==================== #debian-rust Meeting ==================== Meeting started by werdahias at 18:00:29 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-rust/2025/debian-rust.2025-01-25-18.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * rollcall (werdahias, 18:00:38) * toolchain updates (werdahias, 18:03:55) * trixie will have rustc 1.85 with the 2024 edition (werdahias, 18:12:43) * transitions (werdahias, 18:15:35) * env-logger 0..11 is done (werdahias, 18:17:40) * noisycoil[m]1 will try to do bindgen and procfs (werdahias, 18:17:58) * werdahias prepared zbus 5 in exp with noisycoil[m]1s help (werdahias, 18:20:13) * noisycoil[m]1 works on rustix 1.0 (werdahias, 18:22:21) * werdahias will do a mini-cxx update (not semver breaking) (werdahias, 18:22:47) * ncts[m] will work on the http stack (werdahias, 18:23:12) * misc (werdahias, 18:25:25) * ACTION: werdahias will look into an UDD query for dh 12 crates (werdahias, 18:41:21) * ACTION: werdahias adds wrapper to the book (werdahias, 19:00:30) * ACTION: noisycoil[m]1will look into getting debcargo a manpage (werdahias, 19:04:21) Meeting ended at 19:05:57 UTC. Action Items ------------ * werdahias will look into an UDD query for dh 12 crates * werdahias adds wrapper to the book * noisycoil[m]1will look into getting debcargo a manpage Action Items, by person ----------------------- * noisycoil[m]1 * noisycoil[m]1will look into getting debcargo a manpage * werdahias * werdahias will look into an UDD query for dh 12 crates * werdahias adds wrapper to the book * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * werdahias (93) * noisycoil[m]1 (42) * federico3 (12) * jbicha (11) * h01ger (10) * plugwash (10) * PlexSheep (8) * ncts[m] (7) * MeetBot (2) * capitol (2) * weepingclown[m][m] (1) * BTS (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot