========================== #debconf15-germany Meeting ========================== Meeting started by marga at 19:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf15-germany/2015/debconf15-germany.2015-04-20-19.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (marga, 19:00:18) * Conference Dinner (marga, 19:00:56) * The restaurant made a mistake. The chairs have been asked to extend budget accordingly. We're waiting for that. (marga, 19:00:57) * Even though the offer is now more expensive than before it's still much cheaper than all other options we have. (marga, 19:03:43) * Job fair, showcase booths (marga, 19:06:31) * Zugschlus has been to the venue last weekend and measured the spaces. Currently waiting for him to upload the data (marga, 19:07:46) * Child care (marga, 19:08:45) * ACTION: nattie to negotiate changing the budget for childcare, which would allow going with he.du option (marga, 19:25:46) * ACTION: madduck will send any other info he has regarding chilcare investigation to loni & nattie. (marga, 19:31:19) * Open weekend plan / webpage (marga, 19:31:27) * ACTION: maxy to formalize schedule finishing by sending it to debconf-team (marga, 19:36:37) * Content team will post a blogpost about the OpenWeekend soon. (marga, 19:36:51) * DayTrip (marga, 19:37:34) * ACTION: thkoch is the DayTrip leader. hvhaugwitz volunteers to help (marga, 19:46:21) * Getting there webpage (marga, 19:47:47) * Zugschlus took pictures, they should get added to the page in the near future between Zugschlus and _rene_ (marga, 19:48:44) * T-shirts / Conf bags (marga, 19:48:53) * LINK: https://wiki.debconf.org/upload/d/d3/Dc15-T-shirt-proposal2.svg (DLange, 19:49:15) * feedback should be sent to DLange and nattie regarding the T-shirts layouts (marga, 19:51:54) * Arrivals, local transport (marga, 19:55:01) * Bistro selection (marga, 20:01:14) * ACTION: DLange to make a list of things that we want to ask from the bistro (marga, 20:11:42) * ACTION: madduck to talk with the hostel to coordinate this (marga, 20:12:18) Meeting ended at 20:12:40 UTC. Action Items ------------ * nattie to negotiate changing the budget for childcare, which would allow going with he.du option * madduck will send any other info he has regarding chilcare investigation to loni & nattie. * maxy to formalize schedule finishing by sending it to debconf-team * thkoch is the DayTrip leader. hvhaugwitz volunteers to help * DLange to make a list of things that we want to ask from the bistro * madduck to talk with the hostel to coordinate this Action Items, by person ----------------------- * DLange * DLange to make a list of things that we want to ask from the bistro * hvhaugwitz * thkoch is the DayTrip leader. hvhaugwitz volunteers to help * loni * madduck will send any other info he has regarding chilcare investigation to loni & nattie. * madduck * madduck will send any other info he has regarding chilcare investigation to loni & nattie. * madduck to talk with the hostel to coordinate this * maxy * maxy to formalize schedule finishing by sending it to debconf-team * nattie * nattie to negotiate changing the budget for childcare, which would allow going with he.du option * madduck will send any other info he has regarding chilcare investigation to loni & nattie. * thkoch * thkoch is the DayTrip leader. hvhaugwitz volunteers to help * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * marga (128) * madduck (107) * DLange (38) * nattie (23) * MeanderingCode (15) * _rene_ (13) * maxy (12) * loni (11) * thkoch (6) * jathan (5) * cate (4) * cts (3) * MeetBot (2) * nkukard (2) * hvhaugwitz (2) * highvoltage (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot