Meeting started by sepski at 20:01 UTC
20:04:11 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 1- who writes the summary?
20:06:21 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 2- How to deal with backscatter on the list
20:12:03 AGREED sepski no need for moderation at the current time.
20:12:16 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 3- Lenny status
20:14:36 INFO h01ger debian-cd is upgraded to the latest upstream debian-cd version. and all our current images are building and booting
20:14:45 INFO h01ger all the lenny-test-* images need testing
20:15:08 LINK h01ger
20:31:10 INFO h01ger we also need to write documentation and some uprade instruction. the skeleton is at
20:31:22 INFO h01ger for getting lenny out, we need testers, bugreports and people fixing stuff :)
20:35:26 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 4- flashlugin-nonfree-extrasound for etch
20:42:32 INFO h01ger agreed: no objections to move flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound to etch? then i'll do that..
20:46:40 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 5- etch r2 cds?
20:51:44 ACTION sepski drop etch-test building
20:51:49 ACTION sepski enable etch building
20:52:01 ACTION sepski remove old *-test iso's
20:52:10 INFO h01ger we could test the etch images and if they are fine, copy away and call+release them as r2. they are based on debian etch r8
20:52:56 ACTION sepski ask frisk for money for disks
20:53:11 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 6- other topics ?
20:58:04 ACTION sepski Get rid of old (woody/sarge) non release images
20:58:13 Topic: Skolelinux - Meeting in progress :: Agenda at :: 7- next meeting
Meeting ended at 21:02.

People Present:
  1. h01ger
  2. sepski
  3. jever
  4. an3as
  5. danielsan
  6. klausade
  7. lfaraone
  8. jever_
  9. dinoex

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