================== #debian-qa Meeting ================== Meeting started by buxy at 11:49:24 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-qa/2013/debian-qa.2013-08-07-11.49.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: https://trello.com/b/faDgzjwO/pts-rewrite the coordination board we use (buxy, 11:49:57) * planning of next iteration (buxy, 11:58:48) * AGREED: next meeting will be on tuesday (Aug 13th) between 13:30-15:30 (UTC+2) (buxy, 12:10:55) * problems with the email interface (buxy, 12:13:21) * ACTION: mlalic adds a non-regression test to ensure we don't mix unicode and str in headers and always have mails that can be converted to bytes by BytesIO (buxy, 12:27:58) * ACTION: mlalic to look into how to configure exim to avoid too many parallel deliveries over pipes to memory-expensive commands, including asking a question on the upstream mailing lists if needed (buxy, 12:31:55) * LINK: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=mirror/dsa-exim.git;a=summary exim configuration of the PTS (buxy, 12:36:32) * ACTION: mlalic to experiment if the current exim setup of packages.qa.debian.org copes better with too many mails (buxy, 12:40:34) * ACTION: mlalic to inform buxy when the deployment is done so that we can reenable forward from packages.qa.debian.org to pts.debian.net (buxy, 12:44:36) * status of pts.debian.net (buxy, 12:46:41) * ACTION: mlalic to schedule extraction of all changelog/copyrigh/control/rules files after next deployment (buxy, 12:49:42) * collaboration with Paul Wise (pabs) (buxy, 12:51:21) * AGREED: buxy will review external contributions first and mlalic will merge them when they are ready (buxy, 12:58:39) * other questions (buxy, 13:05:34) Meeting ended at 13:27:48 UTC. Action Items ------------ * mlalic adds a non-regression test to ensure we don't mix unicode and str in headers and always have mails that can be converted to bytes by BytesIO * mlalic to look into how to configure exim to avoid too many parallel deliveries over pipes to memory-expensive commands, including asking a question on the upstream mailing lists if needed * mlalic to experiment if the current exim setup of packages.qa.debian.org copes better with too many mails * mlalic to inform buxy when the deployment is done so that we can reenable forward from packages.qa.debian.org to pts.debian.net * mlalic to schedule extraction of all changelog/copyrigh/control/rules files after next deployment Action Items, by person ----------------------- * buxy * mlalic to inform buxy when the deployment is done so that we can reenable forward from packages.qa.debian.org to pts.debian.net * mlalic * mlalic adds a non-regression test to ensure we don't mix unicode and str in headers and always have mails that can be converted to bytes by BytesIO * mlalic to look into how to configure exim to avoid too many parallel deliveries over pipes to memory-expensive commands, including asking a question on the upstream mailing lists if needed * mlalic to experiment if the current exim setup of packages.qa.debian.org copes better with too many mails * mlalic to inform buxy when the deployment is done so that we can reenable forward from packages.qa.debian.org to pts.debian.net * mlalic to schedule extraction of all changelog/copyrigh/control/rules files after next deployment * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * buxy (90) * mlalic (53) * pabs (6) * MeetBot (2) * KGB-1 (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot