========================= #debian-publicity Meeting ========================= Meeting started by larjona at 21:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-publicity/2018/debian-publicity.2018-02-15-21.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call. Who's around? (larjona, 21:00:43) * General status of volunteers. Enlarging the team (or get occasional contributors to stay longer). Candidates to get more involved (help with or learn about press/delegation tasks) (larjona, 21:13:09) * 2. relaunching the DPN. Let's publish one issue soon! (larjona, 21:28:18) * AGREED: we'll try to finish a DPN issue for 25 Feb 2018, and publish it on 28 Feb. Next issues, we'll decide content, format and periodicity (aim for 1 issue each 2 months, but the actual contributors we'll decide) (larjona, 21:38:15) * AGREED: we'll try to finish a DPN issue for 25 Feb 2018, and publish it on 28 Feb. Next issues, we'll decide content, format and periodicity (aim for 1 issue each 2 months, but the actual contributors we'll decide) (larjona, 21:38:33) * 3. moving the repos to salsa (alioth EOL is end of May). (larjona, 21:40:01) * 4. some topics that may need an announcement or bits.d.o article: alioth/salsa/lists/other-alioth-stuff?, spectre-meltdown? DPL elections? (larjona, 21:49:14) * 5. who goes to debconf? Shall we submit a talk/bof/event? are we planning some "creative" coverage there? (larjona, 22:07:03) * Anything else? (larjona, 22:17:45) Meeting ended at 22:32:35 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * larjona (78) * boutil (42) * zobel (35) * joostvb (34) * cnoted (21) * hosiet (7) * phls (2) * MeetBot (2) * larjona-m (2) * BTS (1) * ignatz-guest (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot