=================== #debian-lts Meeting =================== Meeting started by jeremiah at 14:00:36 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-lts/2022/debian-lts.2022-03-24-14.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * ACTION: Jeremiah - create new issue with summary for documentation in ELTS (jeremiah, 14:19:21) * ACTION: jeremiah to create issues in freexian-lts/extended-lts to share the work to prepare for supporting Debian 8 and 9 in parallel (buxy, 14:33:57) * Improve publication of DLAs -- who's responsible? (jeremiah, 14:42:22) * ACTION: el_cubano review the issue and suggest an approach (jeremiah, 14:48:46) * Progress of "Archiving of ELTS packages" (jeremiah, 14:50:34) * The branches of all 42 projects in lts-team/packages were migrated this week to match the DEP-14 Schema. CI is setup for many projects (stretch only). (buxy, 14:56:49) * ACTION: gladk will enhance LTS documentation (wherever they end up being) to include the recommendation to use git (buxy, 14:57:17) * LINK: https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages (lamby, 14:58:13) * Debian Developers' Survey (jeremiah, 15:00:15) * ACTION: jeremiah capture remaining work to be done before publishing survey in a survey issue. (jeremiah, 15:11:01) * ACTION: Utkarsh to draft announcement for survey (jeremiah, 15:16:46) * AoB (jeremiah, 15:18:11) Meeting ended at 15:20:06 UTC. Action Items ------------ * Jeremiah - create new issue with summary for documentation in ELTS * jeremiah to create issues in freexian-lts/extended-lts to share the work to prepare for supporting Debian 8 and 9 in parallel * el_cubano review the issue and suggest an approach * gladk will enhance LTS documentation (wherever they end up being) to include the recommendation to use git * jeremiah capture remaining work to be done before publishing survey in a survey issue. * Utkarsh to draft announcement for survey Action Items, by person ----------------------- * el_cubano * el_cubano review the issue and suggest an approach * gladk * gladk will enhance LTS documentation (wherever they end up being) to include the recommendation to use git * jeremiah * jeremiah to create issues in freexian-lts/extended-lts to share the work to prepare for supporting Debian 8 and 9 in parallel * jeremiah capture remaining work to be done before publishing survey in a survey issue. * **UNASSIGNED** * Jeremiah - create new issue with summary for documentation in ELTS * Utkarsh to draft announcement for survey People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jeremiah (83) * utkarsh2102_ (42) * buxy (41) * gladk (37) * el_cubano (8) * lamby (8) * bhe[m] (3) * MeetBot (2) * pochu[m] (1) * utkarsh2102 (1) * petn-randall (1) * apo (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot