#debian-lts Meeting

Meeting started by lamby at 14:09:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Greetings (lamby, 14:09:53)
  2. DebConf21 BoF proposal: Funding Projects to Improve Debian (Roberto, Anton) (lamby, 14:11:49)
    1. https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/project-funding/-/issues/5 (lamby, 14:12:00)
    2. https://debconf21.debconf.org/talks/103-funding-projects-to-improve-debian/ (lamby, 14:12:13)
    3. Proposed session outline is in the Salsa issue; comments and suggestions are welcome (lamby, 14:12:25)
    4. Submitted proposal approx 2021-07-27 (lamby, 14:17:15)
    5. http://paste.debian.net/1205944/ (el_cubano, 14:17:39)
    6. contact el_cubano to modify submission (lamby, 14:21:31)

  3. Any Other Business (AOB) ? (lamby, 14:21:56)
  4. next meeting (lamby, 14:24:08)
    1. the next meeeting is on Thursday, August 26th, 14 UTC on https://jitsi.debian.social/LTS-monthly-meeting (lamby, 14:24:36)

Meeting ended at 14:25:25 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. lamby (28)
  2. el_cubano (13)
  3. gladk (4)
  4. bwh (3)
  5. MeetBot (2)
  6. h01ger (1)
  7. codehelp (1)

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