#debian-kernel Meeting

Meeting started by waldi at 19:00:35 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Bug #1039883 - linux: ext4 corruption with symlinks (waldi, 19:06:06)
    1. ACTION: bwh trying to backport #1039883 to 5.10 (waldi, 19:07:35)

  2. Bug #1072495 - nboard analog audio no longer works on Dell Latitude E7440 (waldi, 19:08:27)
    1. ACTION: bwh to follow up #1072495 and check whether it's related to use of OpenRC (bwh, 19:16:12)

  3. Bug #1075770 - adlp_tc_phy_connect [i915] fills logs with drm_WARN_ON(tc->mode == TC_PORT_LEGACY) call traces (waldi, 19:16:46)
  4. Bug #1076864 - NFSv2 kernel support removed in debian 11.10 (waldi, 19:19:32)
    1. ACTION: carnil is already handling this (waldi, 19:20:08)

  5. Bug #1076708 - short screen blackouts on intel iris+ 640 gpu when watching videos, reports of CPU pipe FIFO underrun errors from i915 module in logs (waldi, 19:21:22)
  6. waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream (waldi, 19:25:52)
    1. ACTION: waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream (waldi, 19:25:58)

  7. Bug #894906 - linux-cpupower: provide a systemd service and a default config file (waldi, 19:27:47)
    1. ACTION: waldi to respond to #894906 (waldi, 19:30:11)

  8. AOB (waldi, 19:31:34)
  9. Bug #1076372 - ext4 file corruption with newer kernels (waldi, 19:32:32)
  10. AOB (waldi, 19:38:49)

Meeting ended at 19:39:22 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. bwh trying to backport #1039883 to 5.10
  2. bwh to follow up #1072495 and check whether it's related to use of OpenRC
  3. carnil is already handling this
  4. waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream
  5. waldi to respond to #894906

Action items, by person

  1. bwh
    1. bwh trying to backport #1039883 to 5.10
    2. bwh to follow up #1072495 and check whether it's related to use of OpenRC
  2. waldi
    1. waldi to bring #1072063 to upstream
    2. waldi to respond to #894906

People present (lines said)

  1. waldi (44)
  2. bwh (27)
  3. MeetBot (3)

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