17:59:44 #startmeeting 17:59:44 Meeting started Wed Nov 13 17:59:44 2013 UTC. The chair is lucas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:44 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:47 better 17:59:52 hi everybody 17:59:56 Good, ${TIME_OF_DAY}, lucas! 18:00:01 s/,//g 18:00:04 erm, without the g 18:00:13 Hello all! 18:00:25 erm, is Meetbot out of sync regarding time? 18:00:34 19:01 < MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Nov 13 17:59:44 18:00:41 apt-get install ntpd 18:00:46 :) 18:01:03 am I out of sync? surprising 18:01:08 Wed Nov 13 13:02:23 EST 2013 18:01:11 is my current date/time 18:01:16 ok, so Meetbot is off 18:01:18 aye 18:01:23 we should get meetbot to install npd 18:01:26 ntpd* 18:01:37 MeetBot: pingall meeting! 18:01:37 meeting! 18:01:37 algernon anoe bdrung bgupta buxy chattr Diziet Ganneff gnugr gregoa hug joehh KGB-0 KGB-1 KGB-2 laarmen lindi-_ luca lucas marga MeetBot moray_ nhandler pabs paultag rafw richih_unIDed taffit taffit_sud zack 18:01:37 meeting! 18:01:56 lucas: meetbot is on UTC. 18:02:03 ok, titanpad is at http://titanpad.com/debiandpl-201311XX 18:02:13 rafw: yeah, and 2 minutes off 18:02:18 ah ok. 18:02:22 here 18:03:16 zack said he would make it in the doodle 18:04:04 ok, let's start 18:04:13 roll call can be considered done, and next meeting is already planned 18:04:22 so 18:04:30 #topic current DPL TODO list 18:04:59 besides http://people.debian.org/~lucas/todo.txt , I've got no private TODO items 18:05:19 I am half here btw.. I accidentally double booked myself 18:05:31 and 8 threads (10 mails) in the dpl mailbox 18:06:40 one big thing that came up recently is a patent issue. in short, a IEEE commitee is recommending a solution that will not suit Debian. zack agreed to help draft a statement from the DPL that we will send to the commitee 18:07:01 #topic new topics 18:07:11 are there new things you'd like to discuss? 18:07:20 rafw: I've added a fake TODO item about the event team status 18:08:31 lucas: ok 18:08:55 #topic action items from past meetings 18:09:04 ** DONE lucas send a doodle poll with possible dates 18:09:09 that one was easy 18:09:22 ** TODO rafw add something sensible about anti-harrassement on the website (C: bug was filled:Bug#728492  N: check later the result when the website is updated) 18:09:25 #action rafw follow status of anti-harassment bug (#728492) 18:09:37 rafw: do you want to add something? 18:09:48 lucas: nope 18:10:05 ok, thanks for your work on that 18:10:12 converging was quite hard :) 18:10:19 ** TODO zack to draft questions for a survey of DDs 18:10:21 #action zack to draft questions for a survey of DDs 18:10:24 reactionning) 18:10:39 ** TODO bgupta improve https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor/Organizations based on TO definition discussions 18:11:22 ok, for that one, I need to follow-up 18:11:25 status is in titanpad nothing to add at this time 18:11:34 oh right I forgot to copy/paste 18:11:45 *** Done? Made a new wiki subpage to capture the discussions. Linked from Organizations page. https://wiki.debian.org/DraftDefinitionTrustedOrganizationsDiscussion 18:12:14 #action lucas follow-up on TO definition discussion 18:12:47 related to that, I also noticed that debian.ch was never officially made a TO 18:13:06 so we will use the TO definition with debian.ch as beta-test (and probably also debian france) 18:13:17 ** TODO bgupta respond to TO draft thread (after meeting with tbm) 18:13:18 *** Done 18:13:28 #action lucas follow-up on TO definition discussion https://wiki.debian.org/DraftDefinitionTrustedOrganizationsDiscussion 18:13:34 (to capture the link) 18:13:54 ** TODO RichiH to add Debian logins to http://www.debian.org/intro/organization 18:13:59 let's re-action 18:14:03 #action RichiH to add Debian logins to http://www.debian.org/intro/organization 18:14:14 ** TODO bgupta write a proposal for handling of debian.* domain names 18:14:15 *** re-action not started yet :( 18:14:20 #action bgupta write a proposal for handling of debian.* domain names 18:14:42 ** DONE bgupta Work with SPI to get an usaepay API key 18:14:52 bgupta: anything to add about that? 18:15:32 (assuming bgupta is busy, we can re-raise it later) 18:15:45 ** TODO bgupta Work with SPI to get a Debian controlled Paypal account 18:15:46 *** re-action waiting on 20131114 SPI board meeting 18:15:46 ** TODO lucas,bgupta attend next SPI meeting (date -d @1384459200) 18:15:46 *** re-action waiting on 20131114 SPI board meeting 18:15:55 those were not done for a good reason :) 18:15:56 nothing to add 18:16:09 #action bgupta Work with SPI to get a Debian controlled Paypal account 18:16:17 #action lucas,bgupta attend next SPI meeting (date -d @1384459200) 18:16:32 bgupta: I will probably attend using my cellphone tomorrow 18:16:47 which might not be enough if this turns into a big debate 18:17:08 kk 18:17:11 ** TODO bgupta Write an HTML mockup for new donations page, and attach mockup to bug #681501 18:17:13 *** re-action No progress. 18:17:16 ** TODO bgupta Investigate accepting crypto-currency donations (With SFLC help) 18:17:19 *** re-action 18:17:22 #action bgupta Write an HTML mockup for new donations page, and attach mockup to bug #681501 18:17:25 #action bgupta Investigate accepting crypto-currency donations (With SFLC help) 18:17:26 I'll be there. and I'll try to see if hug can join too 18:17:39 still waiting a reply 18:17:42 ** TODO rafw event team status (C: discussion in ongoing) 18:18:01 so we got a reply today 18:18:11 exactly. 18:18:30 I've only been able to skim through it. rafw: do you think you can summarize? 18:19:40 yes, we are discussing the goal of the event team. 18:20:02 The thing is it looks really centred on Europe. 18:20:27 It may help to find another person in America and maybe in Asia. 18:21:05 I personally find counter-productive to have some much lists for events team. 18:21:28 there are 2 in Europe. On of them is in Dutch. 18:21:46 yeah, I wonder what is perceived as the goal of those lists 18:21:49 And a few more more or less inactive list around. 18:22:49 are the lists for users willing to learn about Debian events? 18:22:53 wondering if we less need lists than a shared ical, where people can publish their events? 18:23:28 my sense is most events other than cons are local group focused anyway? 18:23:33 or just a place in DPN where events are listed. I think they alaready are anyway, no? 18:23:38 * richih_unIDed is just popping in to say that he knows his todo is still open, not done but in progress, and sorry i need to pop out again; details to lucas in /query and sorry :/ 18:23:39 bgupta: yes, one of my point was it is difficult to find a place where you have summary about what are the next events on the planet. 18:24:35 lucas: i guess so. But the only active and monitored list as far as I understand is the -eu list. 18:24:45 and events@d.o 18:25:04 yeah, could you talk with the events team about providing a list of upcoming events? where does the publicity team get it from for DPN? 18:25:34 yes. 18:25:45 I don't know. I will investigate that. 18:25:47 here I'm, sorry, delay at work 18:25:54 * zack reads the backlog now 18:26:32 rafw: from my POV, there are two things that really need clarification: 18:26:33 (ack on reactioning me on the survey, tnx) 18:26:54 lucas: FYI MY attention is 100% focused now.. (other meeting ended) IF there is anything you want to circle back to feel free. 18:26:55 - where is the event box now, and how is its status tracked? 18:27:15 (that's the "Debian assets" POV) 18:27:34 - who is active in the team? should the delegation be updated? 18:27:42 (that's the mass-delegator POV) 18:28:05 oh, the events team is not delegated 18:28:50 lucas: I think that's correct, yes 18:29:02 lucas: I only mentioned adding gismo to events@d.o in 20101224144600.GA336@upsilon.cc , but no formal delegation 18:29:07 The DPN used to pick events from , now, some “why didn’t you announced $event” questions pop up after the DPN is out 18:29:12 (and MadameZou) 18:29:23 lucas: OK, I can ask for the event box. 18:29:40 rafw: then the question is: should the email alias be updated? 18:30:04 which alias ? 18:30:14 events@d.o 18:30:33 taffit: ... which redirects to the wiki :) 18:31:03 I like the events list provided by LWN, and wonder if we shouldn't seek a similar, simple system 18:31:18 lucas: I not sure I got the question. Do you mean we should check who receive events@d.o ? 18:31:35 rafw: no, who should receive it 18:31:44 lucas: got it. 18:32:01 lucas: the www.d.o page used to display events and date, the wiki one doesn’t AFAICT 18:32:20 I'm assuming that the 10 people listed on http://www.debian.org/intro/organization are receiving it 18:32:37 (upcoming events, of course) 18:33:06 taffit: "The above list is usually incomplete and deprecated in favour of Debian Wiki's event page." 18:33:15 anything in debian easily support caldav? 18:33:21 * taffit can read, thanks… 18:33:28 or is that too heavyweight? 18:33:33 I think so 18:33:53 taffit: any idea of when this changed? 18:34:44 lucas: not too long ago, let me check 18:35:12 (CVS history with alioth down -> not easy) 18:36:32 2013/08/07 by aw 18:36:45 rafw: I would find fairly logical for the events team to maintain a list of upcoming Debian events, and expose it in a way convenient to the publicity team 18:37:21 taffit: thanks 18:37:37 rafw: I'm really not sure that this needs to be distributed 18:37:43 I know evolution supports caldav as a client. I think it would be very cool to be able to subscribe to a debian events feed using icalendar/caldav. (The ability to sync this stuff out in a a standard format will make the event info more useful IMHO.. Could be even be used to populate eventbox and or rendered html calendar) I'm personally not really a developer so don't know if we'd need something like zimbra to hos 18:37:44 the data? 18:38:10 lucas: My opinion is we should just have a list somewhere and one mailing list. 18:38:23 sorry. 18:38:42 rafw: yeah, I don't really care about how this is done technically. that's up to the one doing the work, I think. 18:38:43 one list of future event. 18:39:08 what I care about is a way for DPN maintainers to include that list in DPN, and others to read it from www.d.o or some other obvious place 18:39:09 bgupta: #645720 maybe? 18:40:02 ahh seems someone already thought about that. 18:40:09 lucas: ok, i see. 18:40:28 rafw: ok, do you think you can bring the discussion forward a bit more, or do you prefer me to take over? 18:40:50 lucas: I'd prefer you to continue on that. 18:41:00 rafw: ok, will do. thanks for your work :) 18:41:07 #action lucas follow-up on the events team discussion 18:41:07 lucas: welcome :) 18:41:24 #topic other topics 18:41:47 anything else? zack, bgupta, feel free to bring up stuff that was mentioned when you weren't here if needed 18:42:02 nothing pressing from earlier but.. 18:42:13 just a comment on the (potential) statement for ietf: I'm waiting for feedback to better understand better the ietf consensus process (with which I'm not familiar) 18:42:22 but I expect to receive that today, so it shouldn't really be a blocker 18:42:38 one more day.. http://debian.ch/opw2013/ we are at 1790.50/2500. 18:43:03 bgupta: *finger crossed* 18:43:09 I've mentioned it today on some social media, hoping to help... 18:43:10 bgupta: almost there :) 18:43:13 any ideas for a last bit of publicity push.. -publicity already did a DPN entry and a bits post and we sent to d-d-a. 18:43:59 bgupta: how can distinct applicants did we get? 18:44:18 (not counting people applying to multiple different projects) 18:44:21 we are trying to sort that out.. paultag: is leading up those efforts 18:44:27 ok :) 18:44:31 we've got a lot 18:44:33 a *lot* 18:44:36 like, GSoC levels. 18:44:37 oh 18:44:43 that's great! 18:44:59 from 2 folks that replied to me in a few minutes (Just sent it), we got ~5 for the two projects there 18:45:06 and we have a ton of projects too 18:45:24 I didn't expect this or I would have tried to see if we could get another slot by pushing $BIG_CORP 18:45:30 but none for zack's project, if I read correctly? :( 18:45:36 wait, really? 18:45:39 :( 18:45:47 I wonder what happenend/ 18:45:48 folks, that's fine :) I did got inquiries 18:45:55 that project is cursed :P 18:45:58 hahaha 18:45:59 but all where from "I don't know Python" 18:46:02 Ahhh. 18:46:19 Anyway, we've got progress on OPW 18:46:28 We're going to de-dupe folks mentors *want* as students 18:46:29 I've been supportive, but also clear on the fact that some minimal skills where needed 18:46:32 and see who we're going to allocate to 18:46:39 zack: aye, totally. Totally understandable. 18:46:59 but the response was *insane*, I had much lower expectations 18:47:08 indeed, congrats! 18:47:17 yeah, a real tip of the hat to Debian, I think 18:47:23 we're still interesting \o/ 18:47:28 indeed! :) 18:48:32 Happy to answer any other questions about OPW (but we're plugging away, if not a bit quiet, due to everyone being pretty busy) 18:48:37 Sorry about the late d-d-a push 18:48:40 so, the fundraising effort puts us in the situation where it would be 1/3 donations, 1/3 matching fund, 1/3 Debian 18:48:53 which would cover one slot 18:48:59 Oh man, I forgot to donate 18:49:15 I know we had a few go to SPI, which is what I'd do as well, since I can write it off my taxes in the US (and earmark for the OPW) 18:49:18 any ideas that would enable us to have two slots? 18:49:52 lucas: we'd need to push that number up to 7,000 USD I think 18:49:54 let me double check 18:50:17 i talked with the GNOME foundation head at GSoC about it 18:50:18 paultag: oh, I assume they are not counted on the debian.ch page? 18:50:21 I think we can get some fees waved 18:50:26 lucas: I *think* so, I'm not sure. 18:50:39 but I know GNOME's into helping us out, since they know we're community 18:50:40 $7k for two slots? 18:50:45 I'm double checking 18:50:46 one sec 18:50:55 Nope wait 18:51:00 that's my fault, 13,000 for 3 slots 18:51:04 there is no 2-slot thing. 18:51:11 wem, 17,000 18:51:16 wow, I can't read today. 18:51:22 ok 18:51:23 https://wiki.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen - see "Please consider joining the program at one" 18:51:26 sounds harder to reach 18:51:30 It's a bit out of reach at the moment 18:51:41 dc13 surplus? 18:51:54 I'm not sure the project would be totally up with that 18:51:59 I'm a bit worried that having only one slot puts a lot of pressure on that slot 18:52:03 aye 18:52:06 I tend to agree 18:52:20 listen if we raise 2500, that's 5000 after match.. 18:52:37 almost enough to cover one slot 18:52:48 I think lucas always had the idea that project could cover half the costs if needed. 18:53:09 purpose driven fundraising for one slot and debian general for a second? 18:53:28 we'd have to solicit almost 10,000 I think 18:53:37 ?? 18:53:44 why? 18:53:48 1 intern is $5,750 18:53:52 5750 per slot 18:53:54 3 interns is $17,250 18:53:55 Oh. 18:54:00 Ohh. Do they do that? 18:54:11 I'm sure they would. 18:54:24 thinking two interens 18:54:26 She mentioned being able to wave some fees and helping Debian a bit, but I didn't dig further 18:54:31 I can email today to confirm. 18:54:34 bgupta: yes, if the fundraising covers $5000, I agree to argue that Debian should fund the other slot 18:54:42 How much more do we need? 18:54:47 (Sorry, been sleeping here) 18:55:01 2500 18:55:03 right, you said that 18:55:04 ok. 18:55:11 That's doable in a day 18:55:20 bgupta: one more day.. http://debian.ch/opw2013/ we are at 1790.50/2500. 18:55:21 we just really need to hit like 4-8 people to donate a chunk. 18:55:44 We CAN extend the deadline a week and do another dda? 18:55:55 (The deadline was arbitrary) 18:56:04 Sure, and play it as a success (We're so close to 2 slots, let's do one more, extra 5 days or something) 18:56:07 let's extend it after the deadline, not before 18:56:10 aye 18:56:23 (double our goal :) ) 18:56:27 so anything to do before the deadline? 18:57:21 I will send an email to -project@ to clarify that I plan to spend Debian money for the second slot if the first one is covered by donations 18:57:44 lucas: what do you need from us / me for that 18:57:48 nothing 18:57:57 OK 18:58:00 ah, maybe an estimate on what was donated outside debian.ch 18:58:03 if you can get one 18:58:11 but I could do without it 18:58:17 Let me see if I can hit SPI. Not sure how many are in-transit, but I'll see if I can get in touch with Josh 18:58:33 lucas: As far as I know the donated stuff is included in the numbers I gave 18:58:44 bgupta: to SPI (not debian.ch ?) 18:58:59 bgupta: which numbers, then? 18:59:00 e.g., I (and others) are likely to send cash to SPI so we can write it off our taxes 18:59:09 the instructions specifically said to email donations@debian.org if people wanted to use something other than paypal 18:59:11 bgupta: debian.ch says $1790.5 18:59:16 ah 18:59:32 we have one spi donation accounted in that number 18:59:45 (hug hacked the code) 18:59:46 is it the one that came through the OPW@ alias? 19:00:05 perhaps? I don't recall which alias. 19:00:10 ack 19:00:17 (I don't want to disclose / leak here) 19:00:33 ok, so I will use that number in my mail 19:00:38 so, I'll just figure that's counted up right and avoid the RTT to SPI 19:01:06 #action lucas to send email to -project@ about using Debian funds for OPW 19:01:15 #topic anything else? 19:02:04 debconf fundraising has begun. 19:02:36 but likely not a topic for this meeting 19:02:43 what's the status of the dc13 final report btw? 19:03:02 we will do a real meeting on sunday at my place to work on it. 19:03:08 great 19:03:09 With raclette :) 19:03:12 gah 19:03:21 I did my part and didn't get raclette :( 19:03:31 Mmmh, raclette… 19:03:32 lucas: next time. 19:03:49 sounds fun 19:03:50 yeah, for COMPAS :P 19:03:57 yep 19:04:06 #endmeeting