#debian-lts Meeting

Meeting started by h01ger at 15:22:18 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://paste.debian.net/hidden/b40e1c70/ (Beuc, 15:23:26)
    2. apo will draft an announcement together with the publicity team and lts list (h01ger, 15:27:37)
    3. pochu will reach out to ftp, security and release teams (for plain getting started with stretch LTS) (h01ger, 15:28:04)
    4. https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2018/08/msg00046.html (apo, 15:30:17)
    5. we got bcc'd on 15/06/2020 16:44 UTC from the release team (Beuc, 15:33:23)
    6. pochu will also involve buildd admins and DSA (h01ger, 15:33:37)
    7. https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2020/06/msg00049.html (Beuc, 15:34:38)
    8. pochu will also take care of getting arm64 added (h01ger, 15:35:27)

  1. next (irc) meeting / AOB (h01ger, 15:59:01)
  2. aob (h01ger, 16:05:14)
    1. please checkout https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/project-funding and provide feedback (h01ger, 16:08:40)
    2. the LTS todo list has been moved to https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/lts-extra-tasks/-/issues (h01ger, 16:08:59)

Meeting ended at 16:14:13 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. h01ger (85)
  2. buxy (29)
  3. Beuc (22)
  4. utkarsh2102 (14)
  5. el_cubano (13)
  6. ta (12)
  7. pochu (6)
  8. lamby (5)
  9. apo (4)
  10. MeetBot (2)
  11. bhe[m] (1)

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