#debian-release Meeting

Meeting started by jmw at 18:58:03 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Previous minutes/actions (jmw, 19:00:03)
    1. AGREED: Reproducible builds: nothing for us to do, await developments (jmw, 19:03:19)
    2. AGREED: mips64el: awaiting hardware for DSA (jmw, 19:04:05)
    3. ACTION: MariaDB transition: pochu liaise with pkg-mysql (jmw, 19:08:42)
    4. https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2016/02/msg00570.html (jmw, 19:09:47)
    5. yay for jmw (jcristau, 19:10:45)
    6. AGREED: Announce freeze change: done (jmw, 19:10:58)

  2. Transitions check (jmw, 19:12:46)
  3. AOB (jmw, 19:14:55)
    1. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/Europe/2016/DSC (pochu, 19:17:10)
    2. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/Europe/2016/DSC gives 403 forbidden? (nthykier, 19:18:20)
    3. Need for release things to be separated from ftp-master (jmw, 19:22:39)
    4. ACTION: jcristau to contact DSA, release and FTP masters about a possible sprint at SunCamp (jmw, 19:23:02)
    5. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/Europe/2016/DSC#SunCamp_planning (jmw, 19:23:05)
    6. nthykier would like vic^W volunteers^W ideas for Britney patches over the holidays (jmw, 19:25:31)

  4. Next meeting (jmw, 19:29:56)
    1. Next meeting: 27th April 2016 (jmw, 19:33:09)

Meeting ended at 19:33:18 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. MariaDB transition: pochu liaise with pkg-mysql
  2. jcristau to contact DSA, release and FTP masters about a possible sprint at SunCamp

Action items, by person

  1. jcristau
    1. jcristau to contact DSA, release and FTP masters about a possible sprint at SunCamp
  2. pochu
    1. MariaDB transition: pochu liaise with pkg-mysql

People present (lines said)

  1. jmw (74)
  2. pochu (43)
  3. jcristau (42)
  4. nthykier (32)
  5. adsb (12)
  6. MeetBot (5)
  7. mapreri (1)

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