==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by marga at 18:58:27 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2018/debian-ctte.2018-11-21-18.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (marga, 18:58:49) * Review of previous meeting's AIs (marga, 19:00:04) * ACTION: marga to email d-d-a to encourage self-nominations (marga, 19:04:20) * ACTION: Mithrandir, OdyX and gwolf to nominate people (marga, 19:04:35) * #904558 What should happen when maintscripts fail to restart a service (marga, 19:05:05) * ACTION: marga to draft a proposal including the parts where we have agreement and ballot options for the parts where we don't. (marga, 19:44:12) * #911225 Advice on stale libraries in a higher-precedence path entry (marga, 19:44:21) * Recruiting efforts (marga, 19:49:56) * #911225 Advice on stale libraries in a higher-precedence path entry (marga, 19:53:03) * Recruiting efforts (marga, 19:56:23) Meeting ended at 19:59:14 UTC. Action Items ------------ * marga to email d-d-a to encourage self-nominations * Mithrandir, OdyX and gwolf to nominate people * marga to draft a proposal including the parts where we have agreement and ballot options for the parts where we don't. Action Items, by person ----------------------- * gwolf * Mithrandir, OdyX and gwolf to nominate people * marga * marga to email d-d-a to encourage self-nominations * marga to draft a proposal including the parts where we have agreement and ballot options for the parts where we don't. * Mithrandir * Mithrandir, OdyX and gwolf to nominate people * OdyX * Mithrandir, OdyX and gwolf to nominate people * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * marga (64) * OdyX (45) * smcv (44) * bremner (34) * gwolf (28) * Mithrandir (9) * ntyni (3) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot