==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by spwhitton at 18:00:04 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2021/debian-ctte.2021-06-09-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (spwhitton, 18:00:23) * Review of previous meeting AIs (spwhitton, 18:04:59) * ACTION: spwhitton to submit webmaster team bug/patch to clarify the status of the lists of old decisions (spwhitton, 18:05:41) * Submitting this year's "Meet the Technical Committee" (spwhitton, 18:08:41) * ACTION: gwolf to submit to debconf CfP (spwhitton, 18:18:15) * ACTION: spwhitton to prepare draft of bits mail (spwhitton, 18:18:22) * Moving forward with our reimagining the TC tasks (spwhitton, 18:18:26) * AGREED: We don't think that a constitutional amendment is required to implement this part of our plans to reimagine the TC. (spwhitton, 18:27:24) * ACTION: ehashman to write up these ideas for discussion by our next TC meeting (spwhitton, 18:37:08) * ACTION: gwolf to take up fil's notes on early invocation and come up with some concrete proposals (spwhitton, 18:50:07) * Any Other Business (spwhitton, 18:50:27) Meeting ended at 18:54:06 UTC. Action Items ------------ * spwhitton to submit webmaster team bug/patch to clarify the status of the lists of old decisions * gwolf to submit to debconf CfP * spwhitton to prepare draft of bits mail * ehashman to write up these ideas for discussion by our next TC meeting * gwolf to take up fil's notes on early invocation and come up with some concrete proposals Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ehashman * ehashman to write up these ideas for discussion by our next TC meeting * gwolf * gwolf to submit to debconf CfP * gwolf to take up fil's notes on early invocation and come up with some concrete proposals * spwhitton * spwhitton to submit webmaster team bug/patch to clarify the status of the lists of old decisions * spwhitton to prepare draft of bits mail * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * spwhitton (78) * gwolf (47) * ehashman (39) * bremner (25) * marga (21) * Myon (5) * MeetBot (2) * ntyni (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot