13:59:04 <russdeffner> #startmeeting Activation Working Group October 26, 2018
13:59:04 <MeetBot> Meeting started Fri Oct 26 13:59:04 2018 UTC.  The chair is russdeffner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:59:04 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:59:46 <russdeffner> Seems like it's been a busy week for most; anyone around?
13:59:57 <russdeffner> Say hello to get noted by the bot
14:01:57 <Blake_> Hi
14:02:07 <russdeffner> hey Blake
14:02:10 <Blake_> Hi Russ
14:03:04 <russdeffner> If it's just us, think I'll just make some announcements here and we can just chat about other stuff in #disaster-mapping
14:03:44 <russdeffner> Mainly that this time won't work for me after DST ends
14:04:28 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> Hello all
14:04:39 <russdeffner> So thinking we just move it now/for next time which will keep the time the same for folks in Europe
14:05:03 <russdeffner> and we'll just have the akward couple of weeks of different time in US
14:05:38 <russdeffner> and hello Ralph
14:06:32 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> Folks in Europe are also coming off Summer Time soon but I am able to accommodate any time around now.
14:07:38 <russdeffner> ok, it just will be too early for me once the US changes; would actually prefer to move it 2 hours
14:07:54 <russdeffner> there's currently an overlap with a MM meeting
14:08:13 <Blake_> I think the UTC time should just change so everyone's local time stays the same.
14:08:42 <Blake_> unless we decide to change the time more broadly.
14:09:32 <russdeffner> well, looking at the calendar the MM comms meeting is keeping the UTC time; but that might just be because they haven't discussed time change yet
14:09:56 <russdeffner> so if we just move AWG 1 hour, should be fine
14:10:18 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> There is a Strategic Planning meeting today at 3pm UTC (in less than an hour) but I do not know if that will be the regular slot.
14:10:44 <russdeffner> It probably won't
14:11:17 <russdeffner> I'm in that WG and the following is a Mon/Tues in November if I remember correctly
14:13:48 <russdeffner> so we have it? next meeting of AWG will be at 1500utc?
14:14:05 <Blake_> I second
14:14:06 <russdeffner> #topic Meeting Schedule
14:14:25 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> That is fine for me
14:14:41 <hot_slack_bot> <blake_hot> Hi Ralph
14:14:47 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> Hi Blake
14:15:56 <russdeffner> #agreed AWG Meetings beginning November 9th will begin at 1500utc on IRC
14:16:14 <russdeffner> #topic Unfinished Business
14:18:33 <russdeffner> I'm just reading over the cards for previous meeting and unfinished business
14:18:47 <russdeffner> Don't think I have much to report on anything
14:19:24 <russdeffner> Has anyone had a chance to play with the staging TM?
14:20:24 <russdeffner> Think there was some changes/fixes/enhancements to legend and such; wonder how that fits into possibly changing the color schema?
14:22:29 <russdeffner> I'm just going to do a github issue now or it'll keep falling off the radar
14:22:40 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> I have had a glance at them. The buttond for splitting the square and for bad imagery are now more prominent.
14:27:17 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> Other than that I see very little difference but then maybe I do not know what I should be looking for.
14:34:03 <russdeffner> Ya, one reason I haven't looked into it yet is I didn't readily see a 'here's whats new'
14:34:52 <russdeffner> and sorry submitting that issue took a minute cause there's a handful of existing issues with 'color' something or another
14:35:34 <russdeffner> #info - submitted https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/issues/1257 to address the coloring of tasks
14:37:24 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> @russell.deffner If you select a project, click on the button for ACTIVITY AND STATS and you will see the layout has changed and coloured tabs have been added to the left
14:38:56 <russdeffner> Ah, thanks Ralph - I'll look at that
14:39:33 <russdeffner> #info submitted https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/issues/1258 to address 'I have read instructions' button
14:39:59 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> Also when you select a square for validation it gives a lot more detail about that square.
14:40:51 <russdeffner> Nice
14:41:39 <russdeffner> Blake - do you know if/where there are TM 'release notes'?
14:42:13 <Blake_> You would probably have to look at the github merge log from develop to master if they did not send out an email
14:42:26 <Blake_> but ethan sent something out, that wasn't an indications of changes?
14:43:16 <russdeffner> they did send an email, but yeah - think since it's a bunch of hacktober contributions, probably hard to keep track
14:43:25 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> https://www.hotosm.org/updates/hacktoberfest-update-tasking-manager-improvements-and-more/
14:44:13 <russdeffner> ah, I guess you can track back to the issues that were resolved
14:45:13 <Blake_> Here is the list, it was in that blog post: https://github.com/hotosm/tasking-manager/pull/1245#issuecomment-431540433
14:46:00 <russdeffner> ah ya - that's what I was looking for
14:47:42 <russdeffner> so, the next unfinished biz, I think we just need to roll over to next time
14:48:00 <russdeffner> I haven't updated wiki and doesn't look like anyone else has
14:48:47 <russdeffner> Although we could maybe establish a Protocol version that we can use for drafting changes
14:49:05 <russdeffner> let me see, think I probably have one...
14:51:28 <russdeffner> Yep
14:51:39 <russdeffner> #Link DRAFT Activation Protocol https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qefHRE3_wUyG3lMSb7NlkSDtPuQeaQXsflkxt3E3xSA/edit?usp=sharing
14:53:44 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> How is HOT involved when the activations are published on different Tasking Managers? Our pool of mappers/validators are looking at the HOT Tasking Manager.
14:54:07 <russdeffner> So let us review that and/or suggest/comment there before we make any decision on how to handle 'small events'
14:54:44 <russdeffner> The protocol/methodology isn't dependent on tool(s)
14:56:01 <russdeffner> we might activate around a maproulette project as example
14:56:24 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> But is being taken out of the hands of the Activation Coordination Team and run by local groups
14:56:53 <russdeffner> can only really happen other way 'round
14:57:04 <russdeffner> our CoC is to defer to locals
14:57:51 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> But it is being done in the name of HOT and thus reflects back on HOT
14:57:59 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> And the record so far for validation on those other Tasking Managers is not good
14:58:10 <russdeffner> but I do need to jump to SWG meeting, so we'll table those other topics
14:58:26 <hot_slack_bot> <r_aytoun> OK
14:58:27 <russdeffner> training and communication is my answer Ralph
14:58:43 <russdeffner> 'if you see something, say something'
14:59:00 <russdeffner> they probably just don't know what they're doing and could use help
14:59:46 <russdeffner> ok, thanks for coming! see you in a few weeks
14:59:50 <russdeffner> #endmeeting