========================== #debconf15-germany Meeting ========================== Meeting started by madduck at 18:58:26 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf15-germany/2013/debconf15-germany.2013-10-30-18.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * next steps in the bid process (madduck, 19:00:14) * AGREED: Submit options A and B (equivalent) and suggest that we have more in the pipeline, if need be. Prevent coming across as not knowing what we're doing. (madduck, 19:07:08) * AGREED: We will prepare a wikipage with two columns for option A and B, and a section about the other options. (madduck, 19:10:04) * AGREED: There will be only one bid from Germany. (madduck, 19:14:23) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/action/history/DebConf15/Bids/Mechelen (richih_xchat, 19:15:11) * Heidelberg updates (madduck, 19:16:11) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/PossibleVenues/Koppelsberg#fast_Internet (cts_, 19:20:17) * Koppelsberg (madduck, 19:20:23) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/PossibleVenues/Koppelsberg#fast_Internet (madduck, 19:20:26) * LINK: http://wiki.ubnt.com/Getting_Started_with_airMAX (madduck, 19:23:15) * LINK: http://www.heise.de/ix/artikel/Fleckenreiniger-794676.html (cts_, 19:24:26) * ACTION: pixelpapst, cts_ Figure out as much as they can about networking in Plön for the next meeting, then we revisit Plön. (madduck, 19:34:12) * Treuchtlingen (madduck, 19:35:44) * LINK: http://debconf.treuchtlingen.de/doku.php#accommodation (madduck, 19:46:37) * ACTION: madduck collects everything he can, especially accomodation, about Treuchtlingen for next meeting. (madduck, 19:48:45) * AGREED: Treuchtlingen bekommt eine Chance? (madduck, 19:48:51) * Nürnberg (madduck, 19:49:09) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/PossibleVenues/JugendherbergeNuernberg (richih_xchat, 19:49:44) * ACTION: richih_xchat researches rooming until next meeting (madduck, 19:56:45) * next meeting (madduck, 19:56:50) * AGREED: Next meeting 6 Nov 20:00 CET (madduck, 19:57:47) * other medium list venues (madduck, 19:57:58) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/PossibleVenues/Munich ? (richih_xchat, 19:58:23) * München (madduck, 20:00:04) * ACTION: madduck und nisre klären Zeitpunkt/Semester/etc. ab. (madduck, 20:13:29) * ACTION: madduck, nisre find alternative catering for Munich (madduck, 20:19:53) * ACTION: madduck, nisre try to negotiate opening of the StuCafe (madduck, 20:20:02) * IDEA: JGH might do catering for Munich (madduck, 20:22:50) * ACTION: nisre does an express survey and madduck submits an example schedule for the dean of HM (madduck, 20:25:49) * Bauchgefühle (madduck, 20:34:37) Meeting ended at 20:47:08 UTC. Action Items ------------ * pixelpapst, cts_ Figure out as much as they can about networking in Plön for the next meeting, then we revisit Plön. * madduck collects everything he can, especially accomodation, about Treuchtlingen for next meeting. * richih_xchat researches rooming until next meeting * madduck und nisre klären Zeitpunkt/Semester/etc. ab. * madduck, nisre find alternative catering for Munich * madduck, nisre try to negotiate opening of the StuCafe * nisre does an express survey and madduck submits an example schedule for the dean of HM Action Items, by person ----------------------- * cts_ * pixelpapst, cts_ Figure out as much as they can about networking in Plön for the next meeting, then we revisit Plön. * madduck * madduck collects everything he can, especially accomodation, about Treuchtlingen for next meeting. * madduck und nisre klären Zeitpunkt/Semester/etc. ab. * madduck, nisre find alternative catering for Munich * madduck, nisre try to negotiate opening of the StuCafe * nisre does an express survey and madduck submits an example schedule for the dean of HM * nisre * madduck und nisre klären Zeitpunkt/Semester/etc. ab. * madduck, nisre find alternative catering for Munich * madduck, nisre try to negotiate opening of the StuCafe * nisre does an express survey and madduck submits an example schedule for the dean of HM * pixelpapst * pixelpapst, cts_ Figure out as much as they can about networking in Plön for the next meeting, then we revisit Plön. * richih_xchat * richih_xchat researches rooming until next meeting * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * madduck (311) * richih_xchat (127) * cts_ (74) * marga (65) * _rene_ (45) * pixelpapst (39) * tokkee (33) * nisre (26) * rhalina (14) * XTaran (12) * MeetBot (8) * deknos (7) * bzed (6) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot