14:23:57 #startmeeting 14:23:57 Meeting started Thu May 21 14:23:57 2020 UTC. The chair is The_LoudSpeaker. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:23:57 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:23:59 <_hc> works for me 14:24:23 <_hc> #info the full clean package means no lintian errors, debian/copyright is complete, debian/control has the right Build-Depends, Depends, etc. 14:24:27 <_hc> full description 14:27:14 is there some command that shows if the package is clean? 14:28:34 <_hc> nope, just documentation and experience :) 14:29:21 <_hc> its a combo of things, like the tests pass, lintian works, pbuilder builds it from scratch, etc. 14:29:48 okay. 14:29:52 <_hc> I mostly highlight that to make it clear tht first its fine to work messy to get a build working, then afterwards, it needs to be clean before uploading. 14:29:55 you can try a meta repo of ruby team and just run the build command 14:30:00 <_hc> but it doesn't have to be clean during the whole process 14:30:02 it does mostly everything 14:30:13 <_hc> I have to run, I'll catch up on the backlog! 14:30:18 I will run a couple builds in sbuilder and check 14:30:26 sure. thanks _hc 14:31:48 The_LoudSpeaker: I still don’t get it why we patch out those null annotations instead of making them work 14:32:14 I reckon it's a matter of adding correct dependencies 14:33:04 i have one question , as i am updating android-platform-external-libselinux to major version 10 , so should it be first enter experimental and then to unstable? 14:33:41 andrewsh_: Those null annotations come from libcore itself. : import libcore.util.NonNull 14:33:59 and we don't have the updated libcore 14:34:06 hence commented out 14:34:29 Manaskashyap[m]: it would go to unstable first afaik 14:35:08 wait, but are you building the updated libcore? 14:35:17 why can't you build it and link against it? 14:35:52 aha, I see β€” out of all libcore you only build libandroid-json-java 14:36:00 > Manas kashyap: it would go to unstable first afaik 14:36:00 i know but sometimes , major version update can lead to breaking of other packages 14:36:09 and so its advised to go in experimental 14:36:16 as what we use to do in Gitlab packaging 14:37:18 _hc: I take it nothing except libandroid-json-java is needed by the dependencies, right? but probably it’d make sense to extend the build and build all libraries shipped in there at some point 14:37:29 by the reverse dependencies* 14:37:31 andrewsh_: is the MR okay now? or anything else is needed, I ran a lintian experimental and pedantic check. Got nothing 14:38:01 Manaskashyap[m]: oh I see. might be a good idea to get it into experimental then. 14:38:10 The_LoudSpeaker: one more thing, it's best to add the comments into patches directly when you add the patches themselves 14:38:50 look, at the moment you do "Added remove-Nullable.patch" and then separately add the comment 14:39:00 instead, add the comment directly in the patch when you add it 14:39:10 and also put it into the commit message after the first line 14:39:50 sorry for the nitpicking πŸ˜› 14:39:53 Yes. I will keep this in mind in future. I had actually forgot dep3 headers but someone in lubuntu reminded me 14:40:11 it's okay afterall you are here to do exactly that :) 14:43:50 > sorry for the nitpicking πŸ˜› 14:43:50 but your nitpicking really helps us to immporve our quality and maybe in future plus point for our DM application :-p 14:44:05 XD 14:46:58 Hi 14:47:11 Sorry for being late :) 14:49:03 Namaste! 14:51:19 Quick update for the starters: I'm doing patches for kotlin (since there are around 300+ commits) I have to go through the logs, that's why it is taking time. 14:51:20 anyone has a paste? @samyak-jn[m] @Manaskashyap[m] ? 14:51:41 yeah there you go. sorry to interrupt. go on. 14:53:01 Plus, there are various files that needs to be changed from kts to groovy (so checking all that) 14:53:02 Yup done here! 14:53:29 * The_LoudSpeaker goes next 14:55:21 things done: 14:55:21 * upgraded libcore. 14:55:21 * tried copyright fixing of intellij using cme. ebourg just submitted his changes so it is done. 14:55:41 need someone to point me at some other work since libcore is done. 14:55:53 Will be filing an ITP for intellij 14:56:18 then we can upload it 14:56:33 one of the major prereqs for kotlin 14:57:10 also, yeah I had built kotlin from source. had a few queries but I will wait for the change from commits to patches. 14:57:17 * The_LoudSpeaker is done 14:57:37 *Manas goes next 15:00:19 * Manaskashyap[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/geThFCrNddTLIJxEZizpFVXA > 15:00:24 *manas is done 15:01:30 andrewsh: _hc cdesai https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/android-platform-external-libselinux/-/merge_requests/10 i am done with the update kindly review it and also i thought of releasing it in experimental as once we are done with the modules we can shift to unstable and test building the source package then 15:02:13 samyak-jn what approach are you using to convert commits to patches? 15:02:55 andrewsh: I wanted to ask, how could we clean all the jar and other files that are generated after the build? (Not a priority for now, but we have to do that eventually!) 15:03:47 I just do a rm -rf of the files 15:04:39 Tried adding to .gitignore and d/clean doesn't work for me! 15:05:39 Raman Sarda: Oh, I'm reading git history :) Tedious job! I restored original files and freshly writing all the changes. 15:06:21 samyak-jn: after you make sure you have committed everything, git clean -fdx 15:06:33 but beware, this doesn't ask for confirmation 15:06:52 a git clean -dn before this is helpful 15:06:55 d/clean is used upon fakeroot debian/rules clean 15:07:26 it's best if fakeroot debian/rules clean removes everything the build generated 15:07:38 sometimes you need to tweak d/rules and d/clean to achieve that 15:07:47 it's not mandatory but it's good practice 15:08:42 Thanks, got it. We got to add commands in d/rules for cleaning the generated jar files. 15:10:27 Just btw, Manas kashyap I have added an issue tracker where every one can update their real time work, so there will be no clash. 15:12:09 oh cool can i get the link or can someone embed an etherpad in the channel itself 15:12:16 samyak-jn: if possible, it's better to have them in d/clean, but that doesn't always work (e.g. if you need to remove complex things it's easier to write a find | xargs than a pattern in d/clean) 15:14:12 andrewsh: Yes, I can use patterns in d/clean. 15:14:14 Manas kashyap: https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/12 15:17:10 Manaskashyap[m]: if you don't mind, I will take up https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/8 ? 15:17:29 asking coz _hc first asked you. 15:17:56 sure The_LoudSpeaker go ahead , if you want to work i think vavr0 is updated now in archive so sure 15:18:11 sounds good. :) 15:18:23 I think we are all done for the meet then? 15:18:32 unless mentors have something to add 15:18:34 Yes! 15:18:45 ^ cdesai andrewsh_ _hc 15:19:08 m36[m][m]: seamlik[m] any inputs? 15:22:01 and i am really waiting for andrew to review my MR , i learn a lot from his Nit picks :-p 15:22:31 and hope i haven't made previous mistake this time 15:23:26 same. andrewsh_ reviews were helpful. 15:24:06 +1 15:24:30 Manas kashyap: could you please throw a link at me? 15:24:59 https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/android-platform-external-libselinux/-/merge_requests/10 15:25:03 sure here it is 15:25:08 I may have missed it 😁 15:25:34 :-p well eagerly waiting for your review :-p 15:31:18 I think it's more than an hour now. For the meet. I will end it. 15:31:24 #endmeeting