#debian-ctte Meeting

Meeting started by marga at 19:00:20 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (marga, 19:00:29)
  2. Review of previous meeting AIs (marga, 19:03:12)
    1. http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2019/debian-ctte.2019-02-20-18.58.html is the summary of the previous meeting (marga, 19:03:32)

  3. #904558 What should happen when maintscripts fail to restart a service (marga, 19:05:45)
    1. ACTION: marga to send mail to the bug saying that: Debian cannot be consistent with current infrastructure but we recommend developing the infrastructure that would allow consistency, by forming a working group. (marga, 19:34:55)

  4. #923450 Requirements for being pre-dependency of bin:init (marga, 19:35:37)
    1. ACTION: ntyni to reply to the reporter with the consensus obtained on IRC (marga, 20:04:31)

Meeting ended at 20:04:51 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. marga to send mail to the bug saying that: Debian cannot be consistent with current infrastructure but we recommend developing the infrastructure that would allow consistency, by forming a working group.
  2. ntyni to reply to the reporter with the consensus obtained on IRC

Action items, by person

  1. marga
    1. marga to send mail to the bug saying that: Debian cannot be consistent with current infrastructure but we recommend developing the infrastructure that would allow consistency, by forming a working group.
  2. ntyni
    1. ntyni to reply to the reporter with the consensus obtained on IRC

People present (lines said)

  1. marga (62)
  2. OdyX (32)
  3. Mithrandir (27)
  4. bremner (23)
  5. gwolf (22)
  6. ansgar (12)
  7. ntyni (11)
  8. MeetBot (2)

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