19:02:35 #startmeeting 19:02:35 Meeting started Wed Feb 26 19:02:35 2020 UTC. The chair is elbrus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:01 Previous minutes: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-release/2019/debian-release.2019-10-23-19.36.html 19:03:08 o/ 19:03:13 #topic transitions 19:03:19 hi ginggs 19:03:33 that topic would be for you :) 19:03:43 if you can share the lastest status 19:04:02 sure 19:04:13 ruby2.7 is done 19:04:36 ack 19:04:55 llvm-defaults migrated, but not done, right? 19:05:03 gnuradio / volk / gr-osmosdr 100% done just waiting on migration of gr-osmosdr 19:05:39 acorn is all arch:all 19:05:51 is the maintainer aware? 19:06:19 llvm-defaults 9 - ghdl has ftbfs bug, gnome-builder/i386 has ftbfs bug 19:06:48 but overall, stuff is going reasonably smooth, right? 19:06:51 not sure of the status of rust-clang-sys, i didn't get an absolute answer from locutus 19:07:11 i think acorn is a bit of a mess 19:07:42 what's with rust-clang-sys? 19:07:58 src:acorn now builds node-debbundle-acorn which Breaks/Replaces/Provides node-acorn 19:08:23 but i don't think that's gonna work the way the maintainer intended 19:09:01 i'll file a bug asking for clarification if it's agreed that's the way forward 19:09:15 what's your worry? 19:09:39 the new acorn makes a bunch of packages non-installable 19:09:52 rebuilding doesn't help 19:10:00 because the Provides doesn't work? 19:10:42 hmm, i think there needs to be a transitional package, or everything needs a sourceful upload depending on node-debbundle-acorn 19:12:25 other than that, gnat-9 was slow to start, but there were many uploads yesterday and things are moving along 19:12:25 https://qa.debian.org/dose/debcheck/unstable_main/1582693202/amd64.html 19:12:45 shows some node-acorn stuff indeed 19:12:59 i wanted to start python3.8 as default as soon as gnat-9 is done 19:13:12 s/wanted/want/ 19:13:36 ack 19:15:08 ginggs: anything else (or more answers needed to the items raised)? 19:15:51 that's it, as far as current transitions goes 19:15:59 #topic Are our tasks well distributed? 19:16:35 as we announced the retirement of lots of members, I was wondering how our tasks are distributed 19:17:12 IIAC pochu was mostly doing transitions in the past, ginggs and I are helping there 19:17:40 adsb is doing SRM, I believe mostly alone 19:18:23 at this moment those seem the biggest continuous items to me 19:18:40 so, mostly, adsb, is the current situation OK? 19:18:56 how do others see this? 19:19:58 more people doing stable stuff would never hurt, particularly now I'm juggling hats. but most of the time testing work is going to end up taking priority I guess, because that has day-to-day effects, rather than up to a couple of months delay 19:20:28 ack 19:21:12 should we actively seek more members? especially for SRM? 19:21:26 (we had one e-mail but no response to my reply) 19:22:05 I guess I can ping them 19:22:27 #action elbrus to ping the interested person 19:22:52 i think another call for volunteers in the next bits would be good 19:23:02 #undo 19:23:02 Removing item from minutes: 19:23:22 #action elbrus to ping the interested person for the release team 19:23:50 #action elbrus add call for volunteers to the bits 19:24:51 kibi: are you fine in "your" corner of the teams work? 19:26:28 without reply, lets move to the next topic 19:26:30 I'd be willing to help out. 19:26:51 great 19:26:54 my food appeared, so I might be less reponsive for the rest o fthe time 19:27:18 Sebastinas: shall be take that offer to e-mail or after this meeting? 19:27:56 #topic More bits 19:28:07 I'd prefer mail 19:28:10 ack 19:28:17 * elbrus too 19:28:36 last bits I told more bits were due 19:28:48 I want to announce our freeze policy soon 19:29:06 https://salsa.debian.org/ivodd/release.debian.org/-/blob/bullseye-date-proposal-ivo2/www/bullseye/freeze_policy.md has the latest draft 19:29:27 everybody (including all readers) are invited to judge for clarity 19:29:50 anything else for the bits? 19:30:18 depends on the next item :) 19:30:32 right 19:31:19 #topic Proposal to make a package's own autopkgtests blocking for its migration 19:31:45 even if it already fails in testing 19:32:10 autopkgtest failures are already RC (at least on amd64) 19:32:17 the idea being to prevent a possibly even more broken package from automatically migrating 19:32:28 idea from ginggs 19:32:50 * elbrus likes the idea 19:33:13 probably simple to implement 19:33:52 ginggs: do you care enought to try and come up with an MR against britney? 19:34:46 i can try 19:35:04 i have been rather busy at $DAYJOB 19:35:08 \o/ 19:35:12 sorry guys I have to leave. I'll read the backlog later in case you have something for me o/ 19:35:18 o/ 19:35:25 pochu: bye! 19:36:11 does that include a package whose autopkgtests have never passed? 19:36:32 olly: I think that's the idea, yes 19:36:52 we want those failures fixed 19:37:05 or if that's too difficult, removed for now 19:37:10 fwiw, it was reasuring when I started adding them that there wasn't a penalty for having one that wasn't yet working 19:37:15 but I can see your point too 19:37:51 we don't want never-functioning ones around indefinitely 19:37:55 do you maybe have a link? 19:38:09 for where this reassuring came from? 19:38:25 but yes, there was a time where this was accepted 19:38:33 olly: if they failing, it's already failing, it's just that nobody's gotten around to filing a bug 19:38:35 we're now talking about ending that time 19:38:46 not a link, just a conclusion i came to 19:38:47 we already consider failing tests in bullseye as RC 19:38:55 i.e. reassuring to myself 19:39:09 i mean "if they are failing, it's already rc" 19:39:10 * jcristau isn't sure that's an improvement 19:39:14 <_rene_> I hope only amd64 counts? 19:39:36 it doesn't seem to be an incentive towards more tests 19:39:56 <_rene_> because stuff like "I am too slow and my timeout hits" would be extremely annoying and make people disable tests 19:40:30 I'm not sure that ignoring failures is better though 19:40:43 don't run them on those archs? 19:40:44 <_rene_> (if you didn't guess already: libreoffice/arm64) 19:40:48 i mean, we ignore build failures that aren't regressions 19:41:09 we don't ignore RC bugs that aren't regressions 19:41:11 <_rene_> elbrus: so I shouldn't run the tests which actually run the UI? 19:41:27 elbrus: for the purpose of migrating things we do 19:41:35 * _rene_ doesn't like that, but if that is the release teams wish.... 19:41:53 elbrus: for the purpose of possibly removing things we don't, but that's explicitly separate 19:42:05 <_rene_> (or even the "does this even start?" test. that builds parts of LO, but thankfully is inside the timeout.) 19:43:42 _rene_: I would love it when tests that are hitting timeouts on certain archs are disabled on those archs 19:43:57 but I see your point 19:45:42 ginggs: seems like we'll not do this for now... 19:45:52 to be clear 19:46:22 my original idea was not to include packages that had never passed 19:46:33 o, missed that 19:46:50 the scenario i envisage is as follows: 19:47:10 package has passing autopkgtests 19:47:20 a new upload breaks everything 19:47:32 some transient condition happens 19:47:51 the autopkgtests in testing fail (even once) 19:48:08 the broken package migrates automatically 19:48:20 that's what i'd like to avoid 19:48:57 there's a couple of things we could do 19:49:14 oops 19:50:27 ginggs: ok that makes more sense i think :) 19:50:28 well, so, the proposal could be to consider regressions differently for ones own package (like Ubuntu does for all tests) 19:51:21 that would be more involved to implement 19:51:35 but still doable I think 19:52:13 bonus, it gives maintainers more insentive to fix flaky failures 19:52:25 as they hinder ones own package more than other packages 19:52:46 <_rene_> that will give them just incetive to *disable* them 19:53:19 I don't mind disabling flaky tests that much 19:53:28 flaky tests are a waste of my time 19:54:14 #action ginggs to try and come up with MR to prevent packages regressing their own autopkgtest 19:55:19 #topic When to start architecture qualification; and who wants to drive that? 19:55:51 at one moment, we should start the architecture qualification, but I don't feel the right person 19:56:16 I think nthykier did some of that in the past, not sure about others 19:56:27 how shall we tackle this? 19:57:10 how far is the automated qualification? somebody was working on that, right? 19:57:15 it's always been a pain afaict 19:57:22 ack 19:58:03 i wouldn't hold my breath on automation, imo it's intrinsically a judgement call where reasonable people can disagree 19:58:25 automation can help but it'll only get you so far 19:58:37 it's just that making painful decisions is painful 19:58:44 I wasn't going to, I just recalled that there were discussions about it in the past 19:59:04 (others will probably disagree on this, too) 19:59:06 going to hold my breath 20:00:16 so, no answer now, shall I start a discussion about the process on mail? 20:00:37 elbrus: sorry, got sidetracked 20:00:50 sure 20:01:41 #action elbrus to send mail about architecture qualification process 20:02:01 elbrus: was thinking about a new release sometime soon, but been busy for now, and haven't checked with Sledge yet when we could do that 20:02:35 ack 20:03:10 elbrus: i suspect the main question re arch qual for bullseye is do armel and mipsel survive. 20:03:23 * elbrus thinks so too 20:04:00 removing mipsel had some push-back I heard 20:04:50 I think ivodd had some ideas on it too 20:05:05 I had one more topic, shall we briefly continue, or stop here? 20:05:30 /o\ archqual 20:06:17 #topic When and how to deside on bookwork+1 name? 20:06:17 elbrus: go ahead 20:06:38 I guess around debconf is a good time to align on the next name? 20:06:59 depending on how many of us are going there? 20:07:34 I'm not this year 20:07:38 have we ever asked for nominations or votes? 20:08:05 ginggs: I don't think we do that (or you mean in private?) 20:08:24 s//do / 20:08:33 previously (at least for the time I've been involved) either the RMs chose directly or the team discussed it (usually in person) and then we picked amongst options 20:08:49 sometimes with heckling from onlookers arguing for sheep or zurg 20:08:50 that's what I guessed 20:09:08 i meant in public, might be a fun thing, and be inclusive 20:09:52 the argument is that choosing the name is about the one actual fun thing you get to do as RM :) 20:10:05 * elbrus needs to start looking the movies as preparation 20:10:14 that. 20:11:09 adsb: with RMs you mean pochu (according to the last delegation) 20:11:12 ? 20:12:07 I think we've done that across all of the release team, as opposed to official RMs 20:12:17 great 20:12:24 * elbrus loves to help there :) 20:12:37 it used to be RM, but there also used to not really be a team 20:12:45 * kibi already managed to get his beloved stretch chosen, so have fun :D 20:12:53 Maulkin and I suggested names, then people grumbled about them :P 20:13:02 for whichever one we named in new york 20:13:17 so how many will try to make debconf this year? 20:13:24 i do 20:13:25 not me 20:13:32 unlikely this year 20:13:52 I hear there are several minidebconfs going on though ;p 20:13:58 ok, so elbrus and i will decide over some beers :) 20:15:19 #topic AOB 20:15:29 anybody? 20:15:40 nada 20:15:48 nope 20:16:24 #topic Next meeting 20:16:35 #info Next meeting is 25th March at 19:00 UTC (import into your calendar via https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) 20:16:44 #endmeeting