#debian-kernel Meeting

Meeting started by carnil at 19:00:22 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. meeting structure/organzation, collecting future agenda ideas, feedbacks (carnil, 19:01:29)
    1. AGREED: Use Jitsi for next meeting, then decide which medium to use in future (bwh, 19:08:54)
    2. We seem to have agreemnt on that we need a common list of bugs/item to look at and known for the agenda advance the meeting but it needs yet understanding how we generate and where to store it (carnil, 19:22:47)
    3. using gitlab/salsa (wiki) was suggested to use to collect and prioritize item points for the agenda of each next meeting (carnil, 19:23:21)
    4. AGREED: Agreed on starting a mail thread on debian-kernel for collecting agenda item for the next meeting and store the item for further priorization in the meeting in a wiki (carnil, 19:52:14)
    5. ACTION: carnil starts a mails thread on debian-kernel list to start this collection and takes for the first round repsonibiltiy to put the items in a wiki (carnil, 19:53:04)

Meeting ended at 19:57:47 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. carnil starts a mails thread on debian-kernel list to start this collection and takes for the first round repsonibiltiy to put the items in a wiki

Action items, by person

  1. carnil
    1. carnil starts a mails thread on debian-kernel list to start this collection and takes for the first round repsonibiltiy to put the items in a wiki

People present (lines said)

  1. diederik (42)
  2. carnil (35)
  3. bwh (27)
  4. waldi (19)
  5. iam_tj[m]1 (13)
  6. MeetBot (3)
  7. miguelinux (3)

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