13:00:33 <evilaliv3> #startmeeting
13:00:33 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Apr 28 13:00:33 2015 UTC.  The chair is evilaliv3. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:00:33 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:01:02 <evilaliv3> halo! :)
13:01:24 <evilaliv3> here is the pad for the scrum meeting of today: http://piratepad.net/Ji8zW84Y0I
13:19:37 <evilaliv3> allright i've filled my schedule for today.
13:20:11 <evilaliv3> if there is someone working today, please fill it also so that we can review it together (evl ?)
13:27:59 <hellais> hey
13:28:05 <hellais> sorry I am inside of an ooni meeting too
13:28:11 <hellais> I will read the backlog later
13:28:39 <hellais> perhaps it's also useful to write what is in the pad in the IRC so it's logged
13:28:54 <hellais> otherwise if the pad goes down or is deleted it's lost
13:36:35 <evilaliv3> reporting all twice is not useful, anyway i will try to find a way to collect in an automated fashon all the pad without loosing them
13:36:44 <evilaliv3> thanks hellais
14:06:54 <hellais> evilaliv3:
14:06:54 <hellais> What did you do yesterday?
14:06:54 <hellais> I worked on refactoring debian packagin procedures as suggested by hellais and making all the code subject to code signing/tagging: https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/issues/1253
14:06:58 <hellais> i worked on the topic of key generation inside webworkers and i ended in the solution committed in: https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/fbdae0ccf533883c9923be7dc868067836d0988f
14:07:02 <hellais> A different solution i worked on is the one publishe in: https://gist.github.com/evilaliv3/060b2cc8a075f4704e32  that is less secure but interesting as it does not require any edit of the official openpgp.js pajckage.
14:07:07 <hellais> I worked on updating ALAC setup due to some adopter features on fields customizations
14:07:10 <hellais> i worked on fixing some issues on Amnesy development machine due to a scheduled demo for today.
14:07:13 <hellais> i worked on fixing an exception scattered on an adopter machine: https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/cc397efb89efa6966aa6f01b4ebc1f28b56eb979
14:07:15 <hellais> What will you do today?
14:07:18 <hellais> due to the exception scatt
14:07:21 <hellais> recorded.
14:07:23 <hellais> :P
14:39:33 <hellais> evilaliv3: you probably want to call #endmeeting :P
15:03:52 <evilaliv3> hellais: i think your cut+paste  left out something
15:03:53 <evilaliv3> due to the exception scattered on an adopter machine and fixed in https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/commit/cc397efb89efa6966aa6f01b4ebc1f28b56eb979 i'm now buillding some unit tests in order to raise the coverage for the anomaly detection implementation.
15:03:53 <evilaliv3> i will continue working on the end2end integration with the following aims
15:03:53 <evilaliv3> finalize the whistleblower key generation worker by generating the key as soon as the whistleblower opens the submission page (in background) and design a simple loading interface on submission
15:03:53 <evilaliv3> https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/issues/935: start integrating the encrypted file upload logic written by hellais
15:03:54 <evilaliv3> as minot internationalization activity i will tackle: https://github.com/globaleaks/GlobaLeaks/issues/1192 for wich i've already written some code that simply need to be finalized.
15:03:55 <evilaliv3> Are there any impediments in your way?
15:03:56 <evilaliv3> no impediments so far.
15:03:57 <evilaliv3> completed :)
15:03:59 <evilaliv3> #endmeeting