13:59:04 #startmeeting AWG meetting 13:59:04 Meeting started Fri Jul 20 13:59:04 2018 UTC. The chair is Philipp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:04 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:21 welcome everyone to this week's AWG meeting 14:00:14 i'll wait a while for people to arrive... 14:00:49 I am here, just adding some stats to the agenda item I added 14:01:42 great 14:02:36 Thanks to everyone who made it and Blake, who will probably be joining us later 14:03:46 looks like a small group again :) 14:03:46 let's have a look at the unfinished business from last time, which was on the 22nd of June 14:05:19 we discussed the curriculum, specifically the idea of reviewing the content of the modules 14:05:24 I am here 14:05:33 oh, guess we didn't add anything to the unfinished business card 14:05:43 so looking at previous minutes 14:05:56 Hi Blake 14:06:48 on the note about reviewing course content... 14:06:50 Where is the agenda? 14:07:10 had my meeting with Tyler and Paul... 14:07:13 Trello 14:07:35 does this work Blake? https://trello.com/c/NrQpygGo/29-next-meeting-july-6-2018 14:07:57 or #link https://trello.com/b/ogU4Wjd6/hot-activation-wg 14:08:37 but the tiny budget I have for Disaster Services I think will be mostly used up for administrative things in our DS program... 14:08:51 so probably not going to have a lot of time for courses... 14:09:04 but hopefully some. 14:09:11 ok 14:10:01 will come back to this a bit when we get to new agenda stuff, moving on... 14:10:10 that means also for reviewing the curriculum we're quite short on resources/time 14:10:47 yes, let's move to the next item 14:10:59 still unfinished business 14:11:00 yes, it will need to be volunteer time, which I might be able to do some 14:11:15 think imagery is next unfinished item 14:11:23 I' will try as well but can't promise until end August 14:11:25 yes 14:11:31 imagery coordination 14:12:01 we spoke about creating a draft a gdoc covering both existing/default imagery and new/requested imagery 14:12:19 @r_aytoun - it doesn't look like you're online, but if you are, any news on imagery coordination front? 14:13:11 I was looking at the july 20 meeting card in trello for the agenda, not the july 6 link you posted, but netiher one do i see an agenda, am i missing something? 14:13:31 agenda is a list on the awg board 14:13:57 oh, i see the cards are the agenda itmes and one card is the tile of it. 14:14:04 yes that's it 14:14:20 the 20th july one 14:14:27 is correct 14:15:20 so, I don't have much to add here 14:15:25 this is from the last meeting notes 14:15:37 sorry text disappeared 14:15:40 but it reminds me that we also discussed in the training wg, imagery stuff 14:16:24 so we could start/help create a gdoc, but just a bit of reminder to self, loop-in TWG 14:16:33 ok 14:16:55 #action: draft a gdoc covering both existing/default imagery and new/requested imagery 14:17:37 any further comments? 14:17:42 thoughts? 14:18:00 next item? 14:18:16 current activations 14:18:19 For sure we need more info about current imagery available and how to work with it, date it etc 14:19:17 Yes, side thought... 14:19:44 I mean we need to collaborate on that amonst ourselves and then share best practices 14:19:46 It would be nice if OSM, since there's so many imagery sources now, would say "we're only taking the ones with metadata" 14:20:31 that would be my ideal 'quick' fix :) 14:21:40 I think the rest of the recap from last time we'll either cover again or is just info 14:23:03 and just added note that we didn't meet last time 14:23:12 yes, good idea 14:23:58 the rest from last time I think were activations 14:24:06 oh, I should have noticed/said something... 14:24:16 you should use #topic 14:24:44 breaks bot minutes up 14:24:46 yes, thanks for spotting that! 14:25:05 did you have an imagery gdoc russ? 14:25:20 not that I know of :D 14:25:25 Aye, ok, I can do that 14:26:23 #item imagery coordination 14:26:41 #topic imagery coordination 14:27:33 I'm getting a bit ahead, but just changed Osaka Earthquake card to Japan Earthquake and Flood 14:27:53 #action gdoc with current imagery available and how to work with it, date it etc 14:28:39 shall we move to current activations, or are there any final thoughts on imagery coordination? 14:29:12 I'm good on imagery 14:29:13 i did eventually figure out how to get dg open data onto oam 14:29:19 wait i have more 14:29:22 oh, that's nice 14:29:34 i also mapped eua personally so it got done :) 14:29:44 holy * 14:29:46 well done Blake! 14:30:29 @smit1678 It is still quite against DG's terms of use to put the imagery on OAM so that needs to be addressed. 14:31:03 It needs to be addressed on the OAM side, not the DG side. OAM needs to accept licenses other than just one. 14:31:16 is it something we can build into the imagery role course? i.e. is there a way to train that process without having/needing bunch of admin rights, etc.? 14:31:34 So that is kind of a problem, we get data from DG and we have a platform to use, but technically we can't 14:32:05 We can accept other licenses just isn’t exposed yet 14:32:26 would it be possible to just agree on a project basis? 14:32:27 we also have previously received permission to post on OAM as a different license 14:32:29 ya it is pretty easy really. not sure what i was doing previously that was so difficult, maybe dg streamlined what they release v. the first tiem i tried. 14:32:56 oh that is super cool nate 14:33:18 i used oam anyway, but there is some hard coded text in the UI I think that would need adjustment. 14:33:35 cool, I think it would be huge for the interest and usefulness of the imagery course 14:33:48 I’ll raise this with Sean to incorporate in some upcoming work 14:34:07 but you just dowload all the parts they release, usually about 10 gigs worth, open in qgis, combine (just one simple command in the raster menu), then upload to oam. 14:35:07 super cool nate. 14:36:31 next item? 14:36:44 i'll make an issue for it then nate the ui parts i saw that would changing to support it. i think there is a paragraph of OIN verbage on the ui. 14:37:18 im done 14:37:48 anyone else? 14:38:10 #item current activations 14:38:22 #topic current activations 14:38:22 topic :) 14:39:05 I think there is Sri Lanka Flooding 14:39:23 I think we can pretty much call our support for Ebola over; thanks and congrats to everyone who helped out! 14:39:24 No size up for jp flooding :) 14:39:28 or did i miss that? 14:39:38 no doesn't't look like 14:39:44 Locally lead response in Japan :) 14:39:55 I have not seen the all clear in the ebola outbreak, but i agree 14:40:19 i.e. they had projects ready basically before we knew there was a response happening 14:41:10 Here's some numbers though... 14:41:44 For Japan (both earthquake and floods): 3 of 8 projects finished 14:42:42 For Sri Lanka: 2 (almost 3) of 8 projects finished 14:43:11 oh, make that 9 for SL 14:44:08 In summary - we'll be working these projects probably until September if priorities remain the same 14:44:34 is it still about 1/week? 14:45:13 have you had any follow up contact with SL folks? 14:45:34 No, we're seeing the attrition starting to set in 14:46:07 Not recently and really no one answered my call for some local text, images, etc 14:46:09 I know the DMC contacted us and gave us that AoI, but we are only a bit through the whole aoi 14:46:37 I think we might either use our own judgement to redecue the remaining area dramatically, or put them on hold until we can get further instructions. 14:46:49 What do you two thing? 14:46:51 think? 14:46:52 Our Japan friends are doing their own comms, but don't think SL is 14:47:24 But it's hard to pick out (for me) in Japanese which tweets, etc. are related 14:48:35 In general, I think we can keep at it but if another disaster happens, the global crowd mappers are pretty much lost 14:49:19 Why do you think we should keep at it if we have noone requesting the data for .... 2 months, 6 weeks? 14:49:53 I really worry about the impact it has on the volunteers 14:50:09 I think the request(s) are still valid 14:50:41 When I initially sized-up Sri Lanka I did say it looked like months and was that ok 14:50:51 What would invalidate a request for you? I mean, sure if they contact and stay stop, but if they disappear and no longer contact us, does the request ever become invalid? 14:51:07 No longer respond to our efforts at contact 14:51:30 And should we not even start on projects the size of the aoi they requested. 14:51:55 I haven't made any real effort to contact in a while, so I would wait until they actually are unresponsive first 14:51:58 Other emergency mapping orgs like coperniccus and and unosat will often just say no to the original aoi's because the dmc's always request huge areas first. 14:52:10 Can we make an effort to contact them this week? 14:52:16 Yes 14:52:21 Ok, cool. 14:52:26 who's we? :) 14:52:33 haha! 14:52:42 I'll do no problem, who is the contat I should email? 14:53:01 I was just messing, we'll ping Sutha on Slack first 14:53:45 Ok, done. 14:53:56 :) 14:54:47 But phillip can you add that to our agenda, how to handle large mapping requests, that we know will take 8 weeks or more? 14:54:59 how about Japan, should we - i'm also happy to get in touch - ask for anything? 14:55:02 yes 14:55:40 Taichi and Satoshi are pretty active on our Slack as well 14:55:41 i'll add it to unfinished business 14:55:47 jp is fine at the moment. this last project taichi tried to create is stuck and it looked like the task square were very large, 60 sq/km 14:56:06 ok 14:56:16 we're running slightly late 14:56:17 They're much more happy to work at lower priority with local mappers 14:56:30 if something pops up 14:56:35 which is usually not a good idea, but he has his own crowd working on things so less of an issue, but it is the top of our tasking manager list so there needs to be some accomindations for crowd mappers and 60 s/k kind of unfriendly 14:58:17 I think we can quickly hit the next agenda item and I can hang out for a little longer for any other business 14:58:21 yes, we had that problem last week at a mapathon 14:59:12 sorry, the text keeps disappearing when i'm hitting the bracket key 14:59:56 wanted to say - maybe add the splitting task comment on the instructions - doesn't seem to be there at the moment 15:00:04 next item 15:00:36 #topic disaster mapping capacity 15:00:48 Great, thanks 15:01:15 So this card... 15:01:26 #link https://trello.com/c/t6YnIp4d/79-disaster-mapping-capacity 15:01:55 I will update each meeting as part of my Disaster Services component of my contract 15:02:11 Over next month or two I'll just be monitoring... 15:02:17 maybe we need split task info on the UI itself, that would be easy to add 15:02:24 we do have a very regular problem of too big task squares 15:02:29 with the intent to start figuring a way to increase 'retention' 15:03:24 You can see we basically have 10% of people actually try a course, less than 1% actually become an Activator 15:03:47 I'm sure we can do better 15:04:14 I didn't know you were under contract for Diaster Services, nice :) 15:04:44 Also welcome suggestions for other things I should track/measure to help improve our response capacity 15:05:11 Very little piece of my current contract for Indonesia Roads Mapping 15:05:47 but that's it for this item/from me 15:08:40 Philipp? 15:08:53 this could be something we could discuss at sotm as well!? You'll also be attending Blake? 15:09:27 shall we add that to unfinished business for now? 15:10:10 I would like to keep it as a 'rolling' agenda item at least until I have a better idea what to do with the info... 15:10:25 ok 15:10:42 I do have one quick other business 15:10:55 #topic 15:11:05 #topic AOB 15:11:30 #info Archiving the follow-up from FEMA NLE 15:11:49 Just not enough time/energy to complete this 15:12:19 :-) 15:12:27 Plus I assume all involved have pretty much forgotten the exercise, so we're beyond the window of it being useful 15:13:14 That's it for me this time around, thank you for Chairing Philipp! 15:13:26 shall we close with a list of unfinished business? 15:13:29 Cheers, thank you very much everyone 15:13:53 #topic unfinished business 15:14:01 If you think that would help Philipp 15:14:12 just to keep track 15:14:44 #info disaster mapping capacity 15:15:20 #info large AOIs 15:15:38 anything else we'd like to remember for next time? 15:16:03 #info imagery coordination 15:16:29 great 15:16:56 I think that's it? 15:17:05 yes 15:17:08 thanks everyone, see some of you at sotm and in 2 weeks 15:17:17 #endmeeting