==================== #debian-rust Meeting ==================== Meeting started by silwol at 18:59:27 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-rust/2020/debian-rust.2020-07-22-18.59.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * overview (silwol, 18:59:45) * regular meetings (silwol, 19:03:02) * IDEA: : each fourth wednesday of the month IRC meeting (stappers, 19:07:49) * AGREED: regular meetings every fourth wednesday of a month, we'll revisit the decision by the end of the year. if changes are required, we'll announce them in the chat and on the mailing list. (silwol, 19:13:05) * additional debian-rust mailing list (silwol, 19:13:25) * IDEA: listadmin workload as agenda item for our meetings (stappers, 19:22:42) * ACTION: stappers request debian-rust@lists.debian.org mailing list (silwol, 19:23:04) * ACTION: silwol check wiki and readme once we have the list (silwol, 19:23:42) * future of packaging with debcargo (silwol, 19:25:06) * ACTION: attempt to estimate naive savings of dropping unused features/lib crate bin packages ( f_g ) (f_g, 19:58:29) * issue on salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/issues/17 (f_g, 20:00:27) * ACTION: silwol f_g whip up a proof of concept MR implementing bin package / feature reduction feature in debcargo (f_g, 20:02:52) * IDEA: the dev repo get included when the are deb-src in /etc/apt/sources.list (stappers, 20:15:26) * ACTION: silwol contact Debian Go, JS and Haskell teams and Kali Linux maintainers for 'dev-repo' proposal (f_g, 20:16:30) * ACTION: silwol include plugwash/raspbian in dev-repo proposal as well (f_g, 20:17:08) * https://wiki.debian.org/IRC/debian-meeting (stappers, 20:24:12) * ACTION: kpcyrd contact Kali rust people and see how/whether we can collaborate (maybe invite to meeting) (f_g, 20:25:57) * what is everybody working on / planning and what blockers are beside the whole review thing (silwol, 20:29:33) * debcargo feature-collapsing feature POC (silwol, 20:59:19) * mailing request bugreport https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=966088 (stappers, 21:23:26) * LINK: https://paste.debian.net/1157463/ (f_g, 21:33:25) * pastebin 7463: aho-corasick bindgen cargo-lichking cargo-vendor cbindgen debcargo difference exa fd-find grcov hexyl nitrocli process-viewer pulldown-cmark ripgrep rustdoc-stripper xml-rs (stappers, 21:35:56) * pastebin 7464: libtr-tid2 moonshot-trust-router-dbg moonshot-trust-router-dev libjs-trust-json-document bat bindgen cargo-lichking cargo-lock cargo-outdated cbindgen debcargo difference dotenv exa fd-find grcov hexyl lalrpop lscolors nitrocli process-viewer protobuf-codegen pulldown-cmark ripgrep rustdoc-stripper rusty-tags sqop sqv sniffglue spotify-tui ucd-generate xml-rs (stappers, 21:37:22) * what is everybody working on / planning and what blockers are beside the whole review thing (silwol, 21:41:06) Meeting ended at 21:58:58 UTC. Action Items ------------ * stappers request debian-rust@lists.debian.org mailing list * silwol check wiki and readme once we have the list * attempt to estimate naive savings of dropping unused features/lib crate bin packages ( f_g ) * silwol f_g whip up a proof of concept MR implementing bin package / feature reduction feature in debcargo * silwol contact Debian Go, JS and Haskell teams and Kali Linux maintainers for 'dev-repo' proposal * silwol include plugwash/raspbian in dev-repo proposal as well * kpcyrd contact Kali rust people and see how/whether we can collaborate (maybe invite to meeting) Action Items, by person ----------------------- * f_g * attempt to estimate naive savings of dropping unused features/lib crate bin packages ( f_g ) * silwol f_g whip up a proof of concept MR implementing bin package / feature reduction feature in debcargo * kpcyrd * kpcyrd contact Kali rust people and see how/whether we can collaborate (maybe invite to meeting) * silwol * silwol check wiki and readme once we have the list * silwol f_g whip up a proof of concept MR implementing bin package / feature reduction feature in debcargo * silwol contact Debian Go, JS and Haskell teams and Kali Linux maintainers for 'dev-repo' proposal * silwol include plugwash/raspbian in dev-repo proposal as well * stappers * stappers request debian-rust@lists.debian.org mailing list * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * f_g (155) * silwol (120) * stappers (52) * infinity0 (43) * kpcyrd (37) * hntourne (15) * andrewsh (7) * wookey_ (2) * MeetBot (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot