20:58:48 <alexm> #startmeeting 20:58:48 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Dec 11 20:58:48 2013 UTC. The chair is alexm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:58:48 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:59:03 <alexm> today's agenda in... 20:59:18 <alexm> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Barcelona#Meetings 20:59:40 <alexm> ready to rock and roll? 21:00:00 <alexm> #topic Call for x 21:00:04 <dunetna> let's go! 21:00:07 <tassia> yes 21:00:17 <alexm> #link https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/call_for_x/ 21:00:34 <papapep> it's crystal clear 21:00:43 <alexm> link above lists some choices to name the CFP 21:00:48 <papapep> next xD 21:00:58 <dunetna> x = "call for proposals" 21:01:05 <sim6> Call for proposals is the winner! 21:01:08 <alexm> anyone agaisnt Call for Proposals? 21:01:21 <sim6> It is fine for me 21:01:29 <dunetna> thanks tassia for your succesful suggestion :) 21:01:42 <tassia> great :-) 21:02:10 <alexm> #agreed CFP stands for Call For Proposals 21:02:29 <tassia> regarding the submission 21:02:35 <tassia> where can I read the text? 21:02:53 <alexm> tassia: can we follow the order of the agenda, please? 21:03:06 <alexm> ok, you got me ;) 21:03:29 <tassia> sure, this is the text point 21:03:36 <tassia> :-) 21:03:51 <alexm> the text is in... 21:03:54 <alexm> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForPapers 21:04:22 <dunetna> We should change the title of the text :) 21:04:25 <tassia> alexm, thanks! 21:04:56 <papapep> done 21:05:07 <sim6> dunetna: and the name of page 21:05:12 <dunetna> I made some changes last weekend, if you can do a quick review it would be great 21:05:30 <alexm> we need to change talkers for speakers, methinks 21:05:55 <papapep> new url: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForProposals 21:06:07 <moray> alexm: ah, that paragraph's English needs fixed in general 21:06:11 <alexm> papapep: speak to MeetBot, please 21:06:16 <moray> it must be new since I proof-read before 21:06:26 <papapep> alexm, action? 21:06:48 <alexm> use #link for links 21:06:53 <dunetna> yes, moray, i've changed some things 21:06:58 <tassia> didn't we decide that the name of the event is MiniDebConf 2014 Barcelona? 21:07:08 <papapep> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForProposals 21:07:14 <moray> yes, after someone wrote that text 21:07:15 <dunetna> yes, it should be changed 21:07:18 <tassia> I think the title should have the exact name of the event 21:07:41 <dunetna> tassia: +1 21:07:59 <papapep> every mention must be coherent, of course 21:08:26 <dunetna> but then The problem is the first sentence... 21:08:30 <tassia> and also, I would change the place of the first sentence 21:08:55 <tassia> I'd start with " The event..." 21:09:58 <tassia> and by the end of the paragraph mention that we are restricting the proposals for women and explain briefly why 21:10:23 <sim6> We can move the text to an etherpath to edit it together. 21:10:39 <sim6> s/etherpath/etherpad/ 21:10:42 <dunetna> we can spend a couple of minutes and have the final text 21:11:04 <tassia> we could also do it after the meeting 21:11:05 <alexm> dunetna: you mean now? 21:11:14 <dunetna> yes... 21:11:23 <alexm> after the meeting, please 21:11:24 <dunetna> ok, we can do it after, np 21:11:40 <alexm> who's up for proof-reading then? 21:11:41 <moray> I'm editing the English a bit more 21:11:42 <sim6> ok 21:11:53 <alexm> raise your hands! 21:12:21 <tassia> english is not my mother tongue :-/ 21:12:26 <dunetna> but i think we shold have a final text tonight, do you think is possible? 21:12:31 * papapep has to rush to bed after the meeting... 