#debian-ctte Meeting

Meeting started by spwhitton at 12:00:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (spwhitton, 12:00:09)
    1. ACTION: spwhitton to write to bug asking for doko's input (spwhitton, 12:10:17)
    2. ACTION: spwhitton to update debconf slides (spwhitton, 12:10:23)

Meeting ended at 12:11:42 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. spwhitton to write to bug asking for doko's input
  2. spwhitton to update debconf slides

Action items, by person

  1. spwhitton
    1. spwhitton to write to bug asking for doko's input
    2. spwhitton to update debconf slides

People present (lines said)

  1. spwhitton (10)
  2. Emperor (3)
  3. MeetBot (2)
  4. tumbleweed (1)

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