===================== #debian-cloud Meeting ===================== Meeting started by serpent at 21:00:18 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-cloud/2020/debian-cloud.2020-02-26-21.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * ACTION: I'll ping SPI again, either this week or beginning next week about that (serpent, 21:03:59) * Delegates (serpent, 21:14:15) * ACTION: I'll send email to Sam reminding him about appointing more delegates. (serpent, 21:14:51) * Image Finder (serpent, 21:16:15) * We only take image info from Salsa, no other soource is considered official (serpent, 21:23:23) * LINK: http://image-finder.debian.net/ currently only shows an apache under construction page (Mrfai, 21:26:38) * Arthur sent email with link to some documentation: https://cloud-team.pages.debian.net/image-finder/ (serpent, 21:31:23) * Vagrant (serpent, 21:36:25) * issues for vagrant support https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/debian-cloud-images/issues/18 (waldi, 21:40:33) * ACTION: waldi continue working with marcello^ on vagrant build (waldi, 21:46:20) * DebConf (serpent, 21:52:10) * IDEA: Ability for remove BoF attendance (serpent, 21:56:42) * cloud-utils (serpent, 21:59:10) * LINK: https://awsauth.debian.net/ (serpent, 22:13:45) * CloudFront mirror (serpent, 22:19:28) * next meeting (serpent, 22:29:41) * ACTION: I'll send email about that (serpent, 22:33:25) Meeting ended at 22:34:03 UTC. Action Items ------------ * I'll ping SPI again, either this week or beginning next week about that * I'll send email to Sam reminding him about appointing more delegates. * waldi continue working with marcello^ on vagrant build * I'll send email about that Action Items, by person ----------------------- * marcello^ * waldi continue working with marcello^ on vagrant build * waldi * waldi continue working with marcello^ on vagrant build * **UNASSIGNED** * I'll ping SPI again, either this week or beginning next week about that * I'll send email to Sam reminding him about appointing more delegates. * I'll send email about that People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * serpent (90) * noahm (77) * zigo (52) * waldi (25) * marcello^ (24) * Mrfai (15) * davdunc (5) * rvandegrift (3) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot