#debian-kernel Meeting

Meeting started by carnil at 19:00:16 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. can we agree on trying to schedule regular team meetings every week (carnil, 19:03:16)
    1. My proposal here would be that we hold those meetings on every wednesday, 21:00 CEST/19:00 UTC trying to keep them focused on the most important bits and do not make them overlong (carnil, 19:04:13)
    2. AGREED: hold kernel-team meetings every week on wednesday 21:00 CEST/19:00 UTC (carnil, 19:06:51)

  2. recent open bugs / recently updated bugs (carnil, 19:07:39)
    1. ACTION: bwh will reply to #1071378 on the reporter performing the needed tests and eventually mark it moreinfo and unreproducible for now (carnil, 19:09:56)
    2. reproducer from the reporter is in message #40, did anyone tried to reproduce it with it? (carnil, 19:12:23)
    3. With respect to #1039883 the reporter provided a reproducer script in message https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1039883#40 where it is unclear is someone tried to reproduce it on their own as well (carnil, 19:15:46)
    4. ACTION: ema will try to reproduce #1039883 (ema, 19:16:08)
    5. ACTION: carnil will tag #1071378 moreinfo as we asked the reporter to bisect the issue and report upstream (carnil, 19:18:53)
    6. #1057282 is affecting ci.debian.net infrastructure, once updating the kernel on arm64 hosts. Ben asked Paul if more recent kernels fix the issue (carnil, 19:19:36)
    7. Paul Gevers has though a question back to us before trying that on ci.debian.net in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1057282#42 (carnil, 19:20:10)
    8. summarizing question is if ith is worth knowing and put workload on the ci.debian.net maintainers (carnil, 19:20:42)
    9. ACTION: bwh to follow up to #1057282 (bwh, 19:25:52)
    10. #1072004 is actually affecting task for QA for the release, breaking autopkgtest for qemu jobs . We lowered the severity for now, but bluca is asking to make it actually RC to not let the version of linux migrate to testing (carnil, 19:27:34)
    11. if our understanding is correct the reproducing #1072004 is a matter of installing the kernel in a VM and use such a VM in autopkgtest with qemu backend with first verifying it is reproducible with a 6.8.y kernel (carnil, 19:43:43)
    12. ACTION: ema might have time to give it a try to reproduce the issue in the next few days (carnil, 19:44:10)
    13. ACTION: ema to try reproduce #1072004 with 6.8 and 6.9 as guest kernel in autopkgtest-virt-qemu (ema, 19:45:31)

  3. firmware-nonfree lacking behind upstream versions (carnil, 19:46:39)
    1. situation is rather unforunate for firmware-nofree . We lack behind several upstream version containing both security fixes and updates which have real impact for users with recent HW (carnil, 19:47:12)
    2. diederik did a lot of work rebasing the versions but the main problem is reviewing those MR and lacking of automatism (carnil, 19:47:32)
    3. bwh hopes to work on it "soon" but there cannot be a promise for it (carnil, 19:47:48)
    4. limiting factor for firmware-nonfree is right now rather reviewing the MRs by kernel-team maintainers (carnil, 19:56:05)
    5. some ifnormation we put in the package is quite useless (descriptions for firmware) as we do have automation for finding firmware packages relevant to present hardware (carnil, 19:56:39)
    6. ACTION: bwh to overhaul firmware logging patches (bwh, 20:00:50)
    7. next meeting will be On Wed. 5th June 21:00 CEST (carnil, 20:04:43)

Meeting ended at 20:05:06 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. bwh will reply to #1071378 on the reporter performing the needed tests and eventually mark it moreinfo and unreproducible for now
  2. ema will try to reproduce #1039883
  3. carnil will tag #1071378 moreinfo as we asked the reporter to bisect the issue and report upstream
  4. bwh to follow up to #1057282
  5. ema might have time to give it a try to reproduce the issue in the next few days
  6. ema to try reproduce #1072004 with 6.8 and 6.9 as guest kernel in autopkgtest-virt-qemu
  7. bwh to overhaul firmware logging patches

Action items, by person

  1. bwh
    1. bwh will reply to #1071378 on the reporter performing the needed tests and eventually mark it moreinfo and unreproducible for now
    2. bwh to follow up to #1057282
    3. bwh to overhaul firmware logging patches
  2. carnil
    1. carnil will tag #1071378 moreinfo as we asked the reporter to bisect the issue and report upstream
  3. ema
    1. ema will try to reproduce #1039883
    2. ema might have time to give it a try to reproduce the issue in the next few days
    3. ema to try reproduce #1072004 with 6.8 and 6.9 as guest kernel in autopkgtest-virt-qemu

People present (lines said)

  1. carnil (64)
  2. bwh (35)
  3. diederik (33)
  4. ema (13)
  5. waldi (8)
  6. MeetBot (2)
  7. bluca (2)
  8. daissi (2)

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