21:12:31 <moray> it should be 21:12:42 <moray> I can proof-read again if further big changes are made 21:12:51 <dunetna> thanks moray 21:13:23 <tassia> are you planning to send it soon? 21:13:32 <alexm> #action moray to proof-read the CFP text 21:13:33 <dunetna> we wanted to send it asap 21:13:38 <tassia> I have one point 21:14:04 <dunetna> but we need the mail/list where the proposals will be sent 21:14:32 <tassia> I think we should have a website before sending it 21:14:41 <dunetna> (but this is another topic that will be talked later) 21:14:48 <alexm> #action replace MiniDebConfWomen for MiniDebConf in CFP text 21:14:50 <tassia> the CFP is a good oportunity to spreed the word 21:15:33 <moray> tassia: it would be nice to have a website ready, but that can also be sent out a bit later, and remind people to think about organising travel 21:15:51 <dunetna> finding speaker won't be easy, I don't know if we should delay it more... 21:15:58 <tassia> people will look for details of the event, and I'm not sure we are ready 21:16:01 <tassia> ok 21:16:19 <sim6> Maybe we can have a domain like http://bcn2014.mini.debconf.org redirected to the main wiki page, and later create a new nice site. 21:16:49 <moray> dunetna: well, I certainly don't think the speakers will be found just by sending out this kind of message 21:16:53 <tassia> it is just that... if the website can be released soon, it would be worthy it to wait 21:16:58 <alexm> only the mail address for proposals is actually needed but i agree that having a website would be helpful 21:17:13 <moray> dunetna: but I think it's achievable, if some people speak directly to the right possible speakers... 21:17:46 <dunetna> moray: marga offered herself to send a personal mail to DD (women) 21:17:59 <tassia> sim6, I agree we should have the domain pointing to the wiki while the site is not ready 21:19:02 <tassia> dunetna, we should all forward the messages to all potential speakers in our network 21:19:03 <dunetna> tassia: what do we have to do to get the domain/websiote/etc...? 21:19:11 <tassia> DD and non-DDs 21:19:17 <dunetna> +1 21:19:18 <alexm> marga was going to ask for the domain, wasn't she? 21:19:41 <marga> Yes, but I didn't do it :-/ 21:19:48 <marga> Sorry, I had too many TODOs. 21:19:49 <dunetna> yes, but we have no news about that, I think I asked in the list 21:19:58 <dunetna> hi marga! :) 21:20:03 <marga> I did start with the money and talks team part. 21:20:06 <sim6> hi marga! 21:20:09 <marga> But I didn't do the domain :-/ 21:20:12 <tassia> hi marga! 21:20:41 <tassia> I can do that 21:20:48 <dunetna> maybe another person can do it, if you're too busy 21:21:04 <alexm> tassia: thanks! 21:21:05 <dunetna> marga: is ok for you if tassia does it? 21:21:08 <moray> I guess this means asking ganneff to do it, then reminding him if it doesn't happen 21:21:14 <tassia> who would be the person to ask? ganneff? 21:21:23 <tassia> moray, thanks 21:21:24 <moray> in theory there are more admins who can do it, but I think ganneff is the only one active 21:21:25 <marga> Yes, exactly. I just messaged Ganneff, but he's away 21:21:45 <alexm> #action tassia will ask ganneff for a domain redirection to the wiki 21:22:02 <alexm> do we all agree with the domain name being bcn2014.debconf...? 21:22:05 <dunetna> and for a place to have a website? 21:22:24 <dunetna> I can move contents of wiki to the new website 21:22:38 <marga> tassia, I've sent him one message, as soon as I get a reply I tell you about it. If I don't say anything, it means he didn't reply. It's late in .de now, so he's probably away till tomorrow. 21:22:50 <alexm> dunetna: we can discuss the website/wiki in next meeting 21:23:13 <dunetna> alexm: or better in the lst) 21:23:19 <alexm> works for me 21:23:22 <dunetna> s/lst)/list 21:23:23 <tassia> marga, that's ok, let's see if he answers you first 21:23:57 <alexm> marga: did you ask for http://bcn2014.mini.debconf.org ? 21:24:11 <marga> I didn't ask for any specific domain yet. 21:24:24 <alexm> ok, then an we agree on that? 21:24:38 <alexm> anyone against it? 21:24:45 <tassia> I agree 21:24:54 <sim6> It is fine for me, too. 21:25:05 <alexm> #agreed the domain for the mini debconf will be http://bcn2014.mini.debconf.org 21:25:14 <alexm> ok, next 21:25:31 <tassia> mail address for submission 21:25:35 <tassia> talks@bcn2014.... 21:25:39 <sim6> debconf.org provides the hosting or only the domain? 21:25:44 <alexm> should be talk about the template first? 21:25:47 <moray> sim6: can do both 21:25:56 <sim6> moray: thanks 21:26:21 <sim6> next point? 21:26:26 <sim6> the template? 21:26:26 <dunetna> template 21:26:27 <tassia> alexm, sorry the template 21:26:32 <tassia> what is that? 21:27:03 <sim6> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForPapersTemplate 21:27:08 <alexm> tassia: the address should be proposals@bcn2014 i guess 21:27:17 <dunetna> we have to change the link XDD 21:27:36 <moray> alexm: it may take a longer time to get a special address like that 21:27:50 <moray> (I don't know without someone discussing it with ganneff) 21:27:51 <sim6> Maybe it needs another page rename. 21:28:00 <dunetna> tassia: this template is linked from the CFP mail, tlakers should fill and send it to proposals@bcn2014... 21:28:20 <tassia> dunetna, thanks, I've just found it 21:28:28 <dunetna> :) 21:28:33 <moray> to be honest, I expect few enough submissions I wouldn't worry too much about keeping people on the template 21:28:51 <moray> (even for full debconfs the number of submissions is not really that high) 21:28:56 <papapep> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/CallForProposalsTemplate 21:29:13 <moray> the more important aspect is whether someone keeps all the information that comes in from emails 21:29:16 * alexm feels like renaming links on the run is bad 21:29:19 <frangor> uuuh, quin catal�es tancat avu� 21:29:26 <dunetna> moray, do you mean that a template is too much and we can do something "easier"? 21:30:02 <moray> dunetna: well, I'm not strongly against having a template, but I suspect even with a template most people might just email informally saying "hm, I suppose I could do <x> but I am not sure" 21:30:33 <moray> dunetna: and/or have their talk proposals emerge from being emailed directly by someone 21:30:37 <dunetna> I see, so the really important thing is to have this contact mail 21:31:00 <moray> I would think so 21:31:15 <tassia> moray, +1 21:31:23 <sim6> moray, +1 21:31:32 <alexm> the template has information that is important, like the recording preferences 21:31:36 <moray> for the template draft itself, I would also mention that "Would you like to be recorded" is likely to result in most people saying no, they don't, but that recordings *are* very useful for people not present physically 21:31:56 <tassia> the recording preferences can also be asked later 21:32:19 <dunetna> if you want, we can remove the template from CFP, but keep this questions in mind 21:32:28 <dunetna> and have them answered during the process 21:32:46 <tassia> instead of having the template, I would add the important info about the proposal that we need to evaluate it 21:32:47 <moray> dunetna: certainly the most important aspect is to track these questions during the process 21:33:08 <dunetna> (formally or informally, it can be decided inside talks team) 21:33:13 <tassia> the video-team can take care of asking about the recording preferences (later) 21:33:49 <dunetna> is there anyone that wants to keep the template in CFP? 21:34:18 <alexm> well then 21:34:38 <alexm> #action keep the information of the CFP template for internal use only 21:34:45 <dunetna> we can keep this template page to keep in mind what informaion we need for each proposal 21:34:58 <dunetna> ok 21:35:01 <dunetna> next? 21:35:02 <alexm> #undo 21:35:02 <MeetBot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x1316950> 21:35:09 <alexm> #agreed keep the information of the CFP template for internal use only 21:35:10 <sim6> Maybe we can use this template to publish the talks. 21:35:17 <tassia> anyways, we should briefily list the info needed inside the CPF message 21:35:45 <alexm> next point 21:36:13 <alexm> we have already discussed the mail address, so we can skip it now 21:36:37 <alexm> next topic 21:36:42 <alexm> #topic Network: News about the contact with sysadmins 21:36:58 <tassia> did we agree on changing the CPF to include the needed info? can I do it? 21:37:13 <dunetna> tassia: for me, it's ok 21:37:18 <papapep> +1 21:37:23 <alexm> #undo 21:37:23 <MeetBot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x1316550> 21:37:29 <moray> tassia: yes, please do it 21:38:08 <tassia> ok 21:38:14 <alexm> #agreed tassia to add to CFP the info from template needed 21:38:35 <alexm> #undo 21:38:35 <MeetBot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x104ec10> 21:38:44 <alexm> #agreed to add to CFP the info from template needed 21:38:57 <alexm> #action tassia will add the missing info in CFP 21:38:59 <dunetna> next 21:39:09 <alexm> #topic Network: News about the contact with sysadmins 21:40:00 <sim6> I think the short answer is: no news. 21:40:05 <alexm> our contact at the venue is looking for the right people from IT 21:40:30 <alexm> she'll send me the contact details and i'll arrange a meeting with them 21:40:51 <sim6> ok, thanks, alexm 21:40:52 <alexm> #action alexm to meet IT staff at UB regarding network 21:40:58 <dunetna> perfect, keep us informed, if it can be public, of course 21:41:10 <alexm> any questions on this topic? 21:41:28 <dunetna> do you want anyone with you in this meeting? 21:41:29 <alexm> next topic, then 21:41:58 <alexm> #topic Artwork team 21:42:02 <sim6> I can go with you if you want. 21:42:16 <alexm> thanks, sim6 21:42:25 <sim6> We need a artwork team!! 21:42:34 <alexm> any news about the artwork team? 21:42:51 <dunetna> no news... (and it doesn't mean good news :( ) 21:42:59 <alexm> #link https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014/Tasks#Design_Team 21:43:00 <sim6> Please talk with your artistic friends... 21:43:20 <sim6> hi alba! 21:43:33 <alba> hola! sento l'enorme retràs :-( 21:43:56 <alexm> next topic 21:43:57 <moray> sim6: like with other aspects, perhaps we can find some releavnt women to do it. in the worst case, though, debconf has various long-term male designers who can produce something 21:44:02 <dunetna> Siri Reiter seemed to be interested but... 21:44:39 <tassia> did Siri Reiter replied the invitation? 21:44:56 <tassia> is anyone in direct contact with her? 21:44:59 <dunetna> http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2013/12/msg00001.html 21:45:07 <tassia> (I mean, not in the mailing list) 21:45:14 <sim6> #link http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2013/12/msg00001.html 21:45:27 <dunetna> i don't think so 21:46:47 <tassia> I can write her in pvt 21:46:56 <dunetna> thanks tassia 21:46:57 <alexm> thanks, tassia 21:46:58 <sim6> thanks, tassia 21:47:05 <alexm> :) 21:47:09 <tassia> :) 21:47:10 <dunetna> there was another woman... pixiegirl? 21:47:37 <moray> "Agnieszka \"pixelgirl\" Czajkowska" <pixelgirl@creative-geeks.org> ? 21:47:48 <moray> (pixie was someone else) 21:47:53 <dunetna> pixel not pixie :) 21:48:10 <alexm> #action tassia to ask Siri Reiter about the artwork 21:48:11 <dunetna> yes, I suppose she is 21:48:54 <tassia> I can write to both of them 21:49:03 <dunetna> thanks again tassia 21:49:04 <moray> does the event really need a logo beyond the Debian/Debian Women one? 21:49:05 <sim6> thanks again, tassia 21:49:14 <moray> or is the design just about designing the specific objects? 21:49:23 <alexm> #undo 21:49:24 <MeetBot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x13e6f90> 21:49:35 <alexm> #action tassia to ask Siri Reiter and pixelgirl about the artwork 21:49:57 <dunetna> a logo it's nod strictly needed, but it would be nice 21:49:57 <moray> for main DebConfs we normally start from a logo, but I wonder here if it's better to use the d-w logo to promote that 21:50:00 <tassia> moray, it would be nice if we had, but I don't think it is extremely necessary 21:50:11 <tassia> moray, good point 21:50:12 <sim6> moray, I don't tink in a new logo, I think in web style.. 21:50:27 <moray> (and since d-w is already debian logo plus something, adding another element for Barcelona might get confusing) 21:50:30 <dunetna> i think logo should contain or be inspired in d-w logo 21:50:45 <alexm> warning! we're running out of time 21:50:57 <moray> if people *do* want a new logo, the group should propose to the designer what the new element should be 21:50:58 <alexm> can we discuss this on the list? 21:51:15 <dunetna> alexm: yes, I think so 21:51:16 <moray> as normally people from a city have different ideas of what they like as representative compared to outsiders :) 21:51:25 <tassia> onn the other hand, since we are not calling if a mini-debconf-women, it does make sense to have a separate logo 21:51:43 <alexm> tassia: +1 21:51:56 <alexm> more like bcn related 21:52:09 <dunetna> let's discuss this on the mailing list 21:52:14 <tassia> ok 21:52:21 <alexm> so, yes please, let's move the discussion to the list 