=========================== #debian-localgroups Meeting =========================== Meeting started by moray at 18:02:01 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-localgroups/2020/debian-localgroups.2020-10-09-18.02.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Introduction (moray, 18:02:52) * Encouraging online events (moray, 18:12:44) * terceiro told us about a server running wafer for (online) minidebconfs (moray, 18:16:26) * MDCO2 is on 21/22 November (moray, 18:20:42) * MDCO Brazil is the following weekend (28/29 November) (moray, 18:20:49) * MDCO India has moved to 23/24 January (moray, 18:21:11) * Design (moray, 18:23:25) * Swag/distribution (moray, 18:24:45) * No special news on swag since last time (moray, 18:26:04) * Talk to nattie if you have ideas or want to get involved (moray, 18:27:37) * Local group census (moray, 18:27:47) * LINK: https://pad.riseup.net/p/localgroups-draftmail (nattie, 18:31:32) * We started drafting an initial message to local group contacts (moray, 18:41:12) * nattie has started looking through existing groups' websites (moray, 18:42:37) * HOWTO (moray, 18:43:59) * LINK: https://www.sombra.eti.br/howto.html (lenharo, 18:45:19) * Communication (moray, 18:49:15) * Any other business (moray, 18:56:16) * srud told us about a mentorship program organised by FSF India and other free software groups in India: camp.fsf.org.in (moray, 18:59:07) * Next meeting: Friday 23 October, 18 UTC (moray, 19:03:43) Meeting ended at 19:04:13 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * moray (91) * nattie (67) * srud (20) * lenharo (9) * terceiro (8) * valhalla (5) * MeetBot (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot