13:14:38 <r2r0> #startmeeting
13:14:38 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Apr 23 13:14:38 2015 UTC.  The chair is r2r0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:14:38 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:14:50 <elv> openpgpjs patched to accept a Seed() object does not work inside a web worker
13:14:53 <r2r0> looks like we did a 24 hour long meeting
13:15:15 <elv> and generateKeyPair with the Seed object is 10-15x slower than using the native prng
13:15:28 <evilaliv3> r2r0: is still the one you started yesterday yep
13:15:33 <evilaliv3> thanks r2r0
13:16:03 <evilaliv3> elv: there is the pad for the scrum meeting
13:16:16 <elv> where?
13:16:35 <evilaliv3> please fill the things there structured as i did and then here we can discuss addictional things
13:16:42 <evilaliv3> http://piratepad.net/7h4d3q4cZV
13:16:50 <evilaliv3> it was written above
13:22:52 <evilaliv3> ok elv
13:23:08 <evilaliv3> i've seen your impediments. i was forgetting that point
13:23:14 <evilaliv3> so by today i will also solve that issue
13:23:39 <elv> okay
13:24:06 <elv> the strange stop here now is login not working in protractor tests
13:24:16 <evilaliv3> for what concern the task you proposed for today
13:24:37 <elv> if that works it should be a matter of a week of work to cover all the e2e interactions
13:24:51 <evilaliv3> the first is ok, as it's good to proceed to UTs of end2end
13:25:20 <evilaliv3> and in general
13:25:30 <evilaliv3> please keep at reference: https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/issues/1240
13:25:41 <evilaliv3> and describe your steps onto the ticket
13:26:11 <evilaliv3> for what concern the Seed() thing what you mean in relation to optimization ?
13:27:15 <evilaliv3> i would suggest to work on touchable things. now we still miss to put all in place, please proceed on impl,ement the missing features, or solve existent bugs
13:27:16 <elv> i think that the slowness is related to the loop
13:27:25 <elv> that calculates the next random bytes
13:27:26 <evilaliv3> but in general let's postpone what relates to performance issues
13:28:20 <evilaliv3> in general ok for this proposal by today. except from this not touchable thing.
13:28:37 <evilaliv3> if i may comment the schedule is missing for all any ticket reference
13:29:35 <evilaliv3> please try to relate to ticket and move forward by defining them if missing and please by tomorrow be more descriptive in relation to the tickets you worked on
13:30:15 <r2r0> evilaliv3: should I be accounting on redmine also for hours I spend looking at tickets and commenting on them?
13:30:15 <evilaliv3> i leave as (not so good) example the tickets i've worked on
13:30:21 <r2r0> under what deliverable?
13:30:30 <evilaliv3> sure r2r0
13:30:55 <evilaliv3> in general all that has a ticket associated to a OTF deliverable should go on it's deliverable
13:31:04 <evilaliv3> obviously do not waste time putting:
13:31:32 <evilaliv3> 1 minute here, 2 minutes there, eventually remember that you putted 1 hour on one as total and next time vary on that
13:32:19 <evilaliv3> and if something has a topic goes totally out of deliverable, you can account on two things:
13:32:28 <r2r0> but where do I put stuff that has no deliverable or that it takes me too much time to look for the correct one
13:32:35 <evilaliv3> 1) on hivos for what relates adopters improvals
13:32:49 <r2r0> as an example where would I put the drag and drop thing I were to interact with that sort of topic
13:32:50 <evilaliv3> 2) on otf inside the deliverable "bugfixing"
13:32:57 <r2r0> just from a issue tr4acker perspective
13:33:15 <evilaliv3> i will then take care of dividing and properly moving things while reviewing the activities
13:33:20 <r2r0> (obviosuly I will not file any time on that since I didn't spend any time on it, but it's just to know"
13:33:23 <r2r0> )
13:33:31 <evilaliv3> ywp
13:33:43 <r2r0> ywp?
13:33:47 <evilaliv3> yep
13:33:59 <evilaliv3> you got what i exposed or you still need a clarification ?
13:34:13 <r2r0> exposed?
13:34:22 <evilaliv3> said
13:34:23 <evilaliv3> :P
13:34:36 <evilaliv3> should i clarify the :P ?
13:34:37 <r2r0> ok, "bugfixing" is the catch all deliverable
13:34:39 <r2r0> got that
13:35:45 <evilaliv3> ok i've to move. can yuu close the meeting r2r0 ? (i will be expert with MeetBot by tomorrow)
13:36:15 <evilaliv3> if you have some suggestion to write in relation to what we written r2r0 let's go forward
13:37:06 <r2r0> #endmeeting