#debian-derivatives Meeting

Meeting started by Kamping_Kaiser at 12:00:29 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. introductions (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:00:39)
    1. http://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/CensusFull (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:10:12)

  2. DEX (Debian DErivatives eXchange) (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:13:12)
    1. http://wiki.debian.org/DEX (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:14:16)
    2. DEX is about teams of people from Debian and derivatives working together to get specific classes of changes merged into Debian (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:18:45)
    3. DEX is not Ubuntu specific, although the only successful "campaign" to date was a Ubuntu related one (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:19:06)
    4. HELP: wanted from any derivative willing to do a dex (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:22:56)
    5. a dex project should be a group/type/set of changes with defined goals for merging, with a team to work on merging those changes (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:23:39)
    6. dex project for all derivs (and debian) factoring out Debian branding into branding packages (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:26:54)
    7. HELP: to try and get the process of factoring out Debian branding into branding packages rolling (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:27:12)
    8. nhandler has been working on some tools to view the status of dex work as its done and sending monthly (ish) updates about it. info at [[DEX/dextools]] (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:29:38)
    9. http://wiki.debian.org/DEX/dextools (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:29:42)
    10. http://lists.debian.org/debian-desktop/2011/10/msg00014.html (pabs, 12:32:05)
    11. http://lists.debian.org/debian-desktop/2011/10/msg00014.html (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:32:39)

  3. pabs' distro diff scripts (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:37:51)
    1. http://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:38:24)
    2. http://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Integration (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:39:16)
    3. derivatives census to gather information about derivatives and integrate that information into Debian infrastructure (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:39:43)
    4. first project was aggregating derivatives blogs (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:41:27)
    5. http://planet.debian.org/derivs/ is 404 (devil_, 12:41:59)
    6. http://planet.debian.org/deriv (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:42:45)
    7. http://dex.alioth.debian.org/census/ (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:44:19)
    8. the patches directory contains patches for each modified package (pabs, 12:44:53)
    9. work in progress results of the script are availble (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:44:54)
    10. the debug log files for the patch generation script are sources.log in each derivative subdir (pabs, 12:45:35)
    11. the sources.links files list links to modified source packages (pabs, 12:46:06)
    12. the sources.new files list links to source packages that were never in Debian (pabs, 12:46:24)
    13. the sources.patches files are an index of the produced and possible useful patches (pabs, 12:46:54)
    14. HELP: with the scripts would be good, a working knowledge of python/shell required (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:50:26)
    15. HELP: with presenting the results to Debian through the PTS and other QA infrastructure needed too (pabs, 12:51:07)
    16. look for the FIXMEs in the source tree. available at git://git.debian.org/git/dex/census.git (Kamping_Kaiser, 12:51:57)
    17. script still has quirks, ask questions in OFTC/#debian-derivatives if you have any. (Kamping_Kaiser, 13:02:21)
    18. the gigantic-diffs quirk is currently one of the main blockers for deploying the script permanently (pabs, 13:03:03)

  4. wrap up (Kamping_Kaiser, 13:03:55)
    1. ACTION: pabs to invite more feedback on the script results on the debian-derivatives list (pabs, 13:04:00)

Meeting ended at 13:08:41 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. pabs to invite more feedback on the script results on the debian-derivatives list

Action items, by person

  1. dba
    1. pabs to invite more feedback on the script results on the debian-derivatives list
  2. pabs
    1. pabs to invite more feedback on the script results on the debian-derivatives list

People present (lines said)

  1. Kamping_Kaiser (80)
  2. pabs (55)
  3. g7 (7)
  4. waldi (6)
  5. petani (5)
  6. jmphilippe (4)
  7. nthykier (4)
  8. devil (3)
  9. dba (3)
  10. devil_ (3)
  11. buxy (3)
  12. MeetBot (2)
  13. mikap (2)
  14. ajmitch (2)
  15. zeha (2)
  16. bluewater (1)
  17. knopper (1)
  18. DonKult (1)

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