19:00:34 #startmeeting 19:00:34 Meeting started Wed Jul 27 19:00:34 2016 UTC. The chair is nthykier. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:34 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:38 \o/ 19:01:22 . 19:02:26 jmw has excused himself - any other known "no shows"? 19:02:55 KiBi: jcristau: pochu: ping :) 19:03:20 o/ 19:03:41 okay, lets get started 19:03:54 #topic Previous minutes/actions 19:04:44 MySQL/MariaDB - there was some talk there during debconf. To my knowledge, the maintainers have a plan and is working on it :) 19:04:45 nthykier: pong 19:06:36 #info MySQL/MariaDB item: During debconf, the maintainers devised a plan and should be carrying it out now 19:07:10 #info Porter rollcall item: nthykier still to write the mail and send it out 19:08:28 #info Artwork: We got our first submission called "Monster": https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/Monster 19:08:33 \o/ for that! 19:08:45 :D 19:08:53 ooo 19:09:20 I have also been lobbying another person for a submission. Hopefully we shall see another entry soon! :) 19:09:35 what about the other other one? 19:09:36 That said, I should probably do another noisy reminder to make people submit artwork 19:09:58 KiBi: mm? 19:10:13 can we get a bit more publicity on this? 19:10:23 nthykier: was thinking about Juliette 19:10:24 maybe debian-desktop@ is not the best place 19:10:40 or not the only best place :) 19:10:48 pochu: it went to dda@ as well 19:10:52 KiBi: oh right, I have been meaning to follow up on that as well 19:10:58 1416 Jun 05 niels@thykier.n (2.3K) Call for Stretch artwork proposals 19:11:08 ah ok 19:11:57 #action nthykier to do a mail/blog/publicity to lobby for more artwork 19:12:08 what about @debian on twitter/identi.ca and other places? 19:12:23 pochu: Good call 19:12:24 maybe ask the publicity team to do somethingn about it :) 19:12:33 #undo 19:12:33 Removing item from minutes: 19:12:34 ana can help :) 19:12:43 I wonder, I think I saw it retweeted and al, but making sure wouldn't hurt 19:13:01 https://twitter.com/debian/status/739591152169537537 19:13:03 indeed 19:13:08 * pochu doesn't do twitter... 19:13:12 bad pochu 19:13:15 #action nthykier to talk with the publicity team about sending out more artwork related PR 19:13:58 (it's a time sink) 19:14:02 #action nthykier to check up with last times artists to see if any of them are interested in another submission 19:14:11 Anyway, that is what I had for artwork 19:14:13 looks good :) 19:14:38 Only because it is 2-0 on action items in your favour :P 19:14:44 I can write something directly 19:15:19 ana: That would be much appreciated. I am happy to help / review if/as needed/desired :) 19:15:26 nthykier: deal! 19:17:08 jcristau had an action item on an email about a sprint - as I recall that already happened, right? 19:17:27 (from http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-release/2016/debian-release.2016-06-01-19.00.html) 19:17:31 I think so 19:17:45 https://lists.debian.org/debian-sprints/2016/06/msg00000.html 19:18:01 Ah yes 19:18:08 assuming the suncamp sprint 19:18:10 quick adsb is quick 19:18:21 #info jcristau sent out the sprint report (https://lists.debian.org/debian-sprints/2016/06/msg00000.html) 19:18:39 good - I think we got everything covered in this topic. 19:19:01 any thing I missed? 19:19:55 If not, then I will move on. 19:19:58 that's all :) 19:20:08 #topic Schedule arch health check 19:20:17 #undo 19:20:17 Removing item from minutes: 19:20:35 sorry, jmw put that there - lets punt it till later in case he has time to show up 19:20:42 #topic Transitions 19:21:06 that's for me I guess :) 19:21:10 Yupe :) 19:21:21 gnat6 is stagnant - I need to send a ping 19:21:34 perl 5.24 is planned - only one blocker atm 19:21:43 #action pochu to send a ping on gnat6 transition 19:21:57 #info Up coming Perl5.24 transition 19:22:00 Cool :) 19:22:01 jasper-rm and openjpeg-rm are almost complete - only one blocker for each one and they should happen for stretch 19:22:11 too less security-sensitive packages in stretch :) 19:22:14 Excellent 19:22:17 s/too/two/ 19:22:37 we have four llvm versions in testing atm - plan is to get that reduced 19:22:54 3.9, right? 19:23:02 we need to get llvm-toolchain-3.8 built on every release arch, which is WIP 19:23:23 we have 3.5 through 3.8, and the maintainers want to make 3.8 the default 19:23:38 ah, misremembered then :) 19:24:10 does it seem doable within the time limit? 19:24:13 we have ghc still using 3.5, and ghc 8 in experimental uses 3.7 - it's not clear if we'll have ghc 8 for Stretch though, but in any case it's still unclear if we could have it using llvm 3.8 19:24:52 it's doable to get the list reduced. it's unclear / unlikely to get it down to one version though 19:25:00 but we'll see 19:25:34 there are plans to switch to GCC 6, icu 57 and boost 1.60 or 1.61 as well - possibly at the same time - still need to hear more about that 19:26:12 and that's probably all the relevant stuff I can think of right now :) 19:26:17 GCC-6.3 is indeed expected as default for Stretch - have you heard any news on that? 19:27:16 plan for GCC is early August AFAIK 19:27:30 So "any moment now"? 19:27:50 and possibly do icu (which should be fine) and boost (no idea about this) together with it - but I haven't heard much 19:27:54 yeah 19:28:08 ok 19:28:23 doko: around, by any chance? 19:29:05 #info GCC-6 transition expected in early August. Possibly including icu and boost at the same time (if managable) 19:30:45 Also. Once again, great work on the transitions :) 19:30:52 :) 19:31:47 mmm, btw, do you plan on doing perl5.24 after GCC-6 or ...? 19:32:57 no plan atm, but possibly yes 19:33:00 ok 19:33:22 Guess still no jmw? 19:34:49 as already said on this channel i would also plan to do a glibc 2.24 transition during august, if possible 19:34:59 aurel32: ah good point! 19:35:22 #info Pending glibc 2.24 transition 19:35:36 aurel32: oh right. sure thing 19:36:02 looks like we have plenty left on the transition plate before the freeze :) 19:36:39 as long as it's before and not after ;) 19:37:09 Ok, I think we will move on to AOB, if there (really) are no more items for transitions :) 19:37:20 nthykier: can you give an update on secure boot? 19:37:27 pochu: sure 19:37:33 #topic Secure Boot 19:37:39 So lets make that Secure Boot 19:38:16 As mentioned during the meeting at DebConf, we are considering Secure Boot a release blocker for Stretch 19:38:47 I have not followed the progress as close as I would like 19:39:26 Most of the technical items are filed as bugs blocking #820036 19:40:49 Beyond that we are missing an EV cert (and a possibly a key/certificate for the shim) 19:42:02 During debconf we agreed that Mithrandir would create and shard a private key for that. I suspect that is done; at least I am told we are waiting for SPI on the EV cert now 19:42:31 But otherwise, I suspect most of the tasks have not moved considerably since debconf 19:42:42 yes, the EV certificate has been asked by Mithrandir 19:42:45 (at least to my knowledge and limited research) 19:42:58 and since then is blocked on SPI having a phone number 19:43:12 #info EV certificate is currently blocked on SPI having a phone number 19:43:13 jcristau has been trying to get one from SPI 19:43:21 ooh 19:44:09 #action jcristau working on resolving the missing phone number for SPI 19:44:15 aurel32: Thanks! :) 19:45:12 well not sure the action is on jcristau, but he is the one regularly pinging the issue 19:45:21 #undo 19:45:21 Removing item from minutes: 19:45:42 #info jcristau is currently following up on the lacking SPI phone number 19:45:51 aurel32: thanks for the correction :) 19:46:41 aurel32: do you know if the status of that is tracked somewhere in public (as opposed to people's inbox) 19:47:16 no it's not 19:47:27 ok, thanks 19:48:26 If there are no questions, then I guess I will move to AOB then :) 19:48:48 thanks nthykier and aurel32 for the update 19:49:15 :) 19:49:20 #topic AOB 19:49:40 Any items for AOB? 19:49:47 not from me 19:49:50 I already asked mine :) 19:50:02 Excellent :) 19:50:16 I got jmw's "Schedule arch health check". 19:50:57 I think it sounds like a good idea, so I intend to follow up with jmw and hear what exactly he had in mind 19:51:12 (hopefully getting the porter rollcall out of the way first) 19:51:34 ack 19:51:46 #action nthykier to follow up with jmw on scheduling an arch health check 19:51:53 oh btw how's mips64el? I read build-essential already migrated. can we drop it from FUCKED_ARCHES now? 19:52:40 #info build-essential is available on mips64el now 19:52:50 pochu: I heard that as well 19:53:10 Not sure if it is ready to be removed from FUCKED_ARCHES yet. It still has 1000 broken packages 19:53:28 there are still plenty of packages to get migrated 19:53:29 and I suspect a lot of items blocked from migration 19:53:50 i don't know how smart is britney, but it looks like we might have to break dependency loops 19:53:51 erh, actually, I think you want "BREAK_ARCHES" 19:53:56 but wouldn't BREAK_ARCHES be enough? 19:53:59 around libsoup2.4 for example 19:54:13 pochu: generally you want to get out of BREAK_ARCHES first 19:54:14 I want cruft to get removed :) 19:55:43 aurel32: Feel free to ask for hints if it would help 19:56:38 ok, we are running low on time, so I would like to move on (assuming there is nothing more for mips64el) 19:57:01 I'm fine with leaving it in FUCKED_ARCHES for a while longer 19:57:05 let's move on 19:57:13 #topic Next meeting 19:57:38 ok, i'll ask after the meeting, but i don't understand everything in the excuses output 19:57:56 nthykier: fourth thursday of august, same time? 19:58:12 According to the fantastic release calander, the next meeting is the 24th of August at 19:00 UTC 19:58:15 sorry wednesday 19:58:26 (https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) 19:59:01 Any desire to change that date/time? 19:59:50 going twice...? 20:00:03 #info Next meeting: 24th of August, 19:00 UTC (https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) 20:00:06 #endmeeting