12:00:03 #startmeeting 12:00:03 Meeting started Wed May 15 12:00:03 2024 UTC. The chair is spwhitton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:09 #topic Roll Call 12:00:10 Sean Whitton 12:00:38 Matthew Vernon 12:00:48 (I'm at work, so may be slightly patchily available, sorry) 12:01:59 Stefano Rivera 12:03:02 tumbleweed and I are in https://jitsi.debian.social/TechnicalCommittee btw 12:04:05 Myon, helmut, seeS, mjg59, roehling: ping 12:04:35 should I be expecting a salsa sign-in to access jitsi? It's not happened before... 12:04:44 Emperor: yeah 12:04:55 it is for anti-spam 12:10:17 #action spwhitton to write to bug asking for doko's input 12:10:23 #action spwhitton to update debconf slides 12:11:42 #endmeeting