19:59:44 #startmeeting 19:59:44 Meeting started Mon Mar 9 19:59:44 2015 UTC. The chair is madduck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:59:44 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:59:56 . 19:59:58 let's have a show of hands to know who's around 20:00:00 . 20:00:25 o/ hello 20:01:00 * _rene_ waves 20:01:14 okay, well, maybe we can keep this short… let's go. 20:01:22 #topic conf dinner 20:01:37 so loni has obtained some tenders 20:01:44 and we met last week to discuss them 20:02:06 and we're reasonably sure that we have cool conf dinner plans and within budget 20:02:25 loni: do you want to give a quick update? 20:02:30 or should i? 20:02:48 which ever you prefer 20:03:12 so i did 20:03:30 we had the "waldschenke" as our favorite 20:03:36 #info conf dinner will most likely be held at a beergarden! http://www.waldschenke-heidelberg.de/ 20:04:08 we get 3 or 4 menue options 20:04:25 whith local german food 20:04:40 so it's a bit like dc13 where we had coloured badges and pre-ordered food that would then get served to the tables 20:05:14 if weather is bad they offer tents for 100-150 people 20:05:29 #info 3–4 selections (1–2 veg, vegan options inquired) for pre-order, table service 20:05:53 #info spacious beergarden, but tents for 100–150 people each if weather is bad 20:06:18 * RichiH is still not 100% sure why on-table buffet is not a good idea 20:06:28 <_rene_> so we need to ask people what they want beforehand? (summit, wiki) 20:06:30 do we get a discount on the drinks prices? 20:06:33 we get a drinking flat 20:06:36 cool 20:06:37 DLange: drinks included 20:06:43 RichiH: because we fear the vegetarian food will be gone too quickly 20:07:07 that assumes antisocial people at ever tabe 20:07:09 table* 20:07:23 DLange, loni: thought we should probably consider selling e.g. alcoholic beverage vouchers for 5€ or so 20:07:40 why? 20:07:51 well the idea is that everbody eats vegan & veggie and these folks don't eat the rest 20:08:08 well, it's a good way to get some money and paying for alcohol at debconf out of debian funds is always a bit slippery 20:08:31 you mean we include non-alc, but you pay for alc? 20:08:34 DLange: yeah, but not at the waldschenke 20:08:48 RichiH: yeah, non-alc included and 5€/person for a alc flatrate for the evening 20:09:15 okay, why not, but i think that the flat ends sometime and then we have to pay anyway 20:09:25 <_rene_> DLange: _please_ stop this veggie/vegan missionary. thanks. (assuming you didn't mean it sarcastic.) 20:09:26 which will be fine 20:09:33 loni: will we have exclusivity that evening? 20:09:37 _rene_: I'm a meat eater. 20:09:50 <_rene_> ah, ok, then nevermind :) 20:09:55 dont know, ill ask 20:10:24 #action loni and madduck to investigate the "alcoholic beverage voucher" to prevent paying for alcohol with debian funds. 20:10:34 #action loni to ask about exclusivity 20:10:35 madduck: we could do two beer voucher each and any other drinks flat 20:10:40 (just an idea) 20:10:59 DLange: I prefer 5€ beer flatrate for the night 20:11:06 I think we'd be on the safe not to hand out vouchers for alcohol 20:11:18 put provide non-alcoholic soft drinks 20:11:19 azeem: but we can (should?) sell them… 20:11:23 well, right 20:11:28 ok 20:11:31 azeem: it's not about handing them out 20:11:33 i think so too 20:11:41 it's about making people pay for alc 20:11:54 * RichiH is not sure that makes a lot of sense, but he is not sure he objects, either 20:11:56 because ... spoilsport 20:11:57 suspiciously, I couldn't find beer prices on their website off-hand 20:12:08 RichiH: understood then 20:12:12 azeem: http://www.waldschenke-heidelberg.de/speisekarte_getraenke.php 20:12:14 as to the table buffet, i still maintain that that's better than menues 20:12:20 plus, they will refill stuff anyway 20:12:25 azeem: loni managed to get an offer for about 28€/person drinks included at 1/3 veggie and 2/3 meat 20:12:31 DLange: that's reasonable 20:12:34 if a table eats more veggies... refill the veggies 20:12:43 lol 20:12:50 if they eat more cow, shoot an animal 20:12:50 RichiH: come up with a plan that avoids dc13 veggie food troubls, ok? 20:13:04 sufficient supply 20:13:07 I kinda like the buffet idea as well, but madduck's concerns are valid 20:13:11 madduck: on-table buffet, staff is told to refill as needed 20:13:13 done 20:13:14 RichiH: if it is guaranteed that the veggie/vegan food is truly undepletable, then yes 20:13:26 undepletable, no 20:13:35 but then, we don't need that 20:13:43 okay, can you be in charge of figuring this out? 20:13:52 if it lasts one or two hundred years, we're good 20:13:54 <_rene_> one can make it not that good that "meat eaters" don't prefer it. problem solved ;) 20:14:15 _rene_: good idea. raw potato skins it is 20:14:15 _rene_: … 20:14:20 RichiH: yes? 20:14:23 * madduck wants to move on 20:14:24 yes 20:14:26 #action RichiH in charge to figure out served dishes vs. table buffet 20:14:34 <_rene_> madduck: note that I did add a smiley 20:14:40 s/richih/loni/ :) 20:14:50 you two figure that out internally 20:14:51 note that I did add a smiley 20:15:21 loni: we should make sure that we get answers soon, so please ping them next week if you didn't hear back 20:15:43 yes, ill call on wednesday 20:16:21 Ctrl-Q apparently still works on a Mac :) 20:16:52 wb 20:16:54 welcome back ;) 20:17:02 ffs 20:17:07 irssi segfaulted 20:17:11 now we get to find out if MeetBot copes with that 20:17:25 are we done on this topic? 20:17:29 o/ 20:17:36 yes 20:17:39 do we need transportation to get there? 20:17:48 it looks kinda close 20:18:05 yes, we have offer from buscompany 20:18:10 it's walkable, but not for everyone 20:18:27 so the idea is that we tell the day trip bus company to make 1–3 busses available for us that night too 20:18:32 right, I think we should at least suggest people hike there 20:18:38 that's also within budget 20:18:39 or that 20:19:22 remembering the walk from the YH to the city last year... i prefer the bus 20:19:40 * azeem fondly remembers it 20:19:44 anyway, move on? 20:19:46 #info bus company of day trip might provide busses too, not for everyone but for those who don't want to walk. that would be within budget too 20:19:50 And it really depends on the weather 20:19:51 right 20:20:04 #topic job fair, booths 20:20:11 yay meetbot 20:20:26 so sponsors keep asking about it 20:20:34 and we should fix the basics 20:20:41 e.g. what we offer 20:20:53 and then get in touch with youth hostel and furniture rental companies, maybe, 20:21:00 (I'm not sure that's a local team item) 20:21:18 it is, I think, because it mostly depends on what's possible 20:21:38 we certainly need to make a move here and this was our™ idea 20:21:49 ok right, be I really think we should run our plan by global to not get a big messup when people are surprised on-site 20:21:50 so we should drive this IMHO 20:21:54 How much space do we actually have and how much booth have to share this space? 20:21:55 *nod* 20:22:11 azeem: yeah sure, but we need to get a concrete plan, and we need it SOON 20:22:27 jmux: we don't know the number of booths until we can reach out and ask sponsors 20:22:36 and we can't ask sponsors if we don't have *some* details to give 20:22:41 So they expect us to prepare the booths? I thought companies would bring their own stuff... 20:23:01 they need to know the space 20:23:04 i think we should stop at specifying the area we allocate, and the furniture that is available if needed 20:23:04 I think it would make sense if we at least offer them to provide something 20:23:07 and how many people they can bring 20:23:07 everything else is up to them 20:23:18 otherwise they come along with crazy CeBit booths 20:23:24 for job fair, we've been saying "table, standing desk, two chairs" 20:23:25 table + a few chairs are common 20:23:33 not much sense to log these around the country 20:23:52 right, and the table, standing desk and chairs we'll provide, and if we have to rent them ourselves 20:24:07 so I doubt IBM and Matanel will want to have a booth 20:24:14 not sure about Sipgate, also doubt it TBH 20:24:15 can someone collect all this on a wiki and drive this forward so that we can have a good plan for the dc-team meeting? 20:24:26 so one table that goes with two chairs and a seperate standing desk? 20:24:34 DLange: that's job fair 20:24:44 DLange: table for materials, chairs for resting, standing desk for talking, or whatever else they want 20:24:54 o.k. 20:24:55 showcase-booth: 1 table, 2 chairs. 20:24:59 would be my suggestion 20:25:08 we could offer the same for ... what madduck says 20:25:13 for the job fair, probably Barhocker or what's it called makes sense 20:25:39 we need someone to drive this and that person can make all these decisions… ;) 20:26:16 were's the budget for that hidden in the .ods? (which line item?) 20:26:23 it's not in there. 20:26:29 not good 20:26:48 that's because we have no details. 20:26:53 i am not worried though 20:27:04 can someone please take this and be the driver? 20:27:19 well, we should definitely add a line item "furniture rentals" and then fill that with life 20:27:24 I can take that topic 20:27:28 cool 20:27:39 can you give us a tentative deadline? 20:28:03 who can provide me with the info reg. the location (I only have RichiH's pictures so far)? 20:28:16 i will link you with the guy at the youth hostel 20:28:20 i don't think there's much more than my pics 20:28:25 yah, was about to suggest that 20:28:27 o.k., then two weeks 20:28:38 #action DLange to work out specs for job fair and showcase booths in collaboration with youth hostel and rental companies by 2015-03-23 20:28:41 DLange: also, please try and make a plan on what sponsor goes where 20:28:41 thank you! 20:28:50 without a layout, people start to compete for the "best" places 20:28:52 that can be later 20:28:54 and you don't wnat that 20:28:59 RichiH: will do but after the basic what & how much 20:29:00 for now we need a plan 20:29:06 great. moving on 20:29:10 #topic day trip 20:29:11 wait 20:29:19 #topic job fair, booths #2 20:29:20 do we have a cutoff deadline for gold sponsors? 20:29:31 or was that decided already? 20:29:43 once we have more than enough money I'd say 20:29:43 not decided. 20:29:46 i.e. when will have to tell gold sponsors "sorry the booths are finalized"? 20:29:50 k 20:30:04 azeem: depends a lot on how many booths there will be 20:30:04 (prospective new gold sponsors, I mean) 20:30:16 so we need to ask the existing sponsors ASAP about their plans 20:30:39 but it's good to keep in mind 20:30:43 as I wrote above, at this point we are at 2-3 booths I'd say 20:31:01 #info We should consider a cut-off for gold-sponsors and figure this out ASAP because we can only have so many booths 20:31:06 alright, now moving on 20:31:10 #topic day trip 20:31:13 well, we need to figure out the max ASAP 20:31:14 but yeah 20:31:23 DLange: hopefully will have this in two weeks 20:31:33 we'll have something 20:31:37 has anyone been able to make progresss on the day trip? 20:31:44 Zugschlus: about that train ride? 20:31:52 loni: I think you were onto some leads? 20:32:22 <_rene_> sorry, no, I promised to call the museum(s) but didn't get round to it until I forgot... 20:33:14 we really need to have a plan also for organising of busses 20:33:14 * _rene_ makes a note 20:33:37 i put some ideas in the wiki 20:33:39 Two weeks ago I threatened that if noone organises this, I will do it and nobody can later complain… 20:34:52 looking at the conf dinner, one slacker option would be "sleep long, then walk into town, get a tour of the castle and enjoy the old city, then hike over to the conf dinner" 20:34:59 what we need is someone to make a plan, e.g. 9:00 departure by bus; 10–12 hike at X; 12–14 lunch; 14–16 swimming; 16–17 bus transfer 20:35:15 the conf dinner is on thursday, azeem 20:35:22 the day trip is on wednesday 20:35:34 long hike to the city 20:35:37 easy 20:35:47 madduck: is there a reason why? 20:35:48 marga and several others considered city/castle boring 20:35:57 azeem: we agreed last meeting. please look at minutes 20:36:01 ok, cool 20:36:16 anyway, I meant that as an additional option, not as a replacement 20:36:30 alright, this is clearly not enticing enough for people to step up 20:37:01 * madduck narfs 20:37:09 there's thpse caves 20:37:15 but they are half a day trip 20:37:21 that's fine 20:37:28 the second half can just be hanging out on a meadow 20:37:29 else, i am not sure i really have an opinion 20:37:33 or swimming 20:37:41 sports, frisbee 20:37:43 whatever 20:37:44 there's a roman city nearby, iirc 20:38:07 madduck will figure something out... 20:38:09 https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/DayTripIdeas has lots of idea too. What we need is someone to plan a day. 20:39:14 DLange: I am really not too happy about this. I mean, I will do it, but it's not like I don't have enough other stuff on my dc15 table already 20:39:36 sure, but as we said two weeks ago, this is a job for a local 20:39:42 it's not. 20:39:43 I think we can push it back some more 20:39:53 azeem: we need info for negotiations with the bus company 20:39:59 but yes, it can wait. 20:40:07 do you think pushing this back will solve things?? 20:40:29 no, but freaking out now doesn't, either 20:40:48 besides, I'm concentrating on the CfP for now 20:41:01 oh, not freaking out. just that this has been on the agenda for more than half a year 20:41:09 right\ 20:41:10 it seems nobody wants to organise a day trip 20:41:21 madduck: train ride zilch at the moment, noone bothered to reply yet 20:41:25 so maybe the best would be to write to dc-team that there won't be a day trip unless someone organises it? 20:41:25 but we had DebConf where we started planning the day trip *during debcamp* 20:41:59 if you give people a free day they will figure something out 20:42:09 can we agree that I'll email dc-team and explain to them in kind words the situation and hope someone steps up? 20:42:18 DLange: that used to an option as well, of course 20:42:30 madduck: +1 from me 20:42:35 madduck: well, what's the situation? 20:42:38 DLange: makes it hard for food planning though as we have to let the hostel know 4 weeks in advance if we want bagged lunches 20:42:56 yah, we should try and plan in advance 20:43:02 and yah, we should tell the list 20:43:02 azeem: the situation is that noone in dc15-team has stepped up to organise a day trip and so we invite others to join. 20:43:09 but no, people will not step up 20:43:28 fair enough 20:43:59 i am at an impasse here. Yes, I could organise it, but I feel like I just should not. 20:44:08 hope this makes sense 20:44:13 well, to some degree 20:44:42 we can try and then in a few weeks we're at the same spot and may be then we go for the "free time" option. Which means no packed lunches. Stuff can be bought in shops. So no real issue. 20:44:45 madduck: but yeah, I think it makes sense to write to team again (probably CC the local list) 20:45:13 DLange: I think that's the option we should pull in mid-July 20:45:18 #action madduck to write to dc-team explaining the daytrip situation and asking for help. 20:45:25 #topic child care 20:45:28 A nice day trip is a boat tour to Neckartsteinach and then a tour of the castles + Dilsberg is quite nice. Alternatively a bike tour along the Neckar towards Mannheim (just nice nature, swimming, chilling, no "sightseeing") is a great day trip if you'd rather hang out in the sun, enjoy some skinny dipping and relax. 20:45:44 #topic day trip #2 20:45:44 babilen: please put it on the wiki 20:45:49 azeem: ack 20:45:50 babilen: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/DayTripIdeas 20:45:52 and can rent 300 bikes... 20:45:59 babilen! how about you organise it. you are basically the most local! ;) 20:46:11 and yes, I think a boat tour and some wine tasting or so would be typical 20:46:33 I'll put it on the wiki 20:46:35 if we want a boat tour, we need to get moving ASAP; I would be tempted to believe that it's already too late 20:47:06 alright 20:47:10 #topic child care 20:47:13 i contacted some childcare facilities for offers 20:47:25 but not much response 20:47:29 #link https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/Germany/ChildCare 20:47:41 i think the main question we have it "what do we want to offer" 20:47:59 we should also keep in mind that the verein should probably not engage in this 20:48:12 so either we facilitate access to some babysitters that the parents pay directly 20:48:28 or we find a provider that we can contract to serve the parents directly 20:48:54 no matter which, we agree that we don't want to assume legal risk 20:49:45 do we want parents to pay or do we try to cover it with the normal budget? 20:49:50 parents 20:50:30 so child-care is pre reg, reserve a space and then have professionals come in that parents have pre-paid to a escrow account? 20:50:55 dunno; wouldn't that lead to people asking for sponsored child care? 20:51:05 given that food/accom is sponsored as well 20:51:09 it won't be that expensive 20:51:12 it would help to have nattie here 20:51:13 basically we just need babbysitters 20:51:25 first we have to find someone who offers it 20:51:29 and those get paid minimum wage at most 20:51:40 loni: studierendenwerk might be able to organise babysitters 20:51:41 also, we need to know for how long we want to offer childcare 20:51:42 and something to sit with. You can't have 1 month ... 15 yr olds all play with their feet all day 20:51:47 and thats not the best time for this in august 20:51:47 and what age brackets to cover 20:51:48 also, on heidelberg.de there is a babysitterbörse 20:51:51 personally, if it's just a matter of money and not legal liability, I'd prefer DebConf could pay it 20:51:54 you can't mix a 8yo with a baby 20:52:07 RichiH: sure you can. 20:52:11 madduck: a babysitter is not legally required to know jack shit 20:52:25 if anything happens, and we facilitated it, meh 20:52:30 legal repercussions or not 20:52:56 no, we would make sure that the parents know that we link them up with babysitters and they can leave their kids with them if they want 20:53:03 if they don't, then they can stick around 20:53:10 we would make parents sign a waiver 20:53:12 so are people per se encouraged to bring kids along or is this a "nobody available at home" extraordinary measure? 20:53:13 if you take a kindergarten teacher or similar, they will have whatever the local requirements are 20:53:38 most likely including emergency procedures for children, etc 20:53:49 DLange: the former 20:53:50 DLange: we are sort of in the middle of possibly migrating from one to the other 20:54:02 historically, we didn't offer anything 20:54:14 but more and more of us are churning out babies 20:54:15 RichiH: there are no legal requirements. the jugendamt made it clear that we can work with babysitters 20:54:18 the easiest solution is to keep it that way 20:54:43 right, but there is interest to provide a better experience here 20:54:44 madduck: kindergarten teachers don't earn a lot more and they are the safer bet 20:54:46 so yes, we should ensure that first aid is available 20:54:59 what did you ask the jugendamt and can we read that exchange? 20:55:03 hospitals are near :) 20:55:17 RichiH: i put most of it on the wiki, but I will bounce the messages too 20:55:24 however, most of it was a long phone call 20:56:01 loni: do you know what's going on with formorer? are you still in charge of this topic? 20:56:10 if not, who is? what about Ganneff? 20:56:25 i wrote a update to nattie one or two weeks ago 20:56:32 formorer i dont heard from 20:56:45 i have asked http://www.hedu-natur.de/cms/website.php for an offer 20:56:52 they do conference child care worldwide 20:57:17 looks nice 20:57:21 http://www.hedu-natur.de/cms/website.php?id=unternehmen/kinderbetreuung/kongress.html 20:57:29 i am afraid it'll be too expensive though 20:57:34 but it would be awesome 20:57:52 however, this is the sort of "drop you child off and then they go outside and you can pick up the child at the end of the day again" programme 20:57:52 Betreuung in homogenen Altersgruppen (z.B. von 2 bis 5, 6 bis 9 und 10 bis 14 Jahren) 20:57:52 Well - they do a lot more the baby sitting 20:57:55 not sure we're ready for this. 20:58:12 21:52:22 < RichiH> you can't mix a 8yo with a baby 20:58:25 but it's either this, or babysitter facilitation by us and direct engagement by the parents. 20:58:53 anyway, i think enough has been said and we are almost out of time. 20:59:10 how many kids could be watched by a babysitter on same time 20:59:23 I guess we also need a deadline for child care - there is a difference having 10 or 30 kids around 20:59:33 at least in bavaria, there's a key to how many children one adult may take care of 20:59:34 loni: depends on the kids and the babysitter ;) 20:59:44 RichiH: we don't need to worry about those legal requirements at all 20:59:47 since we are a private event 20:59:48 yeah but legaly 20:59:52 ok 21:00:15 * DLange sees loni ring up her grandparents tomorrow :) 21:00:16 madduck: if one chokes to death due to neglet, i am sure we will have a lot of fun explaining this 21:00:17 I think that only applied to public daycare 21:00:21 to the police and to the community 21:01:07 i think we should revive the debconf-kids mailing list, get people on and discuss it there. 21:02:00 #action madduck to revive the debconf-kids mailing list and usher people there, then to kickstart the discussion. 21:02:06 #topic press work 21:02:34 RichiH: sorry, my contact didn't reply, and I ran out of time today. I have asked a friend at Münchner Merkur for help. I will meet her on Wednesday for lunch… 21:02:39 anything else about this? 21:03:03 if the CfP is going out tomorrow, and we can get the press release out next week, I think we're all good. 21:03:08 not really. i am waiting for feedback. as soon as we are done, i will translate to english and we will send it out 21:03:18 if someone gets in touch with local press in Mannheim, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, and they want someone local to talk to, I can do that. 21:03:21 do we know how to list the press clippings now (debconf website vs. debian wiki)? 21:03:23 also, we will bounce it off of the FSFE so they can forward 21:03:40 DLange: http://debconf15.debconf.org/coverage.xhtml 21:03:51 there is also a local TV station, rhein-neckar-fernsehen 21:03:54 there is also https://wiki.debian.org/PressCoverage2015 21:04:10 Zugschlus: yeah, it'll be really good to get into local media, though i'd say may or so… 21:04:20 there is also unKonf and the BarCampRN 21:04:27 in may 21:04:40 Zugschlus: can you _talk_ to them, or _contact_ them? 21:04:42 and I've asked them to help us and they probably would let us use their press contacts 21:05:41 #info aim for *main* press release in the third quarter of march or so; local media later. unKonf/BarCampRN might be able to help 21:05:52 RichiH: I can talk to them if they want someone local to talk to. I have serious issues with phoning strangers 21:06:35 we have a press phone number. currently that goes to me and richih and voicemail 21:06:59 #info there is a press contact phone number currently forwarding to madduck, RichiH and voicemail 21:07:14 #action RichiH to keep at sorting out press@debconf.org please 21:07:25 it is ok for me to _take_ calls, and to phone up people I have already known, but phoning up totally new people gives me the shakes 21:07:36 I'd rather avoid that 21:07:43 so I think we should end this meeting now, move the other topics to the next meeting 21:07:51 which… is in two weeks, same time and space? 21:07:58 or can we do 20:30? 21:08:21 nah, let's leave it at 21:00 21:08:27 i can suck it up 21:08:30 thanks, I think that's less confusing 21:08:32 sorry 21:08:33 both is fine 21:08:49 azeem: i have a 5:00 morning schedule these days, so ;) 21:08:59 ouch 21:09:06 #agreed next meeting 2015-03-23 1900 UTC 21:09:07 gn then, quick! :) 21:09:08 #endmeeting