[20:03:14] <pere> h01ger: yes.
[20:04:15] <h01ger> whats the language there and does it cost a fee to participate?
[20:04:34] <h01ger> #topic 7. any other business
[20:04:43] <h01ger> #link http://wiki.nuug.no/aktiviteter/fscons2007
[20:04:44] <pere> there is a fee, and it is norwegian/danish/swedish, which make me believe it will be english. :)
[20:05:12] <pere> but the fee is quite low. :)
[20:05:34] <h01ger> ok. i doubt i'll make it, looks like the only weekend in december i'll be home..
[20:05:50] <h01ger> anything else or should we close the meeting?
[20:06:19] <stockholm> i consider going, but it is the weekend before the move
[20:06:27] <stockholm> to fscons2007
[20:06:55] <stockholm> they want a debian booth too
[20:07:10] <h01ger> was that on d-events-eu@l.d.o?
[20:07:29] <pere> a debian booth would be good. I will only be there on friday. :(
[20:08:02] * h01ger concludes we can close the meeting...
[20:08:06] <h01ger> right?
[20:08:10] <jever> yes
[20:08:17] <pere> yeah
[20:08:27] <h01ger> thank you all for attending and reading the log :-)
[20:08:48] <danielsan> thanks all for attending
[20:09:03] * jever too
Meeting ended.
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