19:05:46 #startmeeting 19:06:07 * danielsan = Daniel Hess 19:06:10 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at #startmeeting state your name with /me = for the log 19:06:16 * sepski = Ronny Aasen 19:06:37 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting | state your name with /me = for the log 19:07:16 * pere = Petter Reinholdtsen 19:07:29 * pere is a bit on and off at the moment, packing to go north. 19:07:42 j4v4m4n_ arntog foka d0rt snorre itais jever patrick-willam xoswald dinoex alfton klausade FBI schasi Werner Tolimar bahner_ C14r law proyvind zobel sturles k4x lazyb0y bittin white MeetBot AndrewLee sep winnie OleA h01ger : meeting starts now. please attend if possible. 19:08:01 * j4v4m4n_ = Praveen Arimbrathodiyil 19:08:07 : 19:08:13 :) 19:08:22 * klausade = klaus ade johnstad 19:08:51 * j4v4m4n_ hanging out to make a custom profile for schools in India 19:09:28 no meeting reminder on email this time? 19:10:03 guess. not. i didn't remember it myself even before my alarm went of 15 mins ago . 19:10:30 arntog = Arnt Ove Gregersen 19:10:44 * jever = Jürgen Leibner 19:11:24 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting | volunteer needed for summary writing. 19:12:08 anyone ? 19:13:10 keep in mind it does not need to be a huge essay. just the highlights and refer to the log. 19:13:15 * danielsan would write the summary if tomorrow evening is early enough 19:13:28 danielsan, thank you. more then enough. 19:14:03 #agreed danielsan writes the summary 19:14:27 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting | 2: Lenny status http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Lenny 19:14:32 #url http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Status/Lenny 19:15:10 * pere tested barebone installation the other day, and autopartitioning did not work. 19:15:23 had to use manual partitioning. 19:15:34 * danielsan did a main+workstation yesterday that was successful 19:15:37 personaly i have not thing else to say then last meeting. i have not had time to test any further unfortunatly. with vacation looming over my head like a damocles sword i fear i wont get much time the next month either 19:16:30 I will try to update my windows vm tomorrow and if thats successful I will check the samba status 19:16:31 did anyone look at the bugzilla report about slapd failing to start? 19:16:49 * danielsan just did 19:16:52 and the webcache DNS entry problem? 19:16:52 * klausade have installed several ltsp-servers today with the netinst cd. all looks just fine. But the ltsp-server profile does not work from dvd, http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1354 19:16:52 pere, are there a recipe for barebone ? 19:16:55 works on my installation 19:17:01 or did you use the debian ones or picked one of the others ? 19:17:02 sepski: I do not know. hoped there was. :) 19:17:14 pere: i'm installing main-profile to test that right now, the slapd thing, 19:17:29 pere, looks like slapd was allready running. "address in use" 19:18:33 #link http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1354 ltsp-server profile does not work from dvd 19:18:34 what other things are not working yet? 19:18:35 and on the other bug about webchache there was an answer from the dns which gets its data from ldap too 19:19:38 the dhcp hosts are still missing from dns which triggers a warning 19:20:09 pere, i guess it's the 97minimal recipe 19:20:50 pere, and it does not have a boot.. for some reason. 19:21:49 sepski: right. that was the problem. 19:22:20 sepski: do we already build our images using 5.0.2 D-I? 19:22:54 are 5.0.2 uploded to debian proper ? 19:22:55 debian-edu: 3 sep-guest committed revision 58577 to debian-edu: * add /boot for barebone 19:22:56 if not then no 19:23:44 sepski: I believe so. expert profile question looked good when I tested it. 19:23:45 oh it was released june27 19:23:54 in that case i have to check. but in theory it should 19:24:23 so 1315 sould be gone 19:24:48 and pere have tested it even so indeed gone yes. 19:25:03 on a related note, I was in london working on the debian and ubuntu boot system last week, and there I was told that ubuntu had dropped the graphical d-i install because of its usability issues. 19:26:33 we default to the ncurses one do we not ?' 19:26:41 oh, they had the graphical d-i? never had seen that 19:26:58 yes 19:27:23 sepski: I believe our default from CD is newt, while the pxe one defaults to graphical install. 19:27:41 we should consider changing the pxe setting. 19:27:46 perhaps change that one then 19:28:12 just do it imho. 19:28:21 in etch we had graphical d-i as default 19:29:05 how bad is the graphical install? 19:29:16 * danielsan uses it all the time 19:29:27 and it's imho not worse thant text based 19:29:52 i never use it. since it is slower 19:30:12 * pere do not use it in qemu, because it make it hardert to change virtual terminal. 19:30:14 and more tricky to get to the tty's 19:30:38 that's why I don't use it too 19:30:47 me too. 19:30:59 the nice thing about the graphical installer is the nice picture at the top. :) 19:31:14 :) 19:31:23 and it looks more friendly 19:31:38 this is only for the pxe installer so it's a tiny issue. dont think we'r going to change the default of the images now are we ? 19:31:41 but should have a been a picutre with a lot of people using debianedu, not a empty classroom with 2-3 persons 19:31:56 anyway, if very few are testing the graphical installer, I suggest we drop it from the pxe install and reconsider on request. 19:32:15 it's more sane to have all installations with the same default anyway 19:33:09 #agreed change DI default from grafical to text for the pxe installer. 19:33:54 have anyone tested lwat properly ? does it do everything that is requiered to be able to admin dhcp and bind ? 19:34:49 * jever did not 19:34:50 sepski: in my tests it does. but i realy havent had in full blown production anywere yet. 19:35:40 besides the obvious add/remove machines. i would think it needed to be able to tweak service names and SRV records. eg you need to use a muncipiality mailserver. and need to change postoffice forinstance. 19:35:55 or you have a dedicated proxy and need to change webcache 19:36:34 and what would happen on a nondefault ip range ? 19:36:51 and mass machine imports 19:37:01 thatone is very important 19:37:32 it does not look like you can mange srv-records 19:38:08 our predefined srv for ldap, ... are added on install (by the installer), I thing thats it currently 19:38:23 do we have a requirement list ? and does anyone have time to 1: write one 2: test it ? 19:39:32 I will mention the things said here in the summary 19:39:59 what about an upgrade/migrating script for account data? 19:40:06 klausade, people admining edu installations would hopefully know what they change in their dhcp and bind configs and could help make the requirements. (on the wiki) 19:40:55 jever: I'am working on a script updating user entries (for samba) 19:41:33 maybe I could make it a general ldap update-script, ... 19:42:43 we'v spendt 30 mins on status. 15 to go. any other items on lenny status ? 19:43:12 danielsan: fine, so would there be a part in that script, that can seperate the windows-profile-data from the user home and makes it arch-depending? 19:43:58 jever: arch-depending as in win9x vs. winxp? 19:44:24 ... for not merging NTUSER.DAT's from new Windowsversions 19:44:26 yes 19:44:27 sepski: from me no 19:45:16 jever, does that require ldap changes ? 19:45:37 * danielsan currently can't imagen how to do that in LDAP 19:45:48 yes, as in correcting some entries 19:45:52 I once did that with a strange samba config 19:46:15 the example I did uses that 19:46:44 all schools I maintained used that 19:46:49 think that would need to be put into the text acompanying the example since they would go together 19:47:54 sepski: yes, but I need a hint for understanding the Makefile for that case later on 19:48:19 jever, we'r all here to help 19:48:40 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting | 3: debconf9 plans? 19:48:42 pere: ldap works just fine on a main-server installed with netinst lenny-test from 28.06.09 19:48:48 I know, but it is great luck that I have time to be here today ;-) 19:48:49 looks like the agenda is very unchanged from last time 19:49:56 yeah 19:50:05 anyone have anything to say about debconf ? 19:50:12 if not we'll move along 19:50:41 #topic Meeting in progress agenda at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting | 4: other business ? 19:51:05 anyone have something new or off the agenda they want to talk about. 19:51:07 * pere is working on the boot system in debian these days. 19:51:20 improvements for squeese. 19:51:33 maybe we sould do rc-releases after checking the last bits? 19:51:38 should bet.slx.no be removed? 19:51:55 +a 19:52:01 anyone looking at http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1354 ? 19:52:20 jever, if it's not maintained. YES ! 19:52:48 it was the testcase in feb 2008 19:53:00 and is not used since then 19:53:21 klausade, i have been. but do not think i get the time to test in a while. would be nice to know if the package in questions is actualy on the dvd or not. (both the meta and the spesific version the meta point to ) 19:53:33 jever, then i think it should be removed 19:53:50 old stale cruft does not inspire trust in users. 19:53:51 and arntog is building a new site and wants to come on the server with it 19:54:30 anyone noticed that expert mode asks a lot more questions on lenny than on etch? 19:55:00 sepski: i'll find out, and add info to #1354 19:55:59 klausade, that is becouse i changes debconf_priority to high from critical. or else we lost important questions in the very early boot. 19:56:35 sepski: but what was the debconf_priority for expert mode in etch? 19:56:36 klausade, we can preseed them to seen if they are not important. but i feel expert mode is expert mode and we give the admin the gun to shoot himself in the foot if he so pleases 19:56:41 critical 19:56:54 but DI changes made us loose important questions if we used critical 19:57:33 klausade, are there questions you feel are very unnessecary in a expert install ? 19:57:45 then we can set those to seen 19:58:28 sepski: i used to solely use expert mode when i installed etch, worked fine. expert mode in lenny was more trouble that it was worth. but i'll give it another try. 19:58:58 klausade, what question do you need that you get in expert mode that you do not get regularly ? 19:59:19 i rarely need to use expert mode 20:00:36 klausade, test regular install and let us know if we need to change something :) 20:00:47 j4v4m4n_, do you want to say a few words about your project ? 20:02:31 sepski: i need to be able to use the "remote install using ssh" feature, that is only available in expert mode from cd. 20:02:46 sepski, hi I will share some info 20:04:13 we have the state of Kerala already using Free Software, a custom debian distribution in all of its schools 20:05:24 now with effort of the community, the neighboring state of Karnataka is also starting its ICT@School project with GNU/Linux 20:06:16 we are starting the initial phase of training, we chose skolelinux/debian-edu to tap into the excellent work that has been happening 20:06:41 j4v4m4n_, whats the name of the custom linux distro you used priviously ? 20:07:02 we will need to have support for input methods, fonts and translations for Kannada language 20:07:47 sepski, http://support.space-kerala.org/wiki/index.php/Download_IT@School_GNU/Linux 20:07:59 It is called IT@School GNU/Linux 20:10:05 j4v4m4n_, thanks. you have surely come to the right place :) do you have anything else to add, before we close the meeting ? 20:10:25 nice 20:11:11 #endmeeting