19:00:32 <elbrus> #startmeeting 19:00:32 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Apr 22 19:00:32 2020 UTC. The chair is elbrus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:32 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:45 <elbrus> #topic Admin 19:00:55 <elbrus> #info Previous minutes: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-release/2020/debian-release.2020-02-26-19.02.html 19:01:06 <elbrus> #info elbrus had two actions for more release members; both done 19:01:16 <elbrus> #info ginggs had action for a patch to britney 19:01:25 * elbrus didn't see it materialize 19:01:29 <elbrus> ;) 19:01:47 <elbrus> #info elbrus had an action for architecture release 19:01:52 <elbrus> not done yet 19:02:00 <elbrus> #topic Welcome to Sebastinas and noahm 19:02:12 <noahm> hi! 19:02:12 <elbrus> Sebastinas, noahm, welcome to the team 19:02:37 <noahm> thank you 19:02:46 <elbrus> are you getting up to speed already? 19:03:03 * elbrus noticed transition bugs being acked by Sebastinas already 19:03:56 <elbrus> this is an open invitation to you for help request to get started 19:04:19 <Sebastinas> Yes, I got some small transitions done (libdvdread for example), some others are getting ready to migrate (poco) 19:04:33 <Sebastinas> pochu helped me to set up britney tests runs 19:04:47 <elbrus> awesome 19:05:15 <noahm> I haven't been particularly active yet. Hope to change that real soon now... 19:05:33 <elbrus> you have been watching the pu bugs already? 19:05:41 <noahm> yep 19:05:51 <elbrus> good 19:06:01 <elbrus> anything else for now? 19:06:38 <elbrus> #topic Transitions 19:07:07 <elbrus> any news on that front worth discussing? 19:07:37 * elbrus noticed ruby2.5-rm is nearly down, is anybody finishing that up? 19:07:52 <elbrus> done* 19:08:23 <ginggs> i'm not sure what needs to be done with src:linux in the python3.7-rm tracker 19:09:18 <Sebastinas> Filed some bugs for builds failures related to ruby2.5-rm and python3.7-rm 19:09:24 <elbrus> we had multiple new linux versions, is it hardcoded somewhere? 19:09:33 <elbrus> great 19:11:04 <elbrus> ginggs: I guess no clues here 19:11:19 <elbrus> anybody has any clue why ldc isn't finishing? 19:11:38 * elbrus tried several combinations of hints, but didn't seem to strike the right corde 19:11:58 <elbrus> my last hint is in my history if anybody wants to look 19:12:53 <elbrus> if no further comments, shall we move on? 19:13:25 <elbrus> #topic rc_policy status 19:13:29 <elbrus> https://release.debian.org/bullseye/rc_policy.txt 19:13:45 <elbrus> I reviewed that page a while ago 19:14:01 <elbrus> I wondered if we can remove the disclaimer at the top 19:14:19 <elbrus> or if we want more review 19:14:58 * elbrus hopes the policy editors will start maintaining a summary which we can reference with only our deltas 19:15:22 <Sebastinas> What's the status of autopkgtests regressions on arm64? 19:15:28 <Sebastinas> Are the also considered rc? 19:15:34 <elbrus> that's the next topic ;) 19:15:36 <Sebastinas> The policy only mentions amd64 19:16:18 <elbrus> we can discuss that now 19:16:34 <elbrus> I think we're about ready to do that 19:16:43 <elbrus> there's minor issues 19:17:13 <elbrus> like britney scheduling and blocking in some case where that's not appropriate 19:17:32 <elbrus> but in my opinion thats not RC in the package obviously 19:18:28 <elbrus> Sebastinas: we added amd64 explicitely when we enable arm64 to avoid those tests being considered RC in case of issues 19:18:39 <elbrus> but I think we can add it now 19:19:12 <elbrus> objections? 19:20:09 <ginggs> no 19:20:50 <elbrus> #agreed arm64 autopkgtest failures are now also considered RC 19:21:08 <elbrus> shall I remove the disclaimer at the head of rc_policy? 19:21:40 <noahm> I'll review rc_policy, but you should remove the disclaimer anyway. 19:21:49 <noahm> Doubt I will have a lot of feedback on it. 19:22:06 <elbrus> noahm: great 19:22:18 <elbrus> you know where the source lives? 19:22:35 <elbrus> https://salsa.debian.org/release-team/release.debian.org/ 19:22:57 <noahm> I know now. ;) 19:23:20 <elbrus> #action elbrus removes the copy disclaimer of the rc_policy 19:23:45 <elbrus> #action noahm review rc_policy 19:23:48 <elbrus> ;) 19:24:08 <elbrus> #topic state of out-of-sync issues 19:24:46 <elbrus> in our bits from February we declared out-of-sync packages as being RC buggy in testing 19:24:56 <elbrus> I've been filing quite some bugs 19:25:09 <elbrus> lots of fixes in the mean time 19:25:27 <elbrus> currently 32 out-of-sync packages with bugs 19:25:32 <elbrus> https://udd.debian.org/dev/bugs.cgi?release=bullseye&merged=ign&fnewerval=7&flastmodval=7&fusertag=only&fusertagtag=out-of-sync&fusertaguser=release.debian.org%40packages.debian.org&rc=1&ckeypackage=1&clastupload=1&cautormtime=1&sortby=lastupload_s&sorto=asc&format=html#results 19:25:40 <elbrus> (load time is long) 19:25:56 <elbrus> problem of course is going to be key packages 19:26:04 <elbrus> as those aren't going to be removed 19:26:51 <elbrus> any ideas at this moment how to handle those, or should we just keep them as regular RC bugs? 19:29:07 <elbrus> just for you're info, I NMU arch:all packages that are *only* blocked on the buildd issue 19:29:24 <elbrus> and binNMU arch:<any> blocks 19:29:31 <elbrus> before filing bugs 19:29:43 <mapreri> well, src:check could just be revert the previous version 19:30:36 <elbrus> mapreri: good idea 19:30:49 * elbrus will check the others for a similar solution 19:30:58 <mapreri> src:libhibernate-validator-java I'd ping ebourg on IRC and otherwise nag in #-java, that ought to not be too exceptional 19:31:14 <Sebastinas> I can deal with libsoxr 19:31:19 <mapreri> src:libsoxr is .. cbmuser could you please look at that… 19:31:19 <Sebastinas> That also needs to be reverted 19:31:39 <mapreri> lobsoxr could be reverted, but it would be great if cbmuser or somebody could debug that 19:32:19 <Sebastinas> Don't care much for ports "fixes" if it breaks release arches, to be honest. 19:32:41 <elbrus> ack 19:32:43 <mapreri> elbrus: was src:pillow hold back by autopkgtest regression? 19:33:05 <mapreri> it's not clear to me looking quickly now 19:33:21 <elbrus> I'm not sure; I don't think so 19:33:29 <elbrus> uninstallability I think 19:33:56 <elbrus> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=955776 19:33:59 <mapreri> it's "not considered", so installability is not yet counted 19:34:04 <elbrus> there's info in the "blocks" section 19:34:25 <mapreri> ok, that's more convuluted 19:34:44 <mapreri> but overall, that one looks like the only "real" key package having real troubles, the other should be doable in due time 19:35:50 <elbrus> any help welcome :) 19:36:09 <elbrus> (thanks mapreri for jumping in) 19:36:25 <elbrus> # AOB 19:36:33 <elbrus> #topic AOB 19:37:01 <mapreri> mh ok, I see src:pillow is taken care by those blocks, perhaps that's enough given the autorm timer 19:37:17 <mapreri> oh, I forgot emacs. that's.. I don't care :P 19:37:27 <elbrus> just a note: I removed quite a bit of rust recently to fix the out-of-sync mess in that ecosystem 19:37:42 <mapreri> (seriously, that's a FTBFS, I can't help with that) 19:37:58 <elbrus> that seems to have been well received in the rust team (as much could migrate after the removal) 19:38:08 <noahm> emacs looks like it has a fix upstream. just needs an upload... 19:38:17 <elbrus> I had some discussions with members of the rust team 19:38:20 <mapreri> noahm: then, everything's good 19:38:24 <elbrus> I hope things will improve 19:39:18 <elbrus> anybody anything else? 19:39:52 * elbrus shuts up for some minutes to give people time to finish :) 19:42:34 <elbrus> shall we close? 19:42:50 <elbrus> #topic Next meeting 19:43:01 <elbrus> #info Next meeting is 27th May at 19:00 UTC (import into your calendar via https://release.debian.org/release-calendar.ics) 19:43:15 <elbrus> thanks everybody 19:43:20 <elbrus> #endmeeting