13:09:22 #startmeeting 13:09:22 Meeting started Tue May 26 13:09:22 2015 UTC. The chair is evilaliv3. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:09:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:09:47 hello! sorry to be late, network downtime in the exact moment of the meeting 13:09:59 i'm going to open the pad 13:10:28 http://piratepad.net/hNiiNXBncs 15:55:43 win 24 15:55:48 shiiiit 15:58:01 ? 15:58:09 win64 15:58:13 win128 16:04:07 ? 16:04:07 linux32! 16:52:54 evilaliv3: #endmeeting? 16:53:08 #endmeeting 16:53:12 #help 16:53:22 it's not overridable 22:27:25 #endmeeting