==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by spwhitton at 17:58:18 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2020/debian-ctte.2020-10-21-17.58.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (spwhitton, 17:58:29) * #971515 - kubernetes: excessive vendoring (private libraries) (spwhitton, 18:02:06) * ACTION: gwolf to post summary of meeting to bug (spwhitton, 18:41:40) * AGREED: leave bug open for further input at this tiem (spwhitton, 18:41:47) * Follow up from the DebConf20 discussion (spwhitton, 18:41:58) * https://salsa.debian.org/debian/tech-ctte/-/blob/master/talks/rethinking-the-tc.md[5~ (spwhitton, 18:44:25) * AGREED: ehashman to drive Proposal #1 (spwhitton, 18:44:59) * ACTION: fil to drive Proposal #2 (spwhitton, 18:49:30) * Proposal #3 lacks a driver at present (spwhitton, 18:52:19) * Proposals #4 and #5 are probably not going to be driven forwards by TC members (spwhitton, 18:52:33) * Recruitment efforts (spwhitton, 18:55:16) * ACTION: bremner to circulate last d-d-a mail for comments to private alias, and then probably send it out if no objections (spwhitton, 19:00:48) * ACTION: fil to activate his script (spwhitton, 19:01:17) * Any other business (spwhitton, 19:01:21) Meeting ended at 19:06:20 UTC. Action Items ------------ * gwolf to post summary of meeting to bug * fil to drive Proposal #2 * bremner to circulate last d-d-a mail for comments to private alias, and then probably send it out if no objections * fil to activate his script Action Items, by person ----------------------- * bremner * bremner to circulate last d-d-a mail for comments to private alias, and then probably send it out if no objections * fil * fil to drive Proposal #2 * fil to activate his script * gwolf * gwolf to post summary of meeting to bug * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * spwhitton (77) * ehashman (49) * smcv (40) * gwolf (29) * fil (13) * bremner (9) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot