SDI and HDMI cables is https://salsa.debian.org/debian-kr-team/DebConf/issues/uploads/23205a7675d9b4c5a07a4cae707db283/%EC%A0%9C%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%98%EC%86%94%EB%A3%A8%EC%85%98_%EC%BC%80%EC%9D%B4%EB%B8%94_20240521.xls (olasd, 14:03:33) * 2.4 DC24 - Computers (olasd, 14:05:35) * 2.5 DC24 - Networks (olasd, 14:15:19) * network partnerships have been concluded to provide upstream connectivity for the event (olasd, 14:16:56) * 2.6 DC24 - AoB (olasd, 14:17:25) * wouter intends to push for AV1 live streams to be made available this year (olasd, 14:20:27) * 3. Berlin mini-DC (olasd, 14:21:36) * a minidebconf was had :-) (olasd, 14:21:54) * ACTION: wouter to look into the encoding issue for the last(?) remaining video (olasd, 14:24:56) * 4. Toulouse & Cambridge Mini-DebConfs (November 2024) (olasd, 14:26:34) * the Toulouse mini-dc will be part of a larger event, which typically doesn't have great video infra (pollo, 14:31:47) * 5. review of last meeting's actions (olasd, 14:33:13) * ACTION: olasd to purchase two more cardioid microphones (olasd, 14:33:53) * ACTION: olasd to purchase bits for more tally lights (olasd, 14:33:58) * 6. AoB? (olasd, 14:34:13) * 7. Next meeting (olasd, 14:35:01) * Next meeting on 2024-06-06 @ 13:30 UTC (olasd, 14:35:22) Meeting ended at 14:35:28 UTC. Action Items ------------ * paddatrapper to look into the DI boxes and report * wouter to look into the encoding issue for the last(?) remaining video * olasd to purchase two more cardioid microphones * olasd to purchase bits for more tally lights Action Items, by person ----------------------- * olasd * olasd to purchase two more cardioid microphones * olasd to purchase bits for more tally lights * paddatrapper * paddatrapper to look into the DI boxes and report * wouter * wouter to look into the encoding issue for the last(?) remaining video * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * olasd (70) * Giyeonbang[m] (38) * paddatrapper (20) * pollo (15) * wouter (11) * tumbleweed (5) * MeetBot (3) * CarlFK[m] (2) * GyeongtaekKim[m]12 (2) * weepingclown[m]1 (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot