18:04:08 <h01ger> #startmeeting debian-qa: going to jenkins.debian.org
18:04:08 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Feb 22 18:04:08 2017 UTC.  The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:04:08 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:04:18 <jcristau> does it even use a db?
18:04:47 <h01ger> jcristau: ah, i thought you were done with this discussion… the meeting should be short, anyway :)
18:05:14 <h01ger> #topic status of the jenkins.d._o_ migration
18:05:26 <h01ger> #info same status as in 2016, nothing happened in 2017 so far ;)
18:05:43 <mapreri> jcristau: dunno, popcon.d.o is a single-man maintained service, and nearly nobody knows it except him....
18:06:01 <jcristau> i thought it was bill and pere. maybe not so much pere these days.
18:06:03 * tnnn is readying rocket
18:06:10 <mapreri> tnnn: :P
18:06:15 * h01ger still appreciates this monthly meetings as they at least serve as reminder that we want to do this and for this we eventually need to work on this ;)
18:06:37 <mapreri> jcristau: ack.  Well, I'll get back to you, probably tomorrow evening if I manage.
18:06:39 * h01ger wonders whether this migration could be a GSoC/Outreachy project
18:07:10 <h01ger> #info current status of the migration is described in TODO in jenkins.d.n.git
18:07:25 * tnnn volunteers to remind about the meetings (I have it in working todo file) ;)
18:07:30 <h01ger> :)
18:07:31 <mapreri> h01ger: I do not think so; if nothing because we would probably need a debian account, which I wouldn't see as appropriate for outrechy/gsoc student.
18:07:33 <h01ger> tnnn: please do
18:07:41 <tnnn> will do
18:08:02 <h01ger> mapreri: its possible to have accounts on .d.o machines without being a DD or DM. rare, but not unheard of
18:08:15 <mapreri> h01ger: yes, they are called guests account
18:08:30 <mapreri> I know of them, I had one ;)  (also, DM gets the same kind of those accounts)
18:08:38 <mapreri> but for gsoc only...
18:08:41 <mapreri> mh
18:08:51 <mapreri> well, anyhow, it's too late for this upcoming round
18:09:00 <h01ger> mapreri: most work for this needs to be done in git anyway, tiny bits in the webui… so i'd argue anyone can do this with a local jenkins instance (and git)
18:09:41 <h01ger> mapreri: upcoming as in outreachy, but not as in gsoc, there i think the participating projects only get announced on feb 27
18:09:47 <h01ger> ?
18:10:04 <mapreri> Debian won't partecipate in GSoC this year
18:10:09 <h01ger> oh, i see
18:10:10 <mapreri> too few projects
18:10:19 <h01ger> hui
18:10:35 * mapreri ended up as organisation admin for Debian in GSoC.  Totally accidental...
18:10:52 * mapreri stares at olasd
18:11:15 * h01ger cheers mapreri and olasd
18:11:19 * olasd whistles accidentally
18:11:24 <olasd> uh, innocently
18:11:27 <h01ger> #topic anything else about jenkins.d.n/o
18:11:32 <olasd> 0:-)
18:13:08 <mapreri> guess nothing else.. The service has been running quite smoothly recently
18:13:09 <tnnn> As far as I can tell no OOMs were reported
18:13:44 <h01ger> yeah, thats nice
18:14:17 <h01ger> /dev/vda1                             243G  142G   90G  62% /
18:14:20 <mapreri> Only 2 weirdness I recall are 1) low number of executors running despite quite several being free (problem disappeared after a service restart) 2) SCM configuration sync plugin disabled back in december by "something" not better identified.
18:14:21 <h01ger> also looks good now
18:14:26 <mapreri> h01ger: what happened there :P
18:14:30 <mapreri> s/P/O/
18:14:30 <h01ger> mapreri: i dunno
18:14:42 <mapreri> wow
18:14:46 <h01ger> maybe artifacts gone
18:14:52 <mapreri> artifacts are not in /
18:15:47 <h01ger> i think a reboot "fixed it", so i guess some/many files were still associated in memory but not on disk for real
18:16:15 <mapreri> Could be, leaked fds…
18:16:24 <h01ger> and yeah, weirdness 1.) is weird inded
18:16:27 <h01ger> +e
18:16:39 <mapreri> with all the stuff that runs on that host is also hard to track down what would cause it.
18:16:40 <h01ger> and s#is#was# - i think i have seen this at least twice…
18:17:42 <h01ger> yeah. thats also why we really really should move to jarea.d.o - because then most stuff will happen on pb0 (=current jenkins), except that pb0 will not be running jenkins anymore (which will run on jarea)
18:18:09 <h01ger> #save
18:18:12 <tnnn> In the TODO there was a jenkins sprint mentioned to happen in march?
18:18:31 <tnnn> Also next meetings should be probably updated :)
18:18:47 <h01ger> tnnn: i have it updated locally already :)
18:18:52 <tnnn> Ah, ok
18:19:02 <h01ger> +yeah, sprint in spring is unrealistic by now and then its summer…
18:19:49 <mapreri> FTR, I don't think I'll be able attend DC17 :( (if you were thinking of doing something there and meet with me)
18:19:51 * h01ger is busy organizing the past and the next reproducible builds event, so right now i wont commit on a jenkins sprint, even though that would be much smaller
18:20:12 <h01ger> mapreri: come to the bsp at credative in march? ;)
18:21:01 <mapreri> I think I'll be able to manage either that one, or the reproducible one; and I'd prefer the reproducible one, tbh.
18:21:03 <KGB-0> 03Holger Levsen 05master 12d5c4d 06jenkins.debian.net 10TODO jenkins.d.o meetings: updated after todays * 14http://deb.li/PiFj
18:21:11 <h01ger> mapreri: me too! ;)
18:21:24 <h01ger> #topic final two minutes of this meeting
18:21:30 <h01ger> anything else?
18:22:27 <tnnn> I will go through the TODO in a spare moment - maybe I can help with something.
18:22:59 <h01ger> cool!
18:23:00 <tnnn> Still, I'd rather not break anything, so I'll just ask here beforehand
18:23:30 <h01ger> tnnn: you can hardly break anything. you'll send patches, so someone needs to merge them, which might be the breaking moment… :)
18:23:53 <tnnn> With the freeze in place, that might be a nice place to work with something that deals with java :)
18:23:54 <h01ger> tnnn: +feel free to ask etc…!
18:23:59 <h01ger> hah!
18:24:41 <tnnn> Will do (if time constrains allow me to do so!
18:24:46 <tnnn> +)
18:24:55 <h01ger> :)
18:25:06 <h01ger> ok, let's end this here so mapreri can launch ;)
18:25:16 <h01ger> o/
18:25:19 <h01ger> #endmeeting