19:00:45 #startmeeting 19:00:45 Meeting started Wed Nov 10 19:00:45 2021 UTC. The chair is spwhitton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:51 #topic Roll Call 19:00:52 Sean Whitton 19:00:55 Gunnar Wolf 19:00:57 Niko Tyni 19:00:57 Elana Hashman 19:01:27 Apologies received from David Bremner 19:01:45 Christoph Berg 19:02:01 Margarita Manterola 19:02:14 hello marga, can you join our call? 19:02:20 Sure, yes, just a sec 19:02:33 coolio 19:03:13 ffs. chromium can't access my microphone, firefox doesn't give me audio 19:04:13 #topic Review of Previous Meeting AIs 19:04:37 * smcv is Simon McVittie 19:05:18 #topic marga to commit final version of private communication to tech-ctte.git procedures/ 19:05:28 #topic Review of Previous Meeting AIs 19:05:32 #action marga to commit final version of private communication to tech-ctte.git procedures/ 19:06:14 #action bremner to look into alternative ways to find candidates 19:09:23 #action ehashman to write to candidate about whether they would accept and commit e-ail text to git 19:10:10 e-ail, virtual garlic 19:13:48 #topic Recruitment 19:14:49 #agreed New procedure that anyone can solicit consent from candidates using standard text to make thinking about them go a bit faster. 19:24:28 #action ntyni to find link to discussion on perl issues with candidate 19:33:53 #action myon to write to new candidate suggested during meeting 19:34:38 #action ehashman to write to previously suggested candidate as agreed during meeting 19:34:50 oh that was already above 19:34:56 one line per task :) 19:37:40 #topic Any Other Business 19:52:56 thanks everyone 19:53:21 #agreed Use Jitsi for items like recruitment and possibly building disagreements at beginning of meeting then switch back to IRC. Annotate agenda items with "(Jitsi)". Only ctte members. 19:53:28 #endmeeting