================== #debian-qa Meeting ================== Meeting started by buxy at 11:46:49 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-qa/2013/debian-qa.2013-08-28-11.46.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * review of last week (buxy, 11:47:27) * ACTION: mlalic to push his work in progress on "WNPP derived information" so that we can have a conversation on how to best go forward and what the proper model is (buxy, 12:07:15) * ACTION: mlalic to reverse the order of news (latest first) (buxy, 12:59:11) * ACTION: mlalic to improve the rendering of news generated by email (
 for mono-spaced font and spaces preserved)  (buxy,
  * ACTION: mlalic to update his former blog post with updated
    information about memory usage  (buxy, 13:17:52)
  * ACTION: malic to update the exim config to get closer to the Debian
    in terms of load limit for Exim  (buxy, 13:24:55)
  * LINK: http://www.exim.org/mailman/listinfo/exim-users   (buxy,
  * ACTION: mlalic to seek advice on exim-users mailing list on how to
    try to rate-limite deliveries for a specific router/email/domain
    (buxy, 13:28:12)

* next week planning  (buxy, 13:28:29)

* misc questions  (buxy, 13:41:06)
  * ACTION: mlalic to add links in the binaries panel to
    packages.debian.org  (mlalic, 14:06:22)
  * ACTION: mlalic to improve short description of logcheck action item
    (mlalic, 14:06:50)
  * ACTION: mlalic to fix the automatic news to not generate news when
    each source package version is removed from a repository but only
    when all version of it are gone  (buxy, 14:08:18)

Meeting ended at 14:09:03 UTC.

Action Items
* mlalic to push his work in progress on "WNPP derived information" so
  that we can have a conversation on how to best go forward and what the
  proper model is
* mlalic to reverse the order of news (latest first)
* mlalic to improve the rendering of news generated by email
 for mono-spaced font and spaces preserved)
* mlalic to update his former blog post with updated information about
  memory usage
* malic to update the exim config to get closer to the Debian in terms
  of load limit for Exim
* mlalic to seek advice on exim-users mailing list on how to try to
  rate-limite deliveries for a specific router/email/domain
* mlalic to add links in the binaries panel to packages.debian.org
* mlalic to improve short description of logcheck action item
* mlalic to fix the automatic news to not generate news when each source
  package version is removed from a repository but only when all version
  of it are gone

Action Items, by person
* mlalic
  * mlalic to push his work in progress on "WNPP derived information" so
    that we can have a conversation on how to best go forward and what
    the proper model is
  * mlalic to reverse the order of news (latest first)
  * mlalic to improve the rendering of news generated by email
 for mono-spaced font and spaces preserved)
  * mlalic to update his former blog post with updated information about
    memory usage
  * mlalic to seek advice on exim-users mailing list on how to try to
    rate-limite deliveries for a specific router/email/domain
  * mlalic to add links in the binaries panel to packages.debian.org
  * mlalic to improve short description of logcheck action item
  * mlalic to fix the automatic news to not generate news when each
    source package version is removed from a repository but only when
    all version of it are gone
  * malic to update the exim config to get closer to the Debian in terms
    of load limit for Exim

People Present (lines said)
* buxy (118)
* mlalic (102)
* themill (13)
* paultag (6)
* MeetBot (2)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot