09:00:20 <orestis> #startmeeting 09:00:20 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Jun 21 09:00:20 2016 UTC. The chair is orestis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:20 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 09:00:27 <orestis> #chair matthieucan 09:00:27 <MeetBot> Current chairs: matthieucan orestis 09:00:41 <orestis> #topic ping all 09:00:50 <matthieucan> hey :) 09:00:50 <devoxel> pong! 09:00:58 <devoxel> hello 09:00:59 <orestis> yay 09:01:18 <orestis> #topic week-review 09:01:28 <orestis> devoxel: stage is yours :) 09:01:52 <devoxel> yep, so I got most stuff done 09:01:58 <matthieucan> I'm quite happy with your commits this week devoxel, you seem to have filled many items 09:02:27 <devoxel> I did a bunch of stuff, and all my notes about stuff unfinished are in that table I made 09:02:40 <matthieucan> devoxel: what are your current blockers? 09:02:43 <orestis> so is there anything we can merge? 09:02:45 <orestis> ^^ 09:03:10 <devoxel> current blocker.. hmm 09:03:13 <devoxel> I need to get stuff tested 09:03:17 <devoxel> on different browsers 09:03:25 <devoxel> and there's that weird firefox bug for links 09:03:26 <matthieucan> before merging we need to review, and for this we need smaller PRs. But as already mentioned, it should be easy to split by group of related files 09:03:41 <devoxel> yeah I think I mentioned that in my plan for next week in the email 09:03:46 <matthieucan> yeah forget about that bug for now, as it's not linked to your work 09:03:47 <devoxel> I will split stuff down 09:04:26 <matthieucan> I would do this as a priority, so we can give you precise feedback and merge things. Plan is to keep iterating 09:04:40 <devoxel> okay that's a good idea, I will do that first then 09:04:56 <matthieucan> and then create PRs for things that are finished 09:05:17 <devoxel> okay good idea 09:05:31 <matthieucan> what about the navbar being too high? why is the breadcrum not a bit above? 09:05:42 <orestis> sorry i forgot... wehre is this bug? in all blueprints? 09:05:55 <matthieucan> orestis: the ff bug? 09:06:03 <orestis> yes 09:06:18 <matthieucan> in the Browse by prefix boxes in all homepages yes 09:06:25 <matthieucan> when you mouse over... really weird 09:06:32 <devoxel> I will fix the navbar, it's a bit awkward to do in the css but with some overriding I can do it. I'll make a trello thing for it 09:06:50 <matthieucan> devoxel: ack 09:07:11 <matthieucan> what's left to do? 09:07:57 <matthieucan> (orestis: I can't always reproduce the bug... if you don't see it I'll send you a screenshot) 09:08:38 <orestis> i ll check this tonight 09:08:40 <devoxel> split PR's, fix navbar, fix image alignment on phones for stats, review other work 09:08:47 <devoxel> matthieucan, orestis ^ 09:08:51 <orestis> is it user agent that adds things? anyhow yes that's priority then 09:09:13 <matthieucan> orestis: no it's more a rendering bug 09:09:38 <matthieucan> devoxel: ok, seems your table helps you a lot to keep track. continue this way! 09:10:15 <orestis> what can we say about the end of the week? we should be able to review a couple of PRs? and you continue on the remaining issues? 09:10:21 <matthieucan> can we expect you to have finished everything css-bootstrap related this week? 09:10:38 <devoxel> Yeah I expect me to have everything finished this week 09:10:48 <devoxel> so you can too :) 09:11:05 <matthieucan> great! hopefully we can also merge incrementally 09:11:07 <devoxel> although of course there can be unexpected blockers but if something comes up, I'll tell you 09:11:45 <matthieucan> yes please :) 09:12:19 <matthieucan> ok, we have a precise goal for the week I think. and then we'll move on to javascript 09:12:21 <matthieucan> right? 09:12:39 <devoxel> yeah, sounds good 09:13:00 <matthieucan> anything else regarding last week/this week? 09:13:40 <devoxel> not really! next time with javascript I will make trello issues better 09:13:49 <matthieucan> alright 09:13:56 <matthieucan> #topic next meeting 09:14:12 <orestis> same time works for me 09:14:12 <devoxel> this time works for me :) 09:14:33 <matthieucan> I will be in germany from thursday on, and until debconf, but expect my usual uptimes 09:14:37 <matthieucan> works for me too 09:15:02 <devoxel> cool :) 09:15:05 <matthieucan> #topic gsoc - misc 09:15:18 <matthieucan> anything else? are you still motivated by the project? 09:15:21 <matthieucan> :) 09:16:24 <devoxel> yes! I am very motivated. Especially with javascript coming up, which I like :) I've been thinking about how I'll do this task in a good way, not sure yet :P 09:16:49 <matthieucan> (btw: a motivation to finish css this week: I'll give a talk about your work at debconf, and if it's not advanced enough I will have to cancel it) 09:17:10 <devoxel> when is debconf? :P 09:17:16 <matthieucan> yes, we'll discuss this in time, but I prefer to not mix everything to keep you focused on current work 09:17:23 <matthieucan> 2-10 july 09:17:40 <devoxel> okay yeah I'll keep focusesed :P I'm motivated to finish CSS to get to the JS! 09:17:44 <matthieucan> but I will need to prepare the talk beforehand anyway 09:17:50 <matthieucan> awesome! 09:17:58 <orestis> yes js would certainly be more interesting 09:18:31 <devoxel> indeed :P but we will see, this is pretty important too :) 09:18:32 <matthieucan> many reasons to finish with bootstrap and move on! :) 09:18:46 <devoxel> is there any way we can get the newer jquery on sourcesdev? 09:19:01 <matthieucan> oh yes, sorry I forgot about this issue 09:19:15 <matthieucan> adding it to my todo list 09:19:21 <devoxel> okay cool :) 09:20:17 <orestis> so we are good? 09:20:17 <matthieucan> I think we can adjourn? unless there's something else you want to discuss? 09:21:09 <matthieucan> devoxel: ? 09:21:35 <devoxel> matthieucan: nope! 09:21:45 <matthieucan> #endmeeting