21:52:36 <alexm> next topic 21:52:43 <alexm> #topic Video team 21:52:52 <tassia> hey, that's me! 21:53:00 <dunetna> :) 21:53:01 <alexm> Tincho had some good news about the videoteam 21:53:16 <alexm> tassia, elaborate please 21:53:27 <tassia> I've been talking to holger and tincho about video coverage 21:53:46 <sim6> I think, we need point artwork to website and... not only the logo. 21:53:47 <tassia> we've decided I'll the person in charge 21:54:28 <tassia> in case I end up not going to bcn, holger would be the backup 21:54:31 <dunetna> tassia: so you'll be here in bcn! 21:54:42 <tassia> dunetna, I'll do my best 21:54:45 <tassia> ;-) 21:55:00 <alexm> great! 21:55:10 <tassia> I can only be sure in january, after the university calendar is published 21:55:15 <alexm> #action tassia to lead the videoteam 21:55:46 <sim6> \o/ 21:55:52 <dunetna> tassia: we need to know video team requirements 21:56:04 <dunetna> could you write them to the list? 21:56:12 <alexm> yes please 21:56:21 <tassia> ok 21:56:25 <tassia> if we do only one room, holger can bring the gear in his car 21:56:30 <dunetna> it would be nice to have them before alexm (and sim6) meeting with university IT admins 21:56:35 <alexm> of add a new team on the tasks wiki and put them there 21:56:44 <tassia> for more than one room, we would need to ship it from paris 21:56:45 <alexm> s/of/or/ 21:57:04 <dunetna> honestly, i don't think we'll fill two rooms... 21:57:17 <alexm> we'll see 21:57:26 <moray> there's time to decide later on 21:57:29 <alexm> can we move to the last topic? 21:57:39 <tassia> than we can just decide that we'll do just one room, it will be way simplier for us 21:58:31 <alexm> we can decide as we receive the proposals 21:58:59 <dunetna> yes, we should wait a little bit more before decide 1" rooms 21:59:00 <alexm> if there are lots of them, we'll need to make a decision about the video 21:59:18 <sim6> At the moment we only have 2 rooms, one for talks and another for the hacklab. 21:59:30 <tassia> just keep in mind the cost of shipping equipments if we decide for more than one 21:59:37 <dunetna> ok 21:59:48 <alexm> tassia: thanks for pointing that out 21:59:59 <alexm> anything else? 22:00:10 <sim6> Our contact in UB (the venue) is asking for the second talk room. 22:00:25 <tassia> for video, that's it 22:00:29 <alexm> #topic Move IRC coordination to new #debian-bcn2014 channel 22:00:48 <dunetna> yes, we're invading this channel 22:01:03 <alexm> anyone against moving to the new channel? 22:01:04 <dunetna> with a lot of different languages XDD 22:01:05 <tassia> sim6, what is he asking about? 22:01:17 <sim6> Maybe the we can move the organization of the event to #debian-bcn2014 22:01:48 <tassia> sim6, I was asking about the venue 22:02:02 <alexm> if anyone disagrees i think we're done 22:02:11 <tassia> I agree 22:02:16 <alexm> who's going to create the new channel? 22:02:24 <papapep> tassia, she's asking for a second room for talks 22:02:25 <sim6> tassia, we only have one talk room confirmed, she is asking about a second talk room. 22:02:26 <dunetna> so, next meeting will be in #debian-bcn2014 22:02:52 <alexm> it would seem so, if someone builds the room ;) 22:03:12 <sim6> I am allready inside it. 22:03:17 <sim6> :P 22:03:38 <dunetna> before we end, we should decide next date for IRC meeting 22:03:49 <alexm> ok, so now that sim6 is op in the room he's in charge 22:03:57 <papapep> xD 22:04:07 <alexm> #action sim6 to setup #debian-bcn2014 22:04:12 <sim6> In charge of what? 22:04:19 <sim6> :P 22:04:20 <alexm> we're done 22:04:36 <sim6> ok ;-) 22:04:36 <dunetna> alexm: before we end, we should decide next date for IRC meeting 22:04:46 <papapep> 22nd? 22:04:46 <alexm> anybody wants to add some last thoughts? 22:04:57 <tassia> sim6, I still didn't get, is she asking if we are gonna need a second room? 22:05:15 <tassia> sorry for the delay 22:05:16 <papapep> tassia, no, if there's a 2nd room available if we should need it 22:05:37 <dunetna> 22nd, yes, I think is the best date 22:05:38 <alexm> dunetna: that point wasn't on the agenda :p 22:05:43 <dunetna> :P 22:05:48 <alexm> 22nd it is 22:06:12 <alexm> #agreed to meet the Dec 22nd in #debian-bcn2014 22:06:18 <alexm> #endmeeting