17:04:22 #startmeeting snapshot.debian.org march 2024 17:04:22 Meeting started Mon Mar 4 17:04:22 2024 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:04:41 do we have any agenda? 17:04:52 rollcall? 17:04:55 * weasel present 17:04:58 not really, at least i didn't prepare an agenda 17:05:02 * ln5 present 17:06:00 * h01ger is here too 17:06:05 so, who's driving this? ln5? h01ger? 17:06:15 * h01ger is re-reading https://lists.debian.org/debian-snapshot/2024/02/msg00003.html 17:06:35 right, let's go over the work items from that list? 17:06:40 one question i'd like to try to figure out is what would be useful to do *without* having any new shiny hardware to run stuff on 17:06:40 re 1) set up dev/staging/test environment 17:06:50 any progress on that? 17:06:56 weasel: nope 17:07:01 (afaik) 17:07:02 haven't seen any for 1 17:07:10 any blockers or just lack of tuits? 17:07:29 ln5: can you queue your question for later, so we can go through the work items from last meetings 17:07:43 weasel: i kinda connected it with access to new system 17:07:43 lack of tuits and probably lack of hw too 17:07:49 h01ger: yup 17:08:06 ok, fair enough. so it's behind new hosting/infra. 17:08:29 re 2) find new main storage 17:08:31 but instead of waiting for new stuff, dev env could be put together anywhere ofc 17:08:48 nothing happened on 2) neither TTBOMK 17:08:50 jcristau indicated before meetbot arrived that he didn't get around to asking hetzner or cloud team 17:09:04 so unless anyone else can report anything, that's that about 2) 17:09:12 wait 17:09:17 go ahead 17:09:28 except: jcristau: do you intend to do that still? 17:09:35 i don't have enything for 2) 17:09:41 (talking to hetzner & cloud team that is) 17:10:19 lets move on, jcristau can answer anytime.. 17:10:19 yeah. i'll try to draft something after this. 17:10:31 great, thanks 17:10:41 awesome, thank you 17:10:48 3) S3 for serving web content 17:10:56 I assume 3) (s3 support) and 4 (indexing) and 5 (sha256) are blocking on 1 (dev environment)? 17:11:07 yeah 17:11:19 which brings us back to the question ln5 brought up 17:11:23 [18:09] < ln5> one question i'd like to try to figure out is what would be useful to do *without* having any new shiny hardware to run stuff on 17:11:46 right, so in summary: 3, 4, 5 block on 1, 1 might (or might not) block on 2. 17:12:04 we can probably clarify the might or might not :) 17:12:11 i don't think 1 should block on 2 17:12:15 I agree 17:12:19 yeah 17:12:26 if we separate dev, test and staging we can be more precise 17:12:45 the question is, what kind of resources do we need for a dev system? does it have to be full-scale or would something a lot smaller also be good for a starting point? 17:12:47 depending on what one means with it ofc 17:13:47 weasel: depends on the dev to be done :/ 17:13:55 weasel: i was hoping it could be smaller, at least initially, e.g. just mirror (and maybe just mirror for a subset of archives), and expiring data after set time 17:14:47 to make it easier to get hosting secured and something going 17:15:30 what are the active repositores still in snapshot? debian proper, and security. and we want ports back? 17:15:38 (and -debug) 17:15:39 we want ports back 17:16:01 just spoke with someone today who wants to do riscv64 ci tests and needs ports snapshot.. 17:16:01 so if the dev system can be useful with just one of these, we could just do -security to start with. 17:16:07 * h01ger nods 17:16:08 we want ports back and we want to add security-debug 17:16:22 * h01ger wonders whether we should keep this meeting very short & have another one next month, when we hopefully got a positive reply from hetzner or cloud team? 17:16:28 would that be useful? 17:16:29 if s3 is something debian can get for this amount of data, one could try to build a structure that allows the kind of lookups #debian-reproducible needs. you wouldn't necessary need significant data or hardware to develop with. 17:16:38 (sorry late to the meeting and slow typing) 17:16:41 hey kpcyrd 17:16:53 hello! :) 17:16:54 hi kpcyrd 17:17:08 a box with a security mirror and some disk to have it in a farm and a PG might be a good starting point 17:17:14 weasel: agree 17:17:19 yup 17:17:36 how much of vcpu/ram/storage would that be? 17:17:43 if we () set that up, who wants to bring snapshot-dev online there? 17:18:13 i wouldn't mind doing that 17:18:26 if I recall correctly #debian-reproducible needs a lookup for release-datetime -> `Release` file and `.deb` -> (sha256 instead of filename might work too) 17:18:33 debian-security is currently ~200gb 17:18:37 might need some help, but happy to try 17:18:50 so we'd need at least 250g for the mirror, 300g for the farm, some 50g for the DB and misc OS stuff. 17:19:08 not crazy 17:19:25 rounding up to 1t :) 17:19:26 ln5: i can probably help with advise or maybe testing, but i definitly cannot drive this. etoobusy 17:19:35 kpcyrd: lets leave such details for later.. 17:19:46 ok :) 17:20:01 jcristau: conova-node0[34]? 17:20:09 h01ger: sounds good 17:20:19 :) 17:20:23 weasel: looks plausible 17:21:03 if ln5 and h01ger would find that useful, I might even try setting that up if that works for you jcristau 17:21:09 wfm 17:21:17 great. 17:21:22 weasel: useful indeed 17:21:37 ln5, h01ger: we can coordinate oob once I have something started. 17:21:50 weasel: splendid! 17:22:16 awesome 17:22:17 I'm not good at keeping track of things today. any questions that popped up that are still open? 17:22:53 i think we are good for today, except maybe finding another meeting date? maybe just monday in 4 weeks, same time? 17:23:35 4 weeks from now is easter monday 17:23:45 the first of april? very easter, not great here 17:24:03 tuesday, or just the week after? 17:24:15 (or the week prior?) 17:24:32 week prior or weak after would be prefered for me 17:25:07 the week prior is dirauth sync 17:25:11 april 8th then? 17:25:19 wfm 17:25:36 looks good 17:25:47 1700 UTC or 1600UTC? 17:25:57 hehe. 16 UTC 17:26:03 i like 1600 17:26:09 jcristau? 17:26:12 kpcyrd? 17:26:24 going once 17:26:39 going twice 17:26:40 i don't know yet, but no objection 17:26:51 sold 17:26:57 i like this meeting 17:26:59 \o/ 17:27:20 #agreed next meeting monday, april 8th, 16 UTC 17:27:36 and obviously we can use this channel until then too :) 17:27:52 https://v.noreply.org/2024-03-04-hO4NhaR8Kx4/8003a68e27acbc837284642e7ae00792fe2ddb47.ics 17:28:08 endmeeting? :) (happy to discuss more, but also happy to end this now..) 17:28:20 I think we're done for now. 17:28:25 yup agreed 17:28:31 my action item is set up a vm and ping you both 17:28:49 nice, thank you 17:29:01 #info weasel will setup a vm and ping ln5 and h01ger 17:29:07 don't have a timeline yet. please ping if I disappear again 17:29:13 ack 17:29:13 #info jcristau will ask hetzner & cloud team about hosting 17:29:19 great great 17:29:30 thank you all! 17:29:34 cheers 17:30:09 #endmeeting 17:30:24 why no links with logs, meetbot? 17:30:40 we trusted you, meetbot 17:30:56 there are no logs on http://meetbot.debian.net/ neither 17:30:59 they were behaving weirdly in another channel recently, and refused to end a meeting 17:31:27 http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-hamburg/2024/ still worked nicely two weeks ago 17:32:04 tnx h01ger 17:34:13 lmk if i should mimic the software and summarise the meeting in an email to list, or if you'd rather try to feed it the log by hand 17:34:40 i'd appreciate a summary to the list 17:34:49 ack 17:35:08 * h01ger is juggling a bit too many things currently 17:38:21 cheers 10:48:20 jcristau: thanks for the mail! 12:53:02 h01ger: np, thanks for the prod 18:38:59 fwiw, new development from this weekend is that sallinen is out of space for the mirrors 18:39:22 sallinen is doing what re: snapshot again? 18:39:54 it mirrors all the archives and imports them into snapshot 18:40:02 so now that doesn't work 18:40:10 ah. thanks. 18:40:32 (now trying to find a workaround) 18:40:38 :) 18:40:56 & obviously thanks for that too! :) 19:14:09 the temporary workaround is to move the debian-security import from sallinen back to sibelius, which is a bit backwards, since sibelius is old and we want to get rid of it, but sibelius is where there's space right now... 19:14:42 that'll hopefully buy us a few days until the debian and debian-debug archive grow too big again 19:18:32 * h01ger nods 19:35:41 I, [2024-03-11 19:04:16#27545] INFO -- : New mirrorrun 86408 for debian-security 19:35:44 I, [2024-03-11 19:31:36#27545] INFO -- : [run #86408] Mirrorrun 86408 for debian-security completed. 19:35:47 I, [2024-03-11 19:31:36#4808] INFO -- : Indexing mirrorrun #86408 of debian-security from 2024-03-11 19:04:16 19:35:50 I, [2024-03-11 19:31:37#4808] INFO -- : Indexing done 19:35:52 not very fast... 19:35:55 but at least that seems to work 21:49:35 import of debian-security now runs on sibelius? the tired host with less RAM but the satabeast connected? 09:01:18 ln5: yes 18:44:51 * h01ger cheers another mail by jcristau 06:33:17 h01ger: thanks for the positive reinforcement :) 08:55:24 :) 16:52:19 autojoin fixed, I hope 15:00:01 bah.. we're back to ENOSPC on sallinen 16:36:25 adsb: pondering moving the debian mirror to sibelius. i think /srv/mirrors/debian-archive on sibelius is dead and could be removed to make space? 17:00:16 jcristau: yeah, the live copy is /srv/archive-mirror, which is what's then mounted on sallinen 17:00:50 jcristau: if you care, although it's not in the archive.d.o DNS rotation, sibelius still has /srv/mirrors/debian-archive exported via apache and rsync atm 17:03:15 (on the archive-master.d.o name, as that's still pointing at sibelius) 17:32:30 hmm right 17:32:44 not sure i'll do anything about it today tbh