13:31:12 #startmeeting 13:31:12 Meeting started Thu Jul 18 13:31:12 2024 UTC. The chair is olasd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:31:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:31:20 hello hello 13:31:31 0/ 13:31:33 #link https://deb.li/ipVeE 13:31:38 #topic 1. Roll Call 13:31:47 say hi if you're here for the meeting ;-) 13:32:00 ahhh i'm so used to video meetings. but this is an irc meeting, right? 13:32:11 yes 13:32:12 hi 13:32:23 O/ 13:33:02 I'm guessing the probability of having a tumbleweed around is pretty low; Giyeonbang[m]? 13:33:38 o/ 13:33:50 cool cool 13:34:06 #topic 2. DC24 13:34:12 #topic 2.1 Equipment Transport 13:34:15 O/ 13:34:29 hi weez! 13:34:34 #info the transport is booked from ICN to Busan 13:34:48 I'll check back with them before boarding 13:35:37 (via tripeasy, booked via klook, with confirmation via whatsapp) 13:35:52 Cool~ 13:35:53 they should deliver to the dorm, or to the engineering 1 building, we'll see... 13:36:02 they're next door so should not be an issue 13:36:39 #topic 2.2 other issues 13:36:42 any other issues? 13:36:47 If something issue orccur, you can contact to me. 13:37:15 I was bought some HDCP related device. 13:37:19 ah, cool 13:37:40 And It works. :) 13:37:42 (i'm sorry i have to head to the bus+train but can read this later on, just can't comment/write, thanks pollo for taking care) 13:37:52 How many devices we needs? 13:38:07 we need three of them; how long did delivery take? if the delivery was short I would suggest waiting for the first day or two of DebCamp to try it out, and order more if we're happy 13:38:36 I believe CarlFK[m] and eevelweezel[m]1 will have some devices for us to test, and I have one as well 13:38:55 so, no need to order more just yet, IMO 13:39:14 OK, I will ask the local team to purchase it. Maybe jmkim need to check. 13:39:54 Giyeonbang[m]: please wait until we're here, we can decide if we need more. it only took a few days to get delivered, right ? 13:40:02 I don't have anything that helps 13:40:09 ok 13:40:38 OK, Even if you order in a hurry, it arrives very quickly (almost +1Day) since it is from Korea. 13:40:45 great 13:41:04 #info Giyeonbang[m] has one working HDCP stripper, it got delivered within two days, we'll assess whether we want more of them at DebCamp 13:41:31 anything else? 13:42:07 Ah, maybe I can forgot some mini-tripod. 13:42:38 Please let me send to noti. for remind. 13:43:05 s/forgot/forgot bring 13:43:16 right 13:43:29 #topic 2.3 Notes from/to the infra team 13:43:52 any such remarks from the infra team? at this point I'm guessing everything will be dealt with on site... 13:45:06 Our local infra team just start network related job at today. :) 13:45:16 great! 13:45:18 I mean there in Busan. 13:45:19 hope all goes well 13:45:37 #info infra team has started bringing up the network 13:45:42 And they will keep write this wiki page(s). 13:45:44 https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Infrastructure 13:45:55 #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/Infrastructure 13:46:19 great, thanks 13:46:28 looking forward to meet you in person! 13:46:48 #topic 3. Berlin mini-DC (May 14th to 21st) 13:48:00 So, we've had a request to remove a video. I don't think there's any reason not to do it 13:48:20 this won't guarantee that people haven't made copies, they've been public for a while 13:49:09 #action olasd to look at the video removal during the first days of DebCamp 13:49:20 #topic 4. Mini-DebConf Cambridge (October 10th to 13th 2024) 13:49:30 paddatrapper: any contact with the orga team? 13:49:50 Not yet. Been too busy getting stuff sorted for travel 13:49:57 ack 13:50:05 Will do in the first few days of DebCamp 13:50:19 #action paddatrapper to get in touch with the CBG orga during DebCamp 13:50:31 #topic 5. Mini-DebConf Toulouse (November 2024) 13:50:43 I've not done anything either 13:50:52 #action olasd to get in touch with the TLS orga during DebCamp 13:51:04 * taffit touches olasd. 13:51:05 #topic 6.Review of last meeting's actions 13:52:00 #action tumbleweed to do uploads of MDC-BER to Peertube and youtube (after removal of the withdrawn video) 13:52:26 #topic 7. Any other business 13:52:56 looking forward to traveling for 20 hours (not) tomorrow... 13:53:24 oh meeting going on? 13:53:31 ... yes 13:53:33 mandatory o/ 13:54:25 alright 13:54:32 #topic 8. Next meeting 13:54:39 #info see you at DebCamp! 13:54:51 #endmeeting