Started logging meeting in #debian-edu, times are UTC.
[19:00:47] * pere = Petter Reinholdtsen
[19:00:56] * h01ger = Holger Levsen
[19:01:00] * danielsan = Daniel Hess
[19:01:14] * jever = Jürgen Leibner
[19:01:27] <vagrantc> #topic Who moderates the meeting and who writes the summary
[19:01:53] <vagrantc> i can moderate, and patrick winnertz offered to write the summary ...
[19:02:03] <danielsan> winnie: are you here?
[19:03:26] <vagrantc> will anyone offer to write the summary if winnie doesn't ?
[19:04:16] * danielsan was last time, has no time for this this time
[19:04:42] <vagrantc> shall we just put trust in winne to read the logs and write teh summary?
[19:04:45] * h01ger thinks winnie can write summary even if he is absent now :)
[19:04:52] <jever> pere:
[19:05:26] <h01ger> jever, ?
[19:05:31] * danielsan trusts in winnie too
[19:05:31] <h01ger> thats etch ;)
[19:05:32] * pere doubt any summary will be written with such belifs.
[19:06:03] <danielsan> pere: thats an other point
[19:06:03] <jever> h01ger: ?
[19:06:08] <pere> jever: I believe we added ~1 GB of packages in /usr/ since etch.
[19:06:37] <h01ger> jever, why do you mention this etch-url while we discuss the summary writer?
[19:07:32] <jever> h01ger: because I was a little bit silly?
[19:07:35] <vagrantc> ok, i'll offer to write the summary if winnie doesn't.
[19:07:46] <h01ger> jever, ah. now it makes sense :)
[19:07:59] <vagrantc> #topic 2.1.1 debian-edu: lenny: bugs that need fixing for release: lists of bugs
[19:08:16] <vagrantc> so can we get a list of bugs, without actually discussing the specific bugs?
[19:08:25] <h01ger> we have no list other than the list on the wiki page atm
[19:08:25] <vagrantc> URLs to bug lists would be great here.
[19:08:32] * h01ger failed to put them from the wiki to bugzilla
[19:08:43] <h01ger> but i noticed that our bugzilla doesnt send mails to the list anymore
[19:08:58] <h01ger> of course, we could just switch to using the debian bts and file bugs there
[19:09:25] * vagrantc would be in favor to using the debian bts as much as possible
[19:09:47] <danielsan> h01ger: what if it's about a regression for you scenario of use?
[19:10:30] <h01ger> danielsan, i dont see a regression in using the debian bts. its just a change. so far we used both. (which i always found slightly confusing)
[19:11:03] <h01ger> though
[19:11:12] <danielsan> mhh, no I mean, if, for example, hal does not work for our use, ...
[19:11:14] * pere noticed a new bug related to the tasksel problems. we install network-manager on a main-server+workstation install. it is said to mess up the network.
[19:11:37] <h01ger> the debian bts is package based and the maintainer decides severities, etc. so this wont work for us
[19:11:39] <pere> h01ger: I would recommend using bts for issues related to packages in debian, and bugzilla for everything else.
[19:12:02] <h01ger> pere, can you see if you can fix the mail issue then?
[19:12:12] <vagrantc> #url
[19:12:18] <vagrantc> is that useful?
[19:12:24] * h01ger suggests to join #debian-lists and ask them to help
[19:13:01] <danielsan> are they send to the list, but do not get through?
[19:13:10] <h01ger> danielsan, i think so
[19:13:32] <h01ger> vagrantc, yes, but there are two approaches for filing bugs as "pere noticed a new bug related to the tasksel problems. we install network-manager on a main-server+workstation install. it is said to mess up the network." - we could file this against debian-edu-config against the debian bts or against our bugzilla
[19:13:35] <danielsan> wasn't it about the mail from thing?
[19:13:54] <h01ger> typically we used to file such bugs against our bugzilla as we have trained our users to do so
[19:14:13] <vagrantc> would it be useful to have a "virtual package" in the bts... debian-edu-release or some such?
[19:14:19] <vagrantc> the debian bts, that is
[19:14:30] <h01ger> danielsan, i fear so. i also fear that noone can/will fix this and we cannot rely on bugzilla.s.o as we used to
[19:14:37] <vagrantc> then it would be easier to link debian-edu specific bugs to related bugs in the rest of the debian bts
[19:14:42] <h01ger> vagrantc, we could "hijack" the debian-edu package
[19:14:58] <vagrantc> h01ger: well, since that's an actual package, that seems a bad idea
[19:14:58] <danielsan> h01ger: well all of drift should be able to fix, no?
[19:15:18] <pere> h01ger: I suspect the problem with email out from bugzilla is the same old one, where the mail server reject it because the sender is bogus.
[19:15:20] <vagrantc> i guess, without knowing what list of bugs we have, my proposed agenda doesn't really work...
[19:15:25] <h01ger> vagrantc, the issue is really we trained our users to use bugs.s.o and now its broken. using another bugtracker is a bad workaround and i'm sorry to have brought this up :)
[19:15:34] <h01ger> pere, yes. so this needs to be fixed
[19:16:04] <vagrantc> h01ger: it does seem a bit off-topic, yes.
[19:16:17] <h01ger> (vagrantc such a pseudo package might still be a good idea some day/time :)
[19:16:19] <h01ger> +,
[19:16:49] <vagrantc> so do folks just want to list the outstanding bugs that they know of that must be fixed before release?
[19:16:51] <h01ger> pere, can you fix the bogus sender?
[19:17:27] <pere> h01ger: I suspect I got the privileges, but doubt I will find time to try to figure what is going on.
[19:17:49] <danielsan> fix tasksel to not include the standard debian tasks (should be fixed in debian-edu package)
[19:17:50] <pere> this was fixed earlier, I believe. not sure by whom.
[19:18:20] <pere> danielsan: yeah, the standard and desktop tasks should not be enabled by default, if we are to get only the packages we want.
[19:18:36] * h01ger thinks its as pointless to chase bugs without a bugtracker as to hold meetings without a summary writer. i'm sending a comment with some quotes from this log to the rt ticket
[19:19:34] <h01ger> though, oh, well, we have a bugtracker. its just a bit broken.
[19:20:27] <h01ger> is up2date? /me adds the new tasksle problem there now
[19:20:51] <vagrantc> #url
[19:21:23] * vagrantc nots that it's #link
[19:21:34] <pere> h01ger: I believe some of the issues listed on are fixed now.
[19:21:42] * h01ger notes it works just with http://
[19:21:51] <h01ger> pere, can you update the page, please?!
[19:22:21] <pere> h01ger: not sure enough to remove entries. would need to verify it with a install.
[19:22:37] <h01ger> mark them as "likely fixed, needs verify"?
[19:22:41] <vagrantc> pere: can you flag ones you *think* might be fixed and need confirmation?
[19:22:50] <h01ger> pere, verifying is an easy job for someone else :)
[19:22:56] <pere> vagrantc: ok, will add something like that.
[19:24:35] <pere> flagged.
[19:24:44] <vagrantc> the next agenda items i had were to prioritize and triage bugs, discuss specific bugs if needed, and see if anyone wanted to work on any of the discussed bugs
[19:25:07] <danielsan> pere: thanks
[19:25:36] <vagrantc> looks much more hopeful with those flagged :)
[19:25:54] <h01ger> maybe we can add a line two the issues section on that page now. move the ones we need to fix for a release above the line, and the rest below
[19:25:55] <pere> who did a test install lately? I did a simple one yesterday, but did not have time to look at the result.
[19:26:19] * vagrantc is doing a second one with a larger disk
[19:26:23] * danielsan one last week
[19:26:34] <h01ger> (there are some shoulds in the list, of which i'm not sure if they are ment as "must" or not..)
[19:26:36] <danielsan> or so, but manly to see the tasksel stuff
[19:26:40] <h01ger> (there are some "shoulds" in the list, of which i'm not sure if they are ment as "must" or not..)
[19:26:55] <pere> h01ger: I suspect most of the are musts. :)
[19:27:19] <vagrantc> maybe "possibly fixed, needs confirmation" would be a good category as well ...
[19:28:22] <pere> I suspect a lot of problems will be found with testing, like the ltsp issue reported on the mailing list.
[19:29:07] <danielsan> yeah, we need more testing
[19:29:35] <vagrantc> #topic 2.1 debian-edu: lenny: bugs that need fixing for release
[19:30:09] <vagrantc> any more to discuss regarding bugs?
[19:31:30] <vagrantc> ok, moving on...
[19:31:47] <vagrantc> #topic 2.2 debian-edu: lenny: features needed before release
[19:32:15] <vagrantc> are there any feature regressions from the previous release? any must-have features for this next release?
[19:32:17] <pere> I believe we need to get the LDAP-ified services completed. it means moving dns to fetch data from LDAP, and tools to update LDAP.
[19:32:18] * h01ger split the list into "Issues which we need to fix for a release" and "Issues which we like to fix for a release"
[19:32:26] <h01ger> we can now adjust those lists :)
[19:32:41] <h01ger>
[19:32:45] <pere> the hybrid we have now (DHCP from LDAP, DNS from files) is not very user friendly.
[19:32:59] <pere> admins should not have to update both LDAP and files to add a host.
[19:33:49] <h01ger> dnsmasq was the dnsserver which works with ldap?
[19:33:55] <h01ger> or was there another option?
[19:34:23] <pere> also, I believe we need to get the PXE booting to work for DVD installs too. it involves making the pxe d-i images available on the DVD and making them available after installation.
[19:34:32] <pere> (like creating a pxe d-i image package to install)
[19:34:46] <pere> h01ger: I am not sure which server itais is using in spain, but guess it can be used.
[19:35:17] <pere> there is also a list of changes done in extremadura, which we should probably add to the default install.
[19:35:43] <jever> will nscd be used further?
[19:35:49] <pere> #url
[19:36:00] <pere> jever: I believe ist is required with LDAP.
[19:36:28] <jever> it would be fine if nscd can be dropped
[19:37:24] <danielsan> should work without, but would higher the load on ldap
[19:37:50] <jever> better higher load as confused workstations
[19:37:58] <danielsan> there are no secret informations for nss ldap module, so everyone should be able to use it directly
[19:38:29] <pere> jever: also, it form the core of the disconnected workstation setup
[19:38:32] <pere> #url
[19:38:52] <jever> mmh
[19:39:05] * h01ger is on the phone with zobel atm.. sorry
[19:39:13] <pere> jever: you seem to assume that nscd is bad. not sure why.
[19:40:26] <jever> I noticed sometimes confused workstations because of false nameserver answers after nslookups
[19:41:29] <jever> and after the cache expires and gets refreshed the failure aare gone
[19:42:00] <pere> perhaps dns caching should be turned off?
[19:42:10] <jever> I never could establish a reproduceable szenario so I didn't report a bug
[19:42:38] <jever> pere: maybe the cache time is too long
[19:43:01] <pere> jever: yeah. only the info fetched from ldap should be cached.
[19:43:09] <vagrantc> ok, 18 minutes left, and 3 items left on the agenda: usbstick, lenny boot options, next meeting
[19:43:27] <vagrantc> not including the feature discussion
[19:43:34] <vagrantc> wrap up features now?
[19:44:26] * danielsan guesses that we need to talk about some points again next time anyway
[19:45:30] <pere> I noticed a devcamp planned for the weekend around december 6th.
[19:45:42] <pere> in oslo. saw it mentioned on irc yesterday.
[19:46:23] <pere> it could be a nice place to discuss it.
[19:46:35] <vagrantc> ok
[19:46:46] <vagrantc> who added the usbstick image item ?
[19:47:14] <vagrantc> #topic usbstick images
[19:47:23] <h01ger> back
[19:47:36] * h01ger wonders if we can build usbstick images
[19:47:45] <h01ger> would be very handy _and_ trendy :)
[19:47:46] <danielsan> h01ger: live ones?
[19:47:49] <h01ger> no
[19:47:52] <danielsan> or for install?
[19:47:54] <h01ger> installation
[19:47:57] <danielsan> ah
[19:48:00] <pere> anyone know how to do it?
[19:48:12] <pere> I would love such image myself. :)
[19:48:15] <h01ger> its described in the d-i manual
[19:48:22] <pere> anyone got time to do it?
[19:48:26] <h01ger> we just need to add our preseeding, i think
[19:48:44] <vagrantc> pretty much just have to add the CD/DVD .iso to a usb stick and cobble together a boot loader
[19:49:26] <h01ger> right
[19:49:34] <h01ger> but thats all in the manual
[19:49:52] * h01ger has done sticks for himself, its really easy. i just would like to have automated edu sticks :)
[19:49:58] <h01ger> and i dont have time to do those
[19:50:17] <vagrantc> i'll look into it if i can, but no promises :)
[19:50:35] <h01ger> :)
[19:50:46] <vagrantc> #topic ltsp boot options
[19:50:54] <vagrantc> i guess this really is just a bug we need to keep track of
[19:51:08] <vagrantc> i'm installing an ltsp server now, and can look into the issue
[19:51:11] <pere> vagrantc: yeah. please commit a fix. I hope it will get my qemu client booting. :)
[19:51:28] <vagrantc> pere: i mostly test with virtualbox-ose ... but i can also test with qemu
[19:51:49] <pere> vagrantc: well, if it work in virtualbox, I expect it to work in qemu too.
[19:52:20] <vagrantc> BOOTPROMPT_OPTS is customized for debian-edu, and it's missing a boot=nfs ... i'm pretty sure it's a real bug, will confirm it and try to fix it.
[19:52:45] <pere> vagrantc: notice the pxe setup script. it also set ltsp boot params.
[19:52:54] <vagrantc> yes
[19:53:18] <vagrantc> with 8 minutes left, i think we can move on to the talk of the developer gathering coming up?
[19:53:37] <h01ger> you're the moderator :) (but i agree)
[19:53:49] <vagrantc> #topic developer gathering in oslo, dec 6th
[19:54:27] <vagrantc> pere: care to elaborate?
[19:54:53] <pere> #url
[19:55:09] <pere> found it in the summary from the member organization board meeting from yesterday.
[19:55:47] <pere> in short, it state that there are plans to hold the yearly general assembly december 6th, and hold a devcamp that weekend.
[19:56:18] <pere> I guess akai jorgenhg Werner and the rest of the board know more.
[19:56:51] <pere> it state that akai will announce it via email today.
[19:56:55] * an3as = Andreas
[19:56:57] <an3as> Hi
[19:57:13] <vagrantc> ok, so we should hear more on that later
[19:57:30] <vagrantc> #topic next meeting?
[19:57:35] <pere> yeah. just wanted to make sure everyone knew about it.
[19:57:39] * h01ger thinks its a pity its so short term notice again
[19:57:53] <h01ger> i probably wont make it again :(
[19:58:08] <pere> h01ger: there is also one planned for january in trondheim.
[19:58:15] <pere> h01ger: I agree.
[19:58:40] <pere> someone with more spare time should help plan and organize devcamps.
[19:58:50] <h01ger> pere, when will those dates for january be available?
[19:59:01] <vagrantc> #topic developer gathering in oslo, dec 6th
[19:59:03] <pere> both jorgenhg, Werner, jemtland and me got small kids and are just to busy.
[19:59:06] <h01ger> and .oO( trondheim in january, whoohoo :)
[19:59:29] <pere> h01ger: the summary states january 23.-25. or 30.-1. februar
[19:59:31] <h01ger> whoohoo for those 4 kids too :)
[19:59:31] <an3as> Is there any topic for Trindheim?
[19:59:43] <an3as> s/Trindheim/Trondheim/
[20:00:01] <vagrantc> 1 minute left to discuss ...
[20:00:04] <vagrantc> #topic next meeting
[20:00:13] <an3as> I'm considering to join a meeting in the not so far future to sort out some cdd -> blends stuff and more webtools
[20:00:25] <pere> #url
[20:00:41] <danielsan> Wednessdays seem to be fine for most people
[20:00:53] <pere> wednesday isn't to bad for me.
[20:01:09] <vagrantc> wednesdays are pretty good for me.
[20:01:11] <an3as> As I said I'll be out of my house on Wednesdays until 20:00
[20:01:18] <an3as> But this should be no problem
[20:01:28] <h01ger> wednesdays work for me as well
[20:01:29] <an3as> My participation is at quite low level
[20:01:59] <vagrantc> would it work to have a slightly longer than usual meeting, to get an3as in on the tail end of the meeting?
[20:02:09] <vagrantc> or slightly later
[20:02:15] <pere> 21:00 CET is OK with me, if we want get an3as to show up.
[20:02:16] <an3as> ... or shifting by 15 min?
[20:02:24] <danielsan> 20:00 UTC is not ok for someone?
[20:03:04] <danielsan> an3as: then you could not write the summary :)
[20:03:13] <an3as> pere: The URL says only POSTPONED for Trondheim
[20:03:17] <danielsan> or moderate the meeting
[20:03:27] <vagrantc> december 10th would be 3 weeks out
[20:03:29] <an3as> danielsan: No, sorry :-)
[20:03:33] <an3as> But nice try!
[20:04:04] <an3as> And I stay rather in the background and not as moderator.
[20:04:12] <pere> an3as: yeah, but the board meeting summary from yesterday said it was going to happen in january. I do not know more.
[20:04:20] <an3as> OK
[20:04:27] * vagrantc thinks moderators *should* be in the background, able to focus on the meeting rather than the content
[20:04:32] * danielsan is ok with 10th of december 20:00 utc
[20:04:35] <pere> des 3. or 17. is better for me.
[20:04:55] <pere> suspect I will be busy being social with h01ger who is in norway the 10th.
[20:05:34] <an3as> What I wanted to ask the audience: Anybody had visited the bugs pages for Debian Edu? It is helpful? Any wishlist bugs?
[20:05:34] * danielsan is fine with 3th oder 17th too
[20:05:39] <vagrantc> december 3rd, 20:00 UTC ?
[20:05:52] <vagrantc> since we're close to a release, 4 weeks out might be a little on the late side of things
[20:06:02] <an3as> In first week of september I'm in Munich - probably offline.
[20:06:12] <danielsan> an3as: only shortly, looked nice, but did not try to use it productivly
[20:06:15] <an3as> So 3rd December is not good for me
[20:06:22] * h01ger thinks dec 3rd is good
[20:06:22] <vagrantc> ah.
[20:06:27] <h01ger> if 10th doesnt work
[20:06:31] <h01ger> 17th is really late again
[20:06:35] <an3as> 10th is OK for me
[20:06:54] <pere> an3as: yes, the bug page is helpful.
[20:06:57] <an3as> But as I said previousely: Do not count that much on my presence
[20:08:29] <h01ger> 10th is probably unlikely for pere and me
[20:08:49] <h01ger> but then, i wouldnt mind to much to socialice and have a meeting part of the socialice time ;)
[20:08:55] <h01ger> but 3rd would work better
[20:09:56] <an3as> I'd suggest 3rd *and* 17th. There is not much harm done if I'm absent at 3rd
[20:10:10] <vagrantc> sounds reasonable...
[20:10:39] * vagrantc is a little wondering what the decision-making process really is here
[20:11:08] <danielsan> vagrantc: the one who does decides
[20:11:12] <danielsan> :)
[20:11:16] <an3as> Do-O-cracy? ;-)
[20:11:21] <vagrantc> since we're 10 minutes over, let's just call it the 3rd, 20:00 UTC, and tentatively plan on the 17th as well ?
[20:11:41] <vagrantc> so whoever meets, whenever they decide to meet ...
[20:11:56] <h01ger> 3+17th sounds good to me
[20:11:59] <h01ger> very good even
[20:12:05] <vagrantc> i think so.
[20:12:05] <danielsan> vagrantc: say so, next meeting on 3rd and put 17th as suggestion on the agenda
[20:12:06] <pere> ack.
[20:12:14] <h01ger> vagrantc, you're the chair, you're the do'er here
[20:12:29] <vagrantc> #agreed next meeting 3rd, 20:00 UTC, tentatively the 17th as well
[20:12:32] <vagrantc> #endmeeting

Meeting ended.

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