#debian-ctte Meeting

Meeting started by spwhitton at 18:59:27 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (spwhitton, 18:59:30)
  2. Review of previous meeting AIs (spwhitton, 19:04:24)
    1. ACTION: ehashman to commit final version of private communication to tech-ctte.git procedures/ (spwhitton, 19:05:55)
    2. Two of our candidates volunteered in response to ehashman's microblogging so let's do that again (spwhitton, 19:07:28)

  3. Rescheduling meetings (spwhitton, 19:07:59)
    1. ACTION: spwhitton to send poll for January meeting (spwhitton, 19:09:47)

  4. Recruitment (spwhitton, 19:09:55)
    1. ACTION: spwhitton to start vote on the private alias. (spwhitton, 19:47:49)

  5. Any other business (spwhitton, 19:53:13)

Meeting ended at 19:53:54 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. ehashman to commit final version of private communication to tech-ctte.git procedures/
  2. spwhitton to send poll for January meeting
  3. spwhitton to start vote on the private alias.

Action items, by person

  1. ehashman
    1. ehashman to commit final version of private communication to tech-ctte.git procedures/
  2. spwhitton
    1. spwhitton to send poll for January meeting
    2. spwhitton to start vote on the private alias.

People present (lines said)

  1. spwhitton (13)
  2. MeetBot (2)
  3. marga1 (2)
  4. gwolf (1)
  5. bremner (1)
  6. smcv (1)
  7. ehashman (1)
  8. Myon (1)
  9. ntyni (1)